I hate pick up artists.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Potato93, Mar 8, 2017.

  1. I am pretty sure if you only are interested in SEX you are a slut point blank period. It has nothing to do with hating, but if I read ''I fucked this, and that, I did this and that" I think to myself: S L U T alert. Male or female.

    And what's the added value? I ain't a slut, not really that is.

    Rejection isn't the problem, sometimes I just question the act of talking to a stranger, not knowing if she is dating or seeing someone, and try to get sex out of her. I might contradict myself here, maybe I am flatlining but it's still weird.
    Potato93 likes this.
  2. Jealously is fine but it's the hatred some people have.
    Hmmm I dunno. You're opinion seems far too strong to me. Seems like a bit of jealousy. I don't understand why you can't respect people, even if they are just interested in sex... I don't see how they are harming you? Unless of course they have more swagger about them that you... which may explain your hatred.
    NF SINCE BIRTH, JustinX and Potato93 like this.
  3. Well, when my first love told me how she and this guy were having sex, it didn't make me jealous. I am too complex to be ''jealous''. She even told me how he would come inside her several times without taking it out. I guess she wanted to make me jealous, or I don't know what was up with that. But I am not jealous, I am more likely to feel hurt and draw back, or feel there is something unjust and defend myself.

    Now mind you I am a recovering masturbation addict. Once your load is gone, your disinterest for women increases by a large margin. You will reject women left and right, sometimes it turns into a habit. Sometimes it gives you power, like I have been rejected by my first love, now I want to return the favour. And don't get me wrong, I absolutely love women, I am the type to take the panties off with my teeth. I have a big heart, and lots of love to give. I just don't feel women get me, or try to get me. I don't appeal to indifference bimbo's who are very satisfied with themselves. Now if I 'rewired' my brain like the rest of you, than yes, maybe I would get laid left and right. Maybe it's just how nature works, men just seek out women and have sex, no questions asked.

    I don't know, we have to see. I have no idea how NoFap will further do to my personality and changes. I've seen blogs about guys being 6 months into NoFap and less likely to feel ''flustered'' around women. Now if that happened to me, what would that mean? My priority isn't perse women, it will come when it comes.

    Maybe my strong opinion is due to despising certain people. I don't know...stuff is deep.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Potato93 like this.
  4. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    Yes, indeed, thats creepy. Unfortunately there are people out there doing that. :/

    It harms hes values/ideals, may I say? Its really indirect, but if one of the people that are engaging in this act also had a connection with him, its difficult to swallow.

    It has to do with a little bit of compassion for the other and expectations. You want the other to have the same values. Selfish in nature as well. :/
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  5. Acceptance of other people's life styles/decisions >>>>> Non acceptance of other people's life styles/decisions.

    Look, I really don't care but I think people do themselves good by self acknowledgement that the reasons they perhaps dislike/judge others is because they are jealous of the fun/success they are having. And furthermore there is a deep lying resentment because they know they didn't put the work in... whatever the issue may be.

    I'm not saying that about this other guy messaging bit I think it's a common theme in people's lives and ultimately that bad anyone only hurts one person... them.
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Potato93 like this.
  6. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    That's fucked up man. If she wanted a healty relationship with you, she wouldnt have shared that. :S


  7. She was just not that interested in me after she realised my love for her wasn't based on sex. I even refused to french kiss her, or do anal sex. I guess I wasn't "fun" enough or a "nice guy". She said something few people know about me, literally said your heart is of gold. I think she knew me, that is what I love about her. But it just wasn't meant to be. She might love me, might love me not. I have seen her on Facebook she doesn't look that happy. She could be a damaged person for all we know.

    The sex addict in me would do all kinds of nasty things to you, and you would love my sensuality. The non - sex addict in me would spit you in the face if you are a whore, and tell you to go away. There is just no possible way I will ever respect a whore. I can't, I am sorry. Call me jealous.

    If I had issues I would probably take steroids, get tattoo's, be this super vain idiot and reject/abuse women left and right. Trust me I could pull that stunt off very good. Is that something you prefer?
    Potato93 likes this.
  8. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

    NO way man, you're good as you're right now. But if your heart is gold, why even thinking about that?
    I think the best relationships are the ones where you can communicate eficiently with your partner and understand the other. That leads to one helping the other out of their own "damages" I may say.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  9. I never was thinking that..and I agree with what you said about communication.

    It's all about knowing the person I guess. If I don't know you, and we have nothing in common, on top of that you are only interested in bodily functions, why would that earn my respect?
    Potato93 likes this.
  10. Potato93

    Potato93 Fapstronaut

  11. I met RSD Madison at my barber shop a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to ask some questions about "pick up" but I had to leave after my cut so I just said what up and gave him a handshake lol
    NF SINCE BIRTH and Potato93 like this.
  12. What a joke. I could have came up with that shit high out of my mind, and let me tell you, I'm NO Einsteine. In fact, everything there is basically just COMMON SENSE shit.
  13. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Yes, the problem with pick up is that these guys are looking at women in the mass... the dumbed-down ones on social media 24/ 7, and craving for attention in all the wrong places. They are not looking to find those few that are both sexy and sensible. They call it 'self-improvement', but in reality it's the development of a skill that enables them to appeal to the 'party' girl and get laid. In so far as they are not bothering to screen the women they meet for quality, they are in fact dumbing themselves down. Like attracts like. If you truly better yourself, then you have a better chance of meeting the better women.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  14. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Yes, if you are looking for LTR [long term relationships today, consider religion. Religion and marriage go together like a horse and carriage.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  15. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    Yes, like any discourse, there is an element of truth running through it. There has to be, otherwise people would not believe it. Self-development is the great catch-cry of pick-up today, and in a culture of mass media, it is a good one. Yes, men need to learn the art of self-determination. there is nothing new in all of this. It goes well back to Aristotle and his 'magnanimous man'. With the self development of pick up though, you will inevitably reach a point where you will question what this really means. Is it just about getting laid. Here, more often than not, the student will finally graduate from pickup, having learnt how to get better with women, and will focus on becoming better himself in order to find a better woman. The irony is it goes full circle... the most liberal pursuit circles around to appreciate the wisdom of ancient, traditional, and conservative values.

    Oh, and I saw you quoted Aristotle!
  16. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    The sad truth. Many men, as well as women, are sex addicts [most probably fap/ porn addicts also]. As men we need to get the libido under control - that is a healthy libido. Only then do you attract the right woman.
    overclocked and NF SINCE BIRTH like this.
  17. Buzz Lightyear

    Buzz Lightyear Fapstronaut

    It's dangerous. Went to the park today on campus. There was only one female student. A cute thing. I smiled. I lay down. She wandered around, and came back. She sat down next to me. More smiles and conversation, and then awkward with sexual tension. I was tempted. But I am a teacher, so left soon after. Have to get out on the town this weekend I think.:rolleyes:

    Nofap can put you into a flow state [PUA do idiot things to get into 'state'] and this can be extremely attractive to a woman.
    NF SINCE BIRTH likes this.
  18. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Why hate PUAs. There is just very little opportunity to get to know women in civilized ways. PUAs try to solve that issue by approaching many strangers in uncommon circumstances.
    As @Buzz Lightyear said the reason why PUA even exists might be the sex addiction of men AND women. Also the social pressures on guys to find a girlfriend. Single guys are often treated poorly. I get a lot of shit from people when I'm single. For some reason many people can't stand single guys.
    PotentLife and Buzz Lightyear like this.
  19. PotentLife

    PotentLife Fapstronaut

    Having been terribly shy my whole life, I find pickup artists fascinating. They often seem like acrobats without safety nets working perilous and hope-giving wonders. And there is such a variety of them, such a variety of attitudes and techniques, I usually just gravitate toward the ones that ring the best bells for me. If I stare too hard at the bad ones, the ones wrangling drunk girls, etc, irresponsible sex addicts, and take time to judge and be repulsed by them, then I've traded my mission, which is to improve, for the chump change of ire and self-righteousness. I do feel an erotic turn-off if PUAs seem too sleazy, though. It's just that my dick shrinks, recoils, and I can't imagine nor desire myself doing what they're doing and fear being with the women directionless enough to fall for their tricks. But there are so many interesting techniques and tools, so many different kinds of teachers, I suppose they're all as good as your deeper intentions. It's an amazing, visceral, study in self and others.
  20. BoiledEggplant

    BoiledEggplant Fapstronaut

    If the chicks you're into are bimbos you'll grab em by the dozen with the right techniques. If you're into quality durable chicks you'll learn just enough to not be cucked in the future from this shit, lol.
    Buzz Lightyear and SnowWhite like this.