semen retention & girls.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Jungler, May 10, 2016.

  1. -NoMO-

    -NoMO- Guest

    I've def noticed a difference in smell myself. I had a friend on a streak with me one time and he equated his with burnt hair? Or just a really weird longer smelt like B.O. or normal sweat. Something def changed there.

    I also had a woman tell me she could feel my energy when she went to hug me,but I was on maybe a 4 day streak at that time so it didn't make sense. Have many more accounts but..Hands r in the air *shrugs*
  2. There are also things like the Law of Polarity, which says that opposites attract. And according to ancient Chinese Taoist philosophy there are two types of sexual energy (or as they call it Chi force / life force) - Yin and Yang. One is feminine and other is masculine. So if we take that theory and apply it to Law of Polarity we then would see how those two energies could attract literary like magnets - two opposite poles. So if one would increase his masculine energy he would crate stronger magnetic attraction to feminine energy, which is the opposite pole. Not fapping - kinda like charging an electric magnet.

    As far as presence, I can clearly see that at times when I've been more present people was more attracted to me. Not just women alone tho, also men. They were more likely to want to talk with me and hang around with me. I also notice that I feel the same for other people who see to be very present, judging by their behavior. I'm not sure how this relates to energy tho. There have been times when I was on a long streak and I was not present at all, my mind and attention was all over the place. And I have experienced the opposite as well.
  3. -NoMO-

    -NoMO- Guest

    Interesting,i had the same thoughts as well. Man will naturally attract women due to that..but I've also heard cases of men attracting a more manly presence. Friends,i.e. I think we attract what we put out for sure,regardless of universal laws. Also keeping in mind we are both male and female. Female upon a few transformations(which is why men have nipples) trigger warning:

    And women have a clit..which is essentially the male equivalent undeveloped..or so I'm told.

    Right! Everything under speculation,im not bashing any skeptics on here as well. I'm just not with the negativity,but as per usual il be my own body scientist. Lol. The people that want us wasting all this energy..why would they look further into it,esp if there's profit in "cancer" in all its forms. In time! I see karezza picking up sometime in my lifetime.
  4. Now that might be where the Law of Attraction comes into play. It states that like attracts like. Only unlike Law of Polarity, which is about poles, Law of Attraction is about frequencies. So those two laws might work in unison. I think there are many universal laws at play here, existence of some of which we may not even be aware of.
    I doin't know about you but the more I personally get into nofap the more I turn into conspiracy theorist lol!

    Yea man, there is profit in keeping people asleep and addicted. It's not just porn. It's all kinds of drugs - food, sex, TV programming, etc. The more we get that stuff out of our lives and more we detoxify ourselves the less fogged our mind becomes, we become more awake. And less easy it is to brainwash and control us to be mindless working drones for corporations and mindless consumers of endless supply of new stuff.
  5. -NoMO-

    -NoMO- Guest

    Too fuckin accurate that ending!! Like your views. Yeah Definately to all that! Couldn't have said it better myself. Nothing new under the sun yet the universe is consciously expanding. We can never know it all!! Which is beyond exciting to me considering new insights and etc.

    I'm laughing cause the conspiracy theorist stuff is kinda on point too the further we continue towards greatness. I think everyone wakes up in their time and its their choice if they wanna throw up the redpill and swallow the blue(not talking pua here) I think nofap assists in our inner awakening and transformation and "they" hide that from us keeping "our knees weak" lmao. Rusty joints etc :D I believe the more we keep our energy in,the more aware we become to the bullshit no matter what. And the unique thing I find which is why women want that energy. They know of its greatness..while big papa gov does as well. Either way were essentially "fucking" ourselves with their help.....they say a man can't be a householder and seek himself. I see accuracy in that statement yet also believe in moderation.

    But it is our "brain juice" cerebral fluid..which makes me think is why our memories and memory come back online haha. Anyway,this is long af. So if u have further to say id be happy to hear your or anyone else's opinions and exp :rolleyes:
  6. The |E|volutionary

    The |E|volutionary Fapstronaut

    Hmm. It's hard to say for sure, but I do notice that after getting serious about nofap and deleting every known porn account I have, that my confidence and drive have improved. I'm still not the best at, say, chatting up a random lady on the street, but when it comes to drive, I have this itch to go out and take a shower in sub zero water, or go run a mile or three. To begin rapidly improving. That brings me to my next point. The talk of superpowers in nofap. I'm neutral as far as them existing or not, as I think they can be explained. Rather than women simply picking up on nofap, the fellow practising it handles his business, increasing his sexual market value and thus, making him more visible to women. Just a random argument in a nutshell. Forgive me; I'm in a rather good mood tonight (for reasons).

    I'm not saying not to get motivated about superpowers, but it seems like more and more nofappers are only doing this because of them. I thought we were doing this to undo the toxicity that PMO has on plastic organs like the brain. Put it this way: If I could rewind time and never touch a porn link WITHOUT SUPERPOWERS, I would do that in a heartbeat. As for sexual energy, maybe that's this drive and confidence I experience. I actually get a little miffed when I don't approach women. Which is something I need to improve on. I do think that's part of the reason why sex sells, and why certain groups of people are seen as sexual gods. It keeps them manageable. I'm not much of a tinfoil, but I'll play the conspiracy theory angle for a bit.

    Even typing this is annoying. I wanna get back out there and start improving! I'm going to keep looking into this transmutation thing. It's some Fullmetal Alchemist shit!
  7. -NoMO-

    -NoMO- Guest

    Funny ending haha

    Yeah I agree with you about the super powers ordeal,its far overdone. Reddit, me its just our natural state robbed from us. But unlike many on this site I didn't come from a porn background(shocker) I know....just masturbatory. So anyway..I had a gf for 5 years and I never felt like the beast that I do when I withhold all ejaculation to me its def something. I just say natural noticing and nature tbh. Nature wants us out doing the do,so it will bring our bodies to our prime(with our help and determination) in order to find a mate or etc..but to me life isn't even about that anymore. There's more than sex and women..far more. Even after a reboot I wouldn't let sex be my main focus..........but on to a topic il bring up considering you're into transmutation I see. U or anyone tried karezza? Or withholding from orgasm with a partner for extended periods of time? The love connection gets intense. I may be pushing the envelope but, Look up the Coolidge effect
  8. The |E|volutionary

    The |E|volutionary Fapstronaut

    This! A million times this!
  9. Amen!
    slitebg and (deleted member) like this.
  10. I think a lot of it is placebo. But it can also be because you feel no shame anymore, you are happier that you stopped. And you are also more alert, this way you may notice girls looking at you.

    Keep it up!
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  11. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    Its the jing energy as a result of prolonged semen retention/no PMO.

    The Jing (sexual energy) is the most powerful energy within a man, if you masturbated you waste all that build up within seconds.
    Along with the benefits of increased confidence, more energy, better self esteem/self image, better skin, glowing eyes, easier to talk to girls
    there is no surprise girls notice us more.

    One more thing is that men with high jing energy/sement retention have much more testosterone as well as producing more and more powerful pheromones which is the chemical that attracts the opposite sex both in humans and animals. So there is science that backs it up and you can search on youtube, search semen retention pheromones, or jing energy and attraction.
    DayOne44 likes this.
  12. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    Subconscious eye contact and body language. We know now that communicating is only 10% words, the rest is eye contact and body language, and smells (pheromones/hormones).

    We are mostly unaware of how our bodies move. But we are very good at observing others. If they are confident, we can know just by the way they walk! Warning:Girls can do this too :D

    Also eye contact. We know a lot of things about people directly and only from looking them in the eyes. We can judge their mood, stress levels, confidence and so on just from a quick eye contact. When we are insecure or ashamed, we instinctively break eye contact. Our eyes look away, or we look down at our shoes.

    All these little signs, while you may not notice yourself or other people doing them, your subconscious mind sure does. So there is more to this than what we can know.

    IMO, when we are abstaining for a while, our subconscious will communicate this readiness to others, without our conscious mind knowing about it (just like being drunk, lol!).
    glxryboy likes this.
  13. Single Palm Change

    Single Palm Change Fapstronaut

    In my last streak, on a couple of seperate occasions, I have experienced other men, strangers, saying "Thank you" to me for no apparent reason. I was surprised, but I think they were too, like they didn't mean to say that, but just did? Who knows.
    They all had sunken eyes, looking down at their feet, closed-down body language. I got a feeling they were weak. And I got a suspicion that they were hopeless PMO addicts!

    This was a really weird experience for me.
    Powerous likes this.
  14. Little kitty

    Little kitty Fapstronaut

    I agree with this
  15. LordPBA

    LordPBA Fapstronaut

    Man, anybody likes people with good energy

    PMO and selfempower helps you to have more good energy so you are better, that's all.

    I think girls are overestimated today, they are nothing more special than us
  16. Shapirous

    Shapirous Fapstronaut

    As far as I know women are attracted to masculinity and the more semen you accumulate the more testosterone you have in your body, as a result they will be attracted to you. Women are looking for the best "genes" to generate the best "offspring" so to speak. Sadly there's no science evidence about what I'm saying about semen retention but I do think that that's one the things that does not need science behind to prove.
  17. Powerous

    Powerous Fapstronaut

    True that, I can sense that
  18. LordPBA

    LordPBA Fapstronaut

    like in the movie 'Equilibrium' have you seen? Nice movie
  19. Very interesting thread, thank you all for your insights.
    Personally I have no idea about the "how", and I don't even think it's relevant.
    The interesting thing is that a lot of people who go into NoFap experience the same reaction from their body.
    Maybe it's placebo, maybe it's evolution, maybe it's hormonal or pheromonal. In the end, what matter is that we become aware of the mechanism of the consequences of "pulling the plug" and embrace them with anticipation.
  20. I usally addicted to hairjob, hair tie, and see beautiful hair in instragram for 6 hours maximum i can tie hair on my penis without ejaculate. But average 2 hour i took for ejaculatory process. May be edged. I escaped from that kind of masterbation and it’s 23rd day challenged. I wanna be escaping like i will tie hair on my Penis till morning without ejaculation. How should I practice it ? From when? I am not like porn so much. But generally i am too horny , even i do exercise walking everyday two hours. Tell me a way of being a pro of semen retention or building a healthy penis. Should i tie hair on penis without ejaculatory practice or see Hair play, Hairgoal type video and erect as much as can the no touch? Beautiful girls who are my enemies. I fighting with their beauty always.
    Thank you.