108 days

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Kman20, Oct 15, 2016.

  1. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Hey guys haven't been on here in a long time, I can't remember when I was on here probably 3 or 4 months ago, that was a real gross time in my life but I just wanted to post on here because I've been getting urges lately and that kind of reminded me of this site. Somewhere along my streak (which I'm still on, didn't relapse) I forgot all about this site, which is actually a good thing, being on this site all day probably isn't a good thing for you if you're trying to live a better life. I will say I do feel more confident, when I think back to the porn I used to watch I can't help but think that it was so disgusting and that it is so fake, your mind definitely shifts because that all becomes foreign to you it's something I can't even fathom that I indulged in, this shift in mindset definitely changed my mind like I've matured. I will say I do feel guilty every time I see a picture of a pretty girl on the internet I don't know why and think this is probably just me being to strict on myself but I can't help but feel kind of guilty gawking at a picture of a pretty girl as if It was kind of a form of porn for me. My mind is a lot clearer, I can concentrate on things better, I've learned a lot of things a long the way I can't even name them all but it's made me a much better person in the course of just a few months, I feel more manly. I do still have SA and maybe some minor depression but I think that's because these things were not caused by the PMO addiction but just amplified by it. Quitting PMO definitely helped lower my anxiety and depression and for other people it might get rid of them completely so I definitely encourage sticking with it. I've been having an urge lately probably because I've been fantasizing a bit because I want a mate so badly but my SA and depression makes it harder for me to get into a relationship that I so desperately want but the good thing is that I recognize this and won't let these thoughts and feelings dictate my behavior, I won't FAP. Anyways I'm kind of just venting now, might of sound depressing but really I am definitely feeling better than I did when I was PMOing, I would probably be 5 times more depressed and anxious than I am now so I'm definitely thankful for it and I can't help but feel a little badass at time for sticking with this nofap thing because I don't give in to that gross, fake, childish shit.
  2. Alex Bee

    Alex Bee Fapstronaut

    You said it, brother. I don't come on here that much either, it's actually one of the things that helped me get this far in the journey. Everything in moderation, because dwelling the forums is basically mindless web-surfing for something new, and you know what that's also associate with?... yeeeaahhh...

    I definitely developed much more confidence. I don't tolerate disrespect from anybody anymore like I used to, I would just sit there, maybe say something but it wasn't good enough. I gotten more physical, I almost fought 2 kids at school for trying to start shit being disrespectful to me. I pushed them and called them out, they know damn well I could kick their ass if I would.

    Cold showers are also the shit. Discipline makes you more confident, and resilient. I have a quite a high opinion of myself thanks to this NoFap beaut.
    Warriorpeneur likes this.
  3. Warriorpeneur

    Warriorpeneur New Fapstronaut

    Hey I new on this, can you please tell me all type of discomforts in order to be part of my new life?? thanks :)
  4. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Good for you man, stand up for yourself
    Warriorpeneur likes this.
  5. Alex Bee

    Alex Bee Fapstronaut

    Any discomfort, simple as that. Cold showers are discomfort, use discipline with that to be under the head for 30 seconds, then do it again tomorrow.

    Another example: urges, you make it through them (whatever you're doing, like using music or working), when those urges fade, you become stronger, and can be more resilient for the next urge.
    Warriorpeneur likes this.
  6. Robin1710

    Robin1710 Fapstronaut

    congrats on the 100 days! did you try to start a small workout routine to help further with the depression thing? I have been there myself and felt much better after quittint smoking aswell and working out, started with only a few push ups daily and added more things over time.

    hope ull be fine soon, gl
  7. volt2187

    volt2187 Guest

    @Kman20, awesome job on the streak! For your social anxiety, from my personal experience, the best thing you can do to reduce it is to force yourself to talk to people and to be in social situations (clubs, bars, classes, etc). You just have to keep exposing yourself so that eventually you become comfortable talking to people. This is vitual for anything your trying to get better at. This will help tremendously with talking to girls too, because you can get comfortable talking to people and girls in general so when you approach that girl you find really attractive you will be confident around her, which is a huge turn on for them.
  8. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    No I didn't thanks for the suggestion though, I'll start slowly doing pushups soon cause I am a scrawny dude, I actually have an appointment with a dietitian soon hopefully, so I hope to get to building on a body I can be confident about.
  9. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man that's what I've been trying to do, weekly I have college classes so I'm not just in my room all day like before, I have been exposing myself a lot and I will say it did help a little but I still really have that strong anxiety there, and It will persists so I'll be needing therapy or meds OR a combination of the two to really get this under wraps. As for girls they aren't as hard for me to talk to as before I feel that SLIGHT badassness when talking to them but it's nothing compared to how I'd be talking to them if I didn't have SA anyways it definitely helps talking to a girl knowing that you aren't a guy that beats their meat to porn.
  10. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    I spammed that emergency button man xD I don't think I've ever had an urge this strong since my last relapse
  11. Quints

    Quints Fapstronaut

    Hey man good job sticking with it, about depression and SA, it does actually get better at least it did in my experience. I used to work at a burger place when I first started my 54 day streak. I had been an alien who couldnt look people in the eye and had like 0 self esteem, after about 2-3 weeks I noticed that my relationship with my co-workers and the guests where significantly better, I was handling orders better, got praise for my work and even flirted with some of the guests... a coworker even became my girlfriend. Great job overall, you inspire people to stick with it even in the midst of adversity.
  12. Kman20

    Kman20 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man but you inspire me my friend, only a few weeks into nofap and you already got yourself a girlfriend? Good shit my man and holding down a job which is something people with SA have a lot of trouble doing, you're doing great man keep it up the confidence will only keep coming until you reach a point where it will just feels like the norm for you.
    Quints likes this.