Broken hearted and hanging by a thread :( <3

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by BeautifulWarrior, Feb 2, 2017.

  1. BeautifulWarrior

    BeautifulWarrior Fapstronaut

    Hi. I am the partner of a PMO addict and recovering drug addict. I wasn't aware of his addictions when I met him and only found out after almost a year into our relationship. I feel undesired and deeply unloved by him often. I'm always longing for a deeper connection with him, but no matter how great of a girlfriend I am I can never seem to achieve that. Since discovering his addictions and him opening up to me about his struggles I have tried everything in my power to help him abstain; to help him overcome these demons in his mind, but to no avail. I feel hopeless....defeated. I am no stranger to addiction but yet with all my life experience/personal struggles/ and knowledge, I'm still finding it so hard to understand why?? I'm left hurting so badly every time I found out and it throws me back 10 steps from my own healing!! I am a childhood sexual abuse survivor of 13 years and a survivor of physical abuse and sexual assault; his porn addiction affects me so deeply because my whole life I felt only loved for my body and here I am with a man that I love with all my heart and soul and he'll barely blink an eye at me standing in front of him naked....I long for him to desire me the way he desires other women....I long for him to initiate sex and to touch me like I'm the most amazing girl to him. I try so hard to be sexy and beautiful for him but it's never enough. I know he loves me so much...he tells me all the time...he trys to show me in other ways. Clearly he feels horrible for the way he is; I just want him to have true peace. I know his heart is in the right place....I wish so badly that I could help him but his addiction to porn is so strong and he's struggling to break the habit. We've been together almost 3 years now. Hes stuck in his own personal hell and we are falling a part. I have held on this long even after knowing the truth and how many times he has been unfaithful to me. I love him and I want to fight for our love. I feel for him and i pray for complete freedom from his chains. I know he can beat it I just don't know how much longer I can hold on....I'm breaking here....i have nothing left to give....I have honestly been such a loving and supportive partner but I don't know how much longer I can take of feeling like a stranger to the love of my life....I miss the real him
    Melis, D . J . and Detraks like this.
  2. Detraks

    Detraks Fapstronaut

    I just want to start out by apologizing english is not my first language ( french is). So, recovering from porn addiction is not an easy task as you might expect and you have to understand its not your fault. A lot of male are dealing with porn addiction. Also it probably started before he even knew him ( ex : I started at 11)The dopamine given is so high it just numb you for the rest of your life. I, myself, lost my last gf due to PM addiction But recovery is possible as showed many times he just need support and help. The chaser affect is real and hard to cope with. He has an head over me thought because I didn't even knew I had a problem. Anyway, is he on Nofap ? If he his, I'd like to know is pseudoname if not well ... you should get him here the xtra support can possibly hurt right ? Get him to start counting days and write a log I doesn't take much time and it helps a great deal. No need to write a novel everyday just small entries to learn from your mistake and success. Thought you have to understand recovering is a hard and long process it is worth it. Stay strong he'll need it, feel free to message me for questions, advices or aditionnal info. I'm quite young but I've been there.
    BeautifulWarrior likes this.
  3. BeautifulWarrior

    BeautifulWarrior Fapstronaut

    Detraks likes this.
  4. Detraks

    Detraks Fapstronaut

    I'll check out his journal, your right may God bless him.
    BeautifulWarrior likes this.
  5. Detraks

    Detraks Fapstronaut

    Ah... I remember the guy I welcomed him when he presented himself in this very section. I just red throught his journal I'll try to give him support time to time
    BeautifulWarrior likes this.
  6. BeautifulWarrior

    BeautifulWarrior Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much ✌️
    Detraks likes this.
  7. D . J .

    D . J . Fapstronaut

    Welcome to NoFap where you are amongst friends who are here to encourage you and not judge you. You may to look at the Partner Support section in the Rebooting in Relationship forum. There you will find other girlfriends and wives who are going through similar situations as you are.
    BeautifulWarrior likes this.
  8. BeautifulWarrior

    BeautifulWarrior Fapstronaut

    Thank you; I've already asked to be in the group and I'm just waiting for a response :)
    D . J . likes this.
  9. BeautifulWarrior

    BeautifulWarrior Fapstronaut

    Nvm I think I got confused! I'm gonna get on that forum now. Thanks again!
    D . J . likes this.
  10. sydney99

    sydney99 New Fapstronaut

    Please consider that sometimes love is not enough. Sometimes no matter how much you love someone they are literally unable to give you what you need and deserve as a HUMAN BEING. please pray and realize you are worth more than he is making you feel. You are worth the fight and the hardship it will take to leave him. In the meantime it may be just what he needs to wake up and realize what he will lose if he doesn't figure it out. Men often times need to lose everything before they realize what they had. I speak from experience. Leaving my husband he realized what he had and pulled it together and we worked it out. It's hard as hell but worth it. YOU are worth it.
    BeautifulWarrior likes this.
  11. BeautifulWarrior

    BeautifulWarrior Fapstronaut

    Thank you...honestly...I really need a push and at the same time it gives me hope to hear that you and your husband have had healing in your marriage. It is so painful...I just want it to stop and I know I have the power to end the pain; that's the crazy making...I continue to put myself through what I know I can stop!! There will be change and I'm gonna be that change!! Thank you for sharing your heart with me...❤✌️
    D . J . likes this.
  12. Beachtent

    Beachtent Fapstronaut

    There’s a book called “Secrets of a Passionate Marriage” that’s not just about marriage but any long-term relationship. I strongly agree and believe with the principles it describes and (in my opinion) see it at work in the words you wrote. This is just my opinion and it’s greatly affected by my own personal experience.

    The book suggests that we don’t find or need people who “complete us” – it may seem like that in the beginning of a relationship but at some point that just won’t work anymore, always, every time inevitably. The real truth is the universe finds us a person who will end up showing the worst of us to ourselves. It’s at that point where we realize this person doesn’t complete us and won’t fix us and most people move on and try again with the next person. But there is another choice. We can learn to complete ourselves instead of expecting someone else to do that (which is impossible). For me, nofap seems to be part of my journey to complete myself.

    The book explains 4 steps of differentiation – (1) learning who we are (2) learning to regulate our own anxiety (3) learning to control reactivity and (4) tolerate discomfort for growth. These steps are about independence -> ending dependence and doing it while maintaining the relationship that it all broke down in for you. We all have addictions, people in relationships with addicts are said to be codependent but what that really means is that they are addicted to a person. Addicts are also addicted to the people who support them.

    Seeing another person as something that will fix me is another way of me objectifying that person. Freeing myself from that addiction allows me to see someone differently and connect with them in a spiritual way…at least in theory, I have a long way to go. I sure wish you two the best.
  13. BeautifulWarrior

    BeautifulWarrior Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I am going to look into buying that book and giving it a try. I agree with everything you said. I am an addict myself and very open about it; an addict to pleasing people, an addict to doing whatever I have to do to not be alone, an addict to needing to help others so that my brokenness feels better, and I've been addicted to drugs in my life. I am overcoming these demons but I have just recently, since meeting my guy, fell back again in to old destructive thinking patterns. I'm trying to save myself before it's too late. I don't want to go back there. I wasted almost 30 years of my life living there! The good thing is that I completely understand where he's coming from and that is what's held me here so long. I know his story, I hear his voice and I want to honour that for him; I want to help him but I need to find a different way to help...separate myself from his addiction...stop blaming myself for it, stop trying to be a detective. I've been too busy trying to fix him instead of just fixing myself because my pain was too deep. His addiction is teaching me so much about myself, others, about addiction and past trauma and how they're connected as a whole; and my trauma and overcoming, the wisdom in bringing him are teaching him so much about life! I am so thankful for all the lessons but it's just so painful some days to remain positive. I think one of the biggest struggles we have is that we are 11 years a part...he is 24 and I am 35....we are so far a part in life experience; it's hard to navigate through that. You are right. I need to focus on completing myself....I'm almost fricken there! I just gotta stop getting in my own way. Decide today that enough is enough. I need to find the strength to love him through this without destroying myself. Thank you again for your understanding and compassion! ❤✌️
  14. Beachtent

    Beachtent Fapstronaut

    I’m also a recovering drug addict. The 12 step program that I’m a member is focused on recovery from drug addiction, sounds like you may know the name. I find these 4 steps of differentiation are well covered by those 12 steps.

    I see a lot of commonalities with some mixed around. I wasted 32 years using. My wife and I also have a big age difference – I’m 45 and she’s 36. But it doesn’t matter – life experience from of our ages is such a small part of it.

    I know I’m just trying to not act on crazy thoughts right now. I’ve been clean for 19 months and in the back of my mind I knew porn was a problem but I thought I could just face it when I got further down the road. My wife filed for divorce 19 months ago too but we’ve been trying to work it out. It’s been a very rocky road but I’ve learned to say “my life has been as hard as I needed it to be”. I still don’t know if we’ll make it and sure don’t feel good about giving relationship advice other than don’t do what I did. But I’m doing better now and we’re still together after all this time so that’s something.

    That’s where applying that last step from the book to everything has helped me. Being willing to tolerate discomfort for the sake of personal growth is huge and gives me a reason to works the 12 steps, especially 1,2 and 3. It means if I can trust the universe, I can ignore and accept urges. If I feel the urge to follow a link on a website that I know is going to lead to somewhere I’m trying to abstain from currently I can accept and ignore that urge – just because I want to doesn’t mean I have to. If I trust what that books tells me and that this relationship is one I’m supposed to be learning from and not teaching then I can ignore the urge to bolt. And keep working on me.
  15. BeautifulWarrior

    BeautifulWarrior Fapstronaut

    Im glad to hear you guys are trying to work it out and that you've put in an awesome effort to make change. 19 months is great! I can only hope that for my guy. Anyone can do it; we just gotta want it bad enough. A lot of people don't realize porn is a problem because society has made it so normalized. I like what you said about being able to tolerate discomfort for personal growth; this is what I try to share with my guy so often. We are gonna find great discomfort in beating these addictions but if you can tough it out you will find a life on the other side that is so abundant and you will finally find your true self. Life is a struggle but it builds character right; the greatest warriors come out of struggle! I really wish you the best in your marriage. Keep doing what your doing man. Fight for love; love for your wife, love for yourself. Always have hope! ✌️
    Detraks and D . J . like this.
  16. Detraks

    Detraks Fapstronaut

    I agree its a major problem.
    BeautifulWarrior likes this.
  17. BeautifulWarrior

    BeautifulWarrior Fapstronaut

    Yeah sometimes it seems so crazy saying that cause almost everyone's watching it, but why were we watching it in the first place? Making love was supposed to be for two people who love each other. How did we as a society let it get this far where now marriages are ending? Men are depressed and ashamed? Women are feeling worthless? Women and men both are feeling inadequate? Why is it this way? Where is the sacredness of love? It's a tragedy. God did not design us this way. We were meant for so much more! I fight for my guy to be released of these addictions so that he can know how truly loved he is; to bring light to his darkness. Not me, no women in those videos, none will ever love him as much as Jesus Christ!! ❤
    Detraks likes this.