The Meditation Thread

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by a3a, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. a3a

    a3a Fapstronaut

    Hello friends. Welcome to The Meditation Thread. This thread is for anyone who want to join the journey of presence while doing NoFap. We can discuss meditation here and it's many benefits. We can journal our meditation sessions. We can discuss ways to meditate. We can help newbies if they want to start meditating.

    Meditation is a practice I am grateful for. Hello, I'm Mr Rager. I first started meditation probably some time in the last year. In April, I got an app called Insight Timer. A great app for meditation. Let's fast forward to now. Over that time I had had 106 meditation sessions but, only until recently was I ever consistent. The stat that matters to me is 46 consecutive days. I am really happy I stuck to the practice I have experienced it's many benefits. Meditation has many benefits that I could look up but, I am just going to state the ones I have experienced.
    • My mind is completely in the present
    • My mind is a lot clearer no clutter or unnecessary thoughts.
    • Lucid dreaming, I had never really dreamed before
    • A lot more focused.
    • A lot easier to not get side-barred by other things.
    That's just the main ones I have experienced I am sure there is many others I don't even know about going on in my mind. The point is that the benefits to not come with those who meditate every once in a while maybe you'll feel good after a session though. You have to remain consistent. I was only consistent in the last month or so. I used to say things like "meditation isn't for me", "I am not seeing any results", etc. But, I stuck to it and I'm glad I did.

    So, welcome to the thread. If you would like to introduce yourself that would be great if you like.
    Phong, Deleted Account and MrPrince like this.
  2. a3a

    a3a Fapstronaut

    Some wisdom is start the thread off :p

    Thomas Vanhaecht and Phong like this.
  3. lordram17

    lordram17 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I think this is definitely a viable solution for permanently quitting NoFap. I think meditation is about finding peace and satisfaction with what you are right now. The attainment of said peace could drastically increase focus into things that are really important in life like building something for society, instead of detrimental habits like PMO.

    So whats the technique that you use?
  4. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    I'm in, I've tried before and failed. I've meditated, but I guess I give up too early. I'm clam when I do and I like it, but I never seem to reach any benefits and I feel like the time I spend meditating is not giving me enough return on my effort. However, I'm always reading about how great meditating is, so I'm here to give it another try.
    Just joined the app, Insight Timer. I'll give my first 5-min. meditation a try right now.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2016
  5. MrPrince

    MrPrince Fapstronaut

    im in i've meditated some times but only for few consecutive days then i would stop i would like to enforce this habit into my life because i hear alot of its benefits. i also enjoy meditating it calms my soul
  6. Do you sit down cross legged, close your eyes and just think of nothing?
  7. a3a

    a3a Fapstronaut

    I would start with a guided meditation. Insight Timer and YouTube both have plenty of guided meditations.

    Below looks like a good one for a beginner.

  8. a3a

    a3a Fapstronaut

    Not exactly. It's more about mindfulness and being aware of your breath. Once you become mindful of your breath your focus goes to that instead of unnecessary thoughts.
  9. a3a

    a3a Fapstronaut

    Sweet! You can either use the timer or you can use the guided section that has many great guided meditations!
    nomo likes this.
  10. So do I just think and listen to my breathing?
  11. a3a

    a3a Fapstronaut

    I would start out with a guided meditation to get you started then, you can decided if you want to it without the guided.

    Here are some good ones.

    Personally, I like the Insight Timer ones better so, if you're interested in that just go on your phone's app store and type in Insight Timer. They have a great section of guided meditations.

    And, technically yes you sit comfortably anywhere you want need be a chair, bed, on the ground, etc. Then, breathe in and our of your nose and feeling the sensations of breathing. In with the good and out with the bad. Being mindful of your body. And, when thoughts come just think to yourself "thinking" and try not to follow the story line.
    Al123 likes this.
  12. Thanks for the help mate! I'll try that app.
  13. Hi. I love meditation as well. The problem I have with it is also consistency. There were times when I was meditating 3 hours a day and then on other side of spectrum there are periods where I just stop for whatever reason for few weeks. Right now I am slowly getting back into it again. The method I use is Buddhist mindfulness Vipassana meditation.
    I don't remember how I decided to meditate and why. I've been doing this on and off for years now. I found a video on Youtube how to do it made by a Buddhist monk and I've been using that method since. When I do meditate I notice a lot of benefits. All what you @Mr Rager listed as well as some other things like less anxiety, less procrastination, being able to not get triggered by urges while on nofap and few others. So I am also preaching it to everybody when I have a chance, it has potential to change people lives.
  14. The |E|volutionary

    The |E|volutionary Fapstronaut

    Interested in meditation. I've tried it last week for a minute or two. I know I have a loooooooooooong way to go before I can talk about benefits. Few things in life worth doing are easy.
  15. Fatsodubmo

    Fatsodubmo Fapstronaut

    I mentioned an app in another thread called "Calm". So far Ive meditated every day for the last 7 days (when I began), mostly once or twice a day for 9-12 minute intervals. So far I really like it, definately helps with focus and peace. So far, Im a fan.
  16. I did my first guided meditation earlier. The instructions weren't really clear. Whenever a thought came into my mind I tried to re focus my attention. Am I doing this thing right?
  17. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    Hi. I´ve been in this forum for a while now. I started medidating as soon as I started NoFap. It was hard focusing at first cause my mind was too agitated. It got better but It´s still kinda hard. I have trouble focusing. sometimes it can be scary. Once I was meditating and I lost full awareness of my body. I woke up so scared. It was like I disapeared. the same feeling when you sleep an entire night and don´t dream. you totally black out. I know that is the deepest you can go in medidation, when you are full connected with nature. That´s the goal. But the feeling was scary. Maybe because I was afraid of it. If I embrace it maybe it´ll be diferent. I couldn´t get there anymore and I still have troubles focusing even if I try focusing on my breath. My brain is always working too fast.
    I found some audios called binaural beats. I´ve made my research about them and there are different frequencies used by our brain that are known so far. Each frequencies have their own brain waves that translate your state on mind. For example when you sleep your brain waves are the slowest that can be registered wich means it´s the lowest frequency. When you are performing like playing soccer, running, playing in a concert your brain waves are high which means higher frequency. This audios simulate that. they produce frequencies and your brain synchronizes with them producing the state of mind you desire. Those audios shouldn´t replace the real act but they can help ease your mind. People that have trouble focusing can benefit from them. If you have history of epilepsy you shouldn´t use them. So, use it or don´t. it´s up to you. Make your research and find out if it is a good option for you. I already tested it and it works. I could reproduce the state of mind I wanted. But I only used it twice already. it takes time to adjust to them. That was my insight. Great idea talking about this, OP.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2016
  18. ILoathePorn

    ILoathePorn Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I find this very interesting. I may give this a try. I will follow this thread and report here. Thanks for starting this. Feel free to give me tips and suggestions as I post my findings and results. Thanks again.

    Stay strong!
  19. Kennen

    Kennen Fapstronaut

    Whenever i have headaches or whenever i am having a difficulty in sleeping, i am meditating. It eases my mind.
  20. nojerking

    nojerking Fapstronaut

    I guess I was doing it wrong when I blacked out. thanks for the tip