Height increasing journey

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by JourneyToTheGreenerSide, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. I get it, we should learn to accept our body for what it is. But when we have the chance to improve it then why not just do it? Now listen up, I'm not claiming anything right now. Whatever I'm going to be doing to increase my height is just an attempt with no assurance of success.

    Currently, my height is 5"9 which is close to the American average of 5"10. I'm planning to gain at least 2-3 inches to reach a good 6 feet, also I'm 18. I used to be the tall one up until my freshman year but after that all the guys just started growing like crazy, some reaching 6"3. I've noticed I've really only gained 2 inches since I was 15 which is 3 FUCKING YEARS! My dad is roughly 5"8 and brother is 5"8.5 whereas my mom is 5"3 or 5"4.

    Okay now common wisdom or science if you would, say that, because of my genetics my height would stay around this much and that I should be happy at least I'm towards the tall spectrum of my family. But I want to challenge this. I'm a huge advocate of believing in things so deeply that they come true, kinda like the placebo effect. I know to some this is very irrational and downright stupid but that's how I am - overly artistic, no wonder I want to make my career in an artistic industry - music.

    I speak of believing in things because I recently found a YouTube channel, Quadible Integrity https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsRDV8w4EpmyBw3TpUfkOqA which has host videos about changing physical/psychological components about yourself. It works on a system of sending different frequencies to your brain but the results will only show if you believe it will work. All the videos are well liked and quite a lot of people do comment about their success stories. You have to listen to the videos twice a day, once in the morning and once in the night however I'm going to listen to them around 6-8 times because these binaural beats also help in concentration and there is no harm really so might as well do it.

    Now, I know it sounds impossible but what am I losing really by trying? Nothing. Not wasting time because this also helps in lucid dreaming which is something I'm trying to learn.

    There is a product called growtaller4idiots which is also aimed at increasing height. It is exactly like any other height increasing scam product because they have that classic price used to be $247 but for the sake of you B.S, we're selling it for only $37. And they also have that classic "this video might be taken off any second so watch it till the end." Anyway, I got the pdf which is the product. It is more of a guide than a product and in it, it lists a range of exercises you have to perform every morning and night, a natural human growth hormone (HGH) cocktail, general tips and how to dress to look taller.

    Again, I'm not claiming anything because there really isn't any proof that this works but I'm going to combine it with my binaural beats attempt and see what happens.
    I'm going to do this for at least 3 months to see any result. also, I will be posting on this thread once a week, documenting my progress week-wise.

    HUMBLE REQUEST - I don't want any haters on this thread, We all know why it might not work, so we don't need to see any negativity from haters. If you can't support then at least don't criticize.

    So let's give this a go?

    Read my other threads -

    About Me and Reasons for Doing NoFap - https://www.NoFap.com/forum/index.p...fapstronaught-introduction.78659/#post-622052

    Coldshowers - https://www.NoFap.com/forum/index.php?threads/the-coldshower-experience.80560/#post-640213

    Previous Journal - https://www.NoFap.com/forum/index.php?threads/my-journal.78661/#post-622061

    Relapse - https://www.NoFap.com/forum/index.php?threads/relapse.79340/#post-630453

    My Current Journal - https://www.NoFap.com/forum/index.p...-journal-a-new-start.79700/page-2#post-644801
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2016
    goodnice and (deleted member) like this.
  2. The |E|volutionary

    The |E|volutionary Fapstronaut

    All well and good except ...

    This is a public forum. As such, people are allowed to share whatever opinions they like. You may agree with some and disagree with others, but all are welcome in this thread and in others. Criticism is how things change and grow for the better. If an idea can't hold up against criticism, it's likely not a good one in the first place. Personally, I'm interested in this and will be posting both support and criticism where and when necessary, so that anyone else who takes this journey will be armed with the best knowledge and awareness possible.
  3. You're definitely right about how criticism changes things and usually for the better but this whole idea of increasing height depends on believing as I said. Any criticism in the starting will only hinder the process of people aspiring to do this. I cannot control what people will say on this thread (I can delete but c'mon) but I can only ask them to not criticize if they can't support. And if we already do know why this seems like an impossible thing, why do we want to hear the same thing again? Anyway, thanks for commenting your opinion.
  4. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    I'm looking forward to your updates. I'm very curious about these things, so please keep it up because it's hard to find people who try this and actually keep updating.
    I know a psychologist who treated a patient who changed his personality due to depression and this patient's appearence has changed a lot, including his eye color.
    I'm about 5 foot 9 as well. I wish I was taller.
  5. The |E|volutionary

    The |E|volutionary Fapstronaut

    Hey though, if this thing manages to work (though proving it is another matter) share your experiences. I wouldn't mind being taller, but being my size gives me "cute" points. For some reason, girls want go "aww" instead of "let's bang". Maybe with some more inches under my belt that would change? Shrug.
  6. Yes, I'm quite regular on this website and everyday look forward to share my journey which includes everything from my NoFap journal to self-improvement measures. I will definitely keep this up weekly and will share my results. You can join me if you want.

    Yes I definitely will do! Exactly, I'm sick of getting those cute points from girls but it's even weirder right now because I have a beard so I don't even fall in that cute category at the moment haha. If you're interested, there's a video about increasing your penis size too on that channel soooo..yeah..
  7. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    I just began meditating. I would rather focus on PIED recovery than growing taller. I'm thinking about joining you.

    Are you sure it is necessary to listen to binaural beats? I find them irritating. Ever heard of the Solfeggio frequencies?
  8. Solfeggio seems interesting..but I'm going to focus on them binaural beats first for at least 3 months.
    Yeah well that's what quadible integrity says, so yes it is necessary.

    I feel very guilty to say this but I didn't follow through with this. I listened to the beats and did the exercises till saturday and then my relatives came over so I just left it. HOWEVER in the first few days only, I did feel a bit taller, like .5 cm tall at least.

    Well this time, this 2nd week, I'm going to follow through all the given material and actually be consistent towards it. I feel I owe people my result after making this thread. So that's what I'm gonna do.

    Sorry for such a small and short post, next week I'll have much more to say because I'll be consistent.

    Deeply regretful,
  10. Okay so I'm going to give you some advice if you're serious about this. First of all, you're 18, that means there's still hope for you to grow taller. A lot of people get suckered in by a lot of the things that you mentioned in your first post but don't realise that once your growth plates have sealed, growing any taller is simply impossible.

    Growth plates can seal any time from like 16-17 to 22-23 depending on you. If you've grown a couple of inches in the last three years, it's safe to say yours probably haven't closed yet: So you're in luck. However, we also don't know how long you have to keep growing, so it's important that you get the most important variables dealt with if you want any chance of success.

    The two most important factors for how tall you will grow: Sleep, and nutrition.

    Your height is governed largely by the levels of hormones you have during puberty. Every night you get low sleep, or every day you don't eat enough of certain macronutrients, your hormone levels will be lower than optimal. Lower hormone levels, means you're growing less.

    So make sure you're getting at LEAST 8 hours of sleep a night. If you really care this much about your height, I even recommend 9-10. HGH or human growth hormone is released during sleep, and that's when your height actually grows. If you're getting anything under 7-8 hours currently, you're severely stunting your maximum height.

    Take it from me too. At 11-12 I was one of the tallest out of the people my age, but I barely grew since then because in my teen years I started poor sleeping habits - sleeping 4-6 hours a night etc, pulling all nighters. I also didn't eat enough. As a result I'm 5'7 now, when realistically I'd have likely been 6'2+ if my growth had kept up at the rate it did before I started getting poor sleep.

    Second, make sure you're getting enough dietary fat. Around 0.4g per lb of body weight should be a minimum. For example, if you weigh 150lbs, you should be getting at least 60g of dietary fat. Go too low on dietary fat and your body won't have the building blocks needed to produce testosterone, another hormone involved in your height growth.

    Next up, make sure you're eating enough to begin with. Just like your body needs to be in a caloric surplus (i.e. eating more food than you expend in energy) to gain muscle, the same is true if you want to gain the most height possible during puberty. If you're dieting or eating less than you expend each day, that'll stunt your height gains, and you won't get as tall as you would have eating in a surplus. This doesn't mean pig out and get fat, just make sure you're gradually putting on (small) amounts of weight.

    Next up, work on posture. While this technically won't make you *grow* any taller, it can immediately add anywhere from 0.5-3+ inches to your standing height. You see, when you stand straight against the wall, and measure yourself as 5'9, that's one thing.. but when you're walking around, if you have bad posture, you're probably only standing 5'6 or 5'7. So by fixing posture (sitting less, doing stretches etc) you can ensure that you always appear as tall as you are, rather than losing a couple of inches.

    Also, ignore fads like growth hormone boosting supplements and the like. They're just out to steal your cash. None of them will have any effect since most of them don't actually increase HGH levels, and the ones that do, do so at such a minimal level that simply sleeping an extra 5-10 minutes a night would have a greater HGH boost effect.

    Finally, if your height really bothers you, consider getting raised shoes. These can add ~2-3 inches to your height, so your 5'9 can become 5'11 or 6'0. Obviously this doesn't affect your real height, but if you feel insecure about your height, and feel more confident being taller, and you have say a job interview or some other place where that confidence could help you? Then go for it!

    Hope some of this helps :)


    Also you mentioned genetics and the like in your post and I just want to encourage you not to worry: Many people end up significantly taller than both their parents. I have a couple friends whose parents are very short, both around 5'0 to 5'2, and yet they're 6'0 to 6'3. While genetics play a role in height, it's more your environment (sleep, diet, etc) than anything else.
  11. Hey, thank you for the response and the general tips which may not be known to a lot of people wanting to increase their heights. You really laid down the ground work over there. However, your point about growth plates being sealed is fairly obvious; it is science. What we're discussing over here goes beyond measurable and quantifiable science, we're working on belief and as erroneous and dumb to some degree as that sounds, why not just try once to believe that it can actually happen? Maybe it's the placebo or some kind of higher calling we humans have, I don't know, as I said I'm a romantic who appreciates practicality and rationality but follows a surreal perspective in life. So my point is, since we don't have anything to lose really, let's just take a leap of faith to believe in something as irrational as that may be.
    (JUST IN CASE you're wondering if I'm religious; I'm not)
    Thank you once again for the tips and that's some great progress with your NoFap journey!
  12. Ocean Man

    Ocean Man Fapstronaut

    Mate, I wish you luck! It's funny because I am too trying to grow more. I am currently 5'6 and only 16 years old. The things is that I have been 5'6 since 8 grade, so I have little hope of growing more. My father is 5'8 and my brother is 5'9. my mom is 5'5. I am positive that I can grow, but like you, every guys is 5'9 or 6' feet. I feel left out because I am the only small guy in my grade. There is another guy my height, but he is considered a "papi", and I got to say that he does have the looks in his side. I been thinking about the possibility that maybe, just so maybe; MO has been doing something to my height growth. I don't know, it's just a theory.

    Well, you can do it mate, I believe in you! Please share when you see an increment in your height!
    (Sorry for the bad english, it ain't my native tongue)
  13. I would love to share this journey with you, you can join me and post on this thread if it's working for you. I don't know actually if MO has anything to do with height. Science says it doesn't but then just see NoFap and how people are physically becoming better too by abstaining from PMO so I'm not sure.

    Okay so I'm still stuck on that .5 cm growth but for some weird reason I feel taller? I don't know if I'm being delusional but I feel taller. My posture is becoming a little better than before thanks to kicking out the habit of using a pillow, it's making me sleep straight now.

    I did miss somedays this week sadly but was a lot more consistent this time than last week.
    I'll catch you guys next week!

    Choosing to believe,
  15. the crow

    the crow Guest

    I used to want to be bigger - if not taller - than I am. More manly, so I thought. But this is all appearances.
    There are big advantages to being lightweight, especially if you have a real life, involving doing stuff.
    You don't need as much food. Fit into smaller spaces. Don't kill yourself climbing ladders or building roofs. You're faster, having less mass.

    Turns out I had a gluten allergy my whole life, and din't know it. This kept me thin, no matter how much I ate.
    Now I like being thin. It took a long time, but liking what you are and how you are, is the best thing going.

    I'm around 5' 10", and anywhere from 128lbs. to 150lbs. depending on whether or not I consume wheat, either knowingly or unknowingly.
    Strangely, you can get shorter as you age. Gravity wins out, eventually.
  16. I know we should learn to accept ourselves for what we are, but if I have the option to become a little better with literally no risk then why not just go for it? Even if it doesn't work out, I'll end up with a better posture and a lot more flexibility.
  17. the crow

    the crow Guest

    You bet. Go for it. Avoiding - of course - the pitfall of many, which is obsession.
    While you are what you are, there is nothing in that to suggest not aiming to improve on it.

    I have to be honest, the full 3rd week I didn't concentrate on this regimen and so I have decided to post-pone this to after I finish my NoFap 90 day challenge.

    I'm not quitting (even though that's what it looks like) but rather saving this for later. I really don't have the time or the schedule to follow this through.

    So as guilty as I am for leaving this half way, I promise to return back and give this another go.

    Really sorry for this,

  19. axelkai36

    axelkai36 New Fapstronaut

    Yes. You can grow naturally, if you follow these 5 exercise regularly
    5. The Super Cobra Pose
    4. Wall Stretch
    3. The Table Pose
    2. The Hanging Exercise
    1. The Bow Down Pose
    Here is the link for how to do these 5 exercise and some other tips for how to grow taller
  20. Ryan Veitch

    Ryan Veitch Fapstronaut

    If anybody is over 24 (age when height growth stops completely) and has got this to work, can you let us know? Because I would love to add another 2-3 inches if possible.