Porn and Serial killers

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by RJ_McReady, Jun 1, 2016.

  1. I know the title of this is a bit sensationalist but Ive been doing a lot of research into porn and porn addiction and recently I have come across the link between porn and serial killers. Ted bundy gave an interview 17 hours before his execution and its an astonishing confessional. By that stage he was the dead man walking, his appeals had all been rejected, he'd been on death row for 10 years and now it was almost time to pay the piper. But before his appointment in the electric chair, Bundy granted an interview with psychologist James Dobson. In it Bundy issues a stark warning about porn. He says that if there was one thing that he could point to that was the driving force of the horrendous crimes he committed, it was porn. And I know the response to that from most people would be, ah sure he's making excuses, he's trying to deflect responsibility from himself and blame a thing outside his control for what he did........but like I said, he was a dead man walking at this stage and had nothing to gain by saying what he said. Porn took a hold of Bundy when he was a child and warped him into something else. You could argue that porn was coincidental, that he was a psycho from the get go. Those would be reasonable arguments, I mean after all it turned out that his sister was really his mother and that there was a high probability that his grandfather was really his father, which means he was the product of incest. Plus that same grandfather was apparently a brute of a man. But Bundy says something else in that interview and its about the other inmates that he had gotten to know during his 10 years on death row. And that was without exception, all the killers he had gotten to know, where all heavily involved with pornography.

    Im not saying this to judge people, Im saying it so that if you still look at porn its worth making an informed decision about what youre doing. When you consume porn I believe you are allowing a monster to take a hold of your brain. Im not suggesting that anyone here will become a serial killer or sexual sadist if they continue to look at porn, but at the same time, the fact that porn was the constant with all those killers(it was the same for John wayne Gacy, ed Gein et el)is something that cant be ignored. I think the way porn is looked at in society is very glib, like it was harmless, its even joked about. But I think if we start to see it for what it is, then it can be easier to make a choice about what people allow into their lives.

  2. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    Very interesting post, thank you for sharing. Bundy was very psychopatic and one of their core characteristics is to always divert the blame away from themself. The key word here is ALWAYS. With them it is always their wife, their child, their parents, their abuse, porn, that made them do that. I have never heard of a full blown psychopath to give away the truth unless it was to trade it for extra benefits. Those people often take the truth to their graves and even minutes before death they are plying the blame diversion game without a blink in their eye. What you will never ever hear is them accepting the responsibility for what they did or feeling guilt and remorse for their actions. Even though they may say they are sorry ... they never are .... It is all part of manipulation as people with no conscious and no feelings can not feel true regret and guilt. Emotional words without feelings behind them are always dishonest, even before death.
    And what is the best lie ever? It is the one that contains some truth in it!
    What Bundy said is true in every shape and form but very much talks in the cause/effect way typical for psychopaths. He did a masterpiece painting himself as the victim but it only forms part of the picture. What he did not say is that he loved what he was doing and given a chance he would do it all again! I agree he was addicted to P and the real life stuff but he never wanted to give it up. All he wanted was to carry on and on. He conviniently forgot to mention that...

    In reality I do feel very sorry for them. I heard that they do those things to feel alive. They do feel something very unplesent inside.... that is noting.... and murdering and causing sadistic pain makes them feel better for a while, it numbs their internal pain of not feeing anything. I am imagining they are the ultimate case of internal disconection but they do not have that part most of us strive to connect to: feelings.
    Geting stuck in such paterns is simply hell on earth.

    I agree that porn has contributed hugely to what he did but but his personal make up was what made him act out in the end. Porn does contributes enormously to the growing number of deviant behaviours, rapes, sexual disfunction, social anxiety and isolation, hate towards fellow human being and broken families but the number of people crossing the line into serial killing is relatively small.

    Serial killers and rapiests existed way before porn was invented. Jack the Ripper if he was real never had access to any of those materials and yet he ended up doing as Bundy did.
    Psychopatch are the breed on heir own
    and they always caused huge destruction, those who did not turn criminal made quite a good living in the wars, executioners or as prison tourture guards.

    Also it is estimated that between 1%-4% of current population is psychopatic and nowadays everybody has seen P! Or nearly everybody unless you live in complete isolation away from civilisation. Yet those psychopatch do not turn into serial killers and rapiests. I am sure James Fallon has seen P and did not end up on a death row. Whether they do or they do not depends on the mixture of their individual characteristics constitutig their psychopathy and how far on the spectrum they fit for each. And there is always the element of a personal choice we all make. Have you noticed how most people from the killed to the killers paint themselves to be victims?
    What is lacking hugely in our society is the element of owning up our actions, thoughts and behaviours. If we had that, most of our problems would be sorted regardless of external polutions.

    I would be very keen to hear of your research findings though. I am sure they would be very interesting. And yes, porn is the huge monster that should be eradicated but so are drugs, alcohol, smoking, violence in games and movies and news, but we long lost the track of how our brains would have been without those pollution.
    I think P is a just another symptom of a much bigger problem and not just the cause of it.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2016
  3. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    @RJ_McReady Wow O.O I didn't know that. Thanks for sharing. I'm having a difficult time and this is good motivation to say no to porn forever.
  4. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    Thanks for posting @RJ_McReady - I never realised this.
  5. Thanks overclocked. That was The only reason I posted this, to make people aware of Bundy's warning.
  6. I'm not entering into a debate on whether Bundy was manipulating or whether he was remorseful for what he did or if he would've done what he did without the influence of porn. Those are questions nobody can answer. The only reason I posted this was to create awareness of the warning Bundy delivered. Most people who use porn dont know about what Bundy said and I think they have a right to know so that they can consider his message and make an informed decision about whether they would like to continue using porn or not. You can take what he says or you can leave it, that's up to the individual. You can argue and debate logic all day long but when it comes right down to it, you can feel at a gut level if what someone is saying is true or not. And this is what is important, nothing else.
  7. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    I think we can safely say that porn did not help!
  8. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Yeah you do have somewhat of a point. It's no wonder that mass shooters such as the one at Virginia Tech, the Colorado 'Batman' shooter, and even the young Elliot Rodger who ALL had something in common: they can't have a meaningful sex life. And given the fact that they can't get laid....which is truly sad. At the same time, they are having extreme difficultly finding their own sexuality with the opposite gender. This frustration and built-up anger is similar to a ticking time bomb that's about to explode. So I can see why that all of these killers are misogynists. They hate women only because it's something that they know they can't have. Most of this is due to inner conflicts, very low esteem, a weak support system, a bad environment growing up, and more.

    I feel kind of bad for these killers, but at the same time, I don't know if you're suggesting that ALL serial killers have a link to pornography. I do believe the ones that are misogynists are. However, I don't fully agree that most people who watch porn have the mind of a serial killer more or less. If that was the case, than all of the millions of people on this earth who watch porn daily is affected. Do all psychopaths watch porn? Maybe and maybe not. However, that's only a small fraction of the population and I believe these so called 'human beings' have very complex psychological disturbances in themselves that's far beyond their association with porn.

    Having said that, I would say most people who watch porn have inner conflicts that reflects the many men and women in our society that live normal lives. Furthermore, killing others is the last thing their mind, but I don't blame them for holding in so much frustration. Is this enough to kill someone? Probably not. Just remember, psychopaths and serial killers have lost their touch with reality, and they don't know right from wrong. They have no fear whatsoever; this is because they can't experience it.

    And it's not because their inner conflicts that are linked to porn, but because of their severe psychological disturbances that is incomprehensible to the minds of 'normal' everyday people who look at porn. They on the other hand, have much less severe abnormalities. And luckily, these porn addicts can change themselves; serial killers cannot. In conclusion, do I have believe that porn has a contribution to the behaviors and actions of serial killers and psychopaths? Yes, but a very tiny bit of it. If that was not the case, then all of the millions of people who watch porn would end up killing someone. Therefore, I don't think porn is mostly linked to serial killers and psychopaths, but it's more linked to the struggles of people who have everyday problems. And a majority of the time, it's within themselves.
    HopeFaith likes this.
    • Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer of Wisconsin, speaking of his routine before hunting for a victim said, “Just…using pictures of past victims…the pornography videos, the magazines…” Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 boys and men.
    • Ted Bundy, convicted rapist and mutilation murderer of Washington, said that hard-core pornography had a "crystallizing effect" on his violent tendencies and his acting out during the 1970's.
    • Arthur Gary Bishop from Utah, executed for raping and murdering five boys in the 1980s, said pornography's "effect on me was devastating."
    • Andrei Chikatilo, a Russian serial killer, murdered at least 53 women and children. "…with pictures of naked women in his prison cell, he blamed pornography as the cause of this troubles."
    • Wisconsin resident Ed Gein, the first serial killer, aka The Butcher of Plainfield, and inspiration for movies such as Psycho, Maniac, and The Silence of the Lambs "accumulated a library of anatomy books, porn magazines, horror and adventure novel…" in the 1950s.
    • John Wayne Gacy's wife filed for divorce in 1976 because "Gacy's moods had become erratic, and [she] had found Gacy's pornographic magazine collection which was all centered around young boys." Gacy killed at least 33 young men and boys in Chicago, Illinois.
    • The nickname BTK (bind, torture, kill) was given to Dennis Rader, a Kansas native, who killed 10 people. "He kept meticulous records of his fantasies and crimes in what he called his 'mother lode' collection of pornography."
    • David Berkowitz killed over a dozen people in New York. He joined a cult and was introduced to "drug use, sadistic pornography and violent crime." The cult also created and distributed child pornography.
    • Richard Ramirez was exposed to explicit pictures of his cousin "raping Vietnamese women and severing the heads of Vietcong soldiers." He in turn killed at least 13 people in California.
    • Edmund Kemper, a California serial killer and necrophile known as the Co-ed Killer, used pornography and detective magazines for erotic stimulation; he picked up women who were hitch-hiking, then killed, and raped them post-mortem.
    • Ottis Toole from Florida became obsessed with gay pornography. He "committed his first murder at the age of 14." During his killing spree, accompanied by Henry Lee Lucas, he killed 108 people.
    • The Grim Sleeper, Lonnie Franklin Jr., "had a penchant for prostitutes and pornography." A resident of LA, he would pick up prostitutes, take pornographic pictures of his victims, then strangle them to death. His killing spree included 11 murders.
    • In the 2013 murder case of Tia Sharp, a 12-year-old girl from the UK, the judge declared to murderer Stuart Hazell, "the records of your internet searching on your mobile phone make abundantly clear that you were looking out for pornographic pictures of pre-teen girls."
    • In 2013, on the day Mark Bridger, a UK native, abducted April Jones, he "viewed online photographs of a young girl and a pornographic cartoon depicting rape."
    It's not just Bundy, and it's not just misogyny. The FBI states an intrinsic relation between underage porn and molestation/abduction/murder of youth. It's one of the reasons that underage porn is not a thing they play around with - they treat it as serious biz - always.

    I'm definitely not surprised by the link. Do I believe that every porn user is a mad man? Of course not. Do I believe that porn can play a very negative part in pushing over the edge an already disturbed individual or warping a child into something less than a empathetic adult? Absolutely.
  9. Im not familiar with the batman killers experience with porn or with women. I know of Elliot roger alright. But the thing is, Ted Bundy was very successful with women. Its not like he couldnt get laid, he was actually engaged at one point. The BTK was married with children, ditto for John wayne Gacy. So its not like these guys are going on killing rampages because theyre having trouble getting sex or even relationships.
    There is a relationship between childhood exposure to porn and how these guys turned out. You could argue, well not everyone who is immersed in pornography will become a killer. Thats for sure, but at the same time Bundy's final warning to humanity is too powerful and scary a message to ignore. I dunno about you, but I wont ever allow porn to re-enter my life. Its been a year since I cut the chord myself and its only now I can look back and see how discreetly and insidiously, pornography warped my perception of healthy sexuality and relationships. It may sound melodramatic to say so, but porn is a monster that changes you but it changes you in such a way as to not even notice you've been warped, and thats a dangerous thing. Like just imagine how you would be had you never encountered porn in your life? Kids deserve to be kids. Porn is traumatic for a childs brain. I cant scientifically prove that, but I know it in my gut, I know it from seeing what porn has done to people on this site and to friends Ive spoken to. And all of it began when they were children. And thats a tragedy. Children should not have to be exposed to that shit, they should be allowed to develop in a way thats free and safe. I know thats an ideal world scenario, but at the same time we can make choices about what we bring into our homes and what we expose our children to. I saw porn for the first time when I was 10 years old, and that was because my friends parents had gone away on holidays and my friend found his dads stash of porn upstairs in the back of a closet. That one thing allowed porn to enter my life at an age when I should never have had to deal with that. I know things are a lot more complicated now with kids having smart phones.......honestly this is scary, its a ticking time bomb. Like Thesumofallbeers said above, this is serious business and i think the bottom line is, dont take a chance, dont invite a monster into your home and life in the first place. let children be children.
  10. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Ikr... it's a scary thought. And it seems the education sector does not care at all. With no warnings about the bad effects porn has. I believe if anyone told me in 6th grade that porn causes ED, depression and changes sexual tastes I would have never watched it/ stopped watching it.
  11. This is a very eye opening and scary thread and why this site is getting bigger and bigger as we must join hands and fight this monster that is taking over our weak western minds, I don't think this guy was making the stuff he said up, porn is addictive and like any unhealthy addiction if you don't get help and reach out then you are doomed.
  12. HopeFaith

    HopeFaith Fapstronaut

    Education alone will not help here. Look at the cigarette box and the warning on it, it does not stop people starting smoking or continuing to smoke knowing that it can give them cancer. The problem of knowing that something is bad for us does not stop people from using that stuff ...we all think: "It will never happen to me" or "I will be fine" or "I do it only today, I will stop tomorrow"

    I think most of us need to learn the hard way, get hurt and recover to trully know.... and P will always be there .... but the more of us come on the other side and leave PMO the better.... and if there is no demand ....

    So every single soul counts. By making the right choice for ourselves we are infact making the right choice for the humanity.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2016
  13. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    It's a real issue and how long are the governments going to let kids be exposed to this at an early age. I remember seeing my first porn vid at 11 or 12 and I was hooked. And it was tame compared to todays stuff. We need to do something and quick.
    HopeFaith and makethatchange like this.
  14. overclocked

    overclocked Fapstronaut

    Many people do things despite knowing it is harmful. However I and many others had no chance because we thought porn was harmless. I kept watching until my first time with a real girl when I noticed my body does not respond as I expected.
  15. I think what happens is people start off not knowing the dangers and before long theyre hooked. And they dont even know they're hooked and getting deeply immersed in something harmful, because its casually joked about in society they reckon theres no harm, I mean every day I read stats about how 80% of internet use of for porn. If that many people are doing it then its gotta be ok, right?
    Theres a great blog I read of an ex-porn star(Jennie Ketcham). Her story is incredible and if the whole world read her book and knew about her life I reckon the joke would be over, people would forsake porn and would protect their kids more fiercely from its influence.
    overclocked and HopeFaith like this.
  16. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    It's a very interesting debate and one that could fill an entire forum for days. We should always remember that Bundy had a lot of other problems beyond porn use. We'll never know how they might have affected him without porn, or indeed whether they were a big factor in him watching porn in the first instance. However, there are certain things that we do know from our own experience, and the experiences of many other men.

    When I was a teenager, there was no Internet (at least not here in Australia anyway). I didn't see my first video until I was 16, and even then it was something from the 70s that wasn't nearly as explicit or extreme as what we see on the Internet today. I was using magazines for my P fix back then -- but they were generally softcore and weren't able to be accessed that often. In fact, most of the time when I MO'd back then it was to a fantasy my own mind cooked up about various girls I knew when I was that age.

    Interestingly, my own fantasies back then were also a lot tamer than the porn we now see. In fact, it's fair to say that there's been a certain "corruption" of my porn viewing tastes in that I've watched things that would have held zero interest for me back when I was a teenager making up my own fantasies. It's a little bit like someone going into business with the intentions of maintaining ethical behaviour, but ultimately doing things they swore they would never do just to make more money. I (and many others) needed a bigger hit of dopamine to satisfy my brain, and hence the move to harder and harder porn.

    In addition to this, I've also spent time in chatrooms talking about some pretty messed up shit with some pretty messed up people. These weren't necessarily things we saw in videos, they were more like an escalation of videos we had already seen. Now I can say honestly that I was always content to keep this stuff in the realm of fantasy, but the truth is I don't know what the people on the other end of the chat were doing. It's quite possible that they simply fapped themselves empty like I did. In fact, it's entirely possible that a modern-day Ted Bundy could fap himself empty on the variety of today's porn and not kill anyone. It's also entirely possible that people like this would become more motivated to commit horrendous acts.

    Ultimately the question comes down to what we can do about it. We know that porn causes all sorts of problems, and we know that porn tastes can escalate into degenerate and possibly dangerous areas. But what can we do about it? In recent years I've visited two countries that have tried to regulate Internet porn with filters, and seen how ineffective they are. I'm now convinced that Government intervention just won't work. The demand for porn is simply too high, there are simply too many ways around a filter, and too many sites that it just won't block.

    What's needed is education. We need to inform people of the dangers of porn. At school I received drug and alcohol education, and while that won't stop everyone, it stopped me using drugs or alcohol. I never received any warnings about porn -- it was just something nobody discussed, even though we all knew it existed. Hence I stumbled up it relatively innocently, with no inkling of the damage it might cause. I can only imagine how it must be for today's youth, who stumble upon more extreme and varied forms of porn that I did -- and probably at a younger age.
  17. Thanks for your comments,
    Very good points here, I also think more needs to be done at school but I had all the warnings about drugs and alcohol and that didn't stop me from 5 years of heavy misuse,
    I believe the key to success lyes in the parents and not school, I speak from my own experience, I am a product of a broken home and most of those products are damaged goods,
    One day soon I will be a father and will do everything in my power to have a happy marriage, full of love so my son or daughter can see this with there own eyes and realise that they don't have to hide in a world of fantasy to escape pain of living in reality,
    Porn Free Wanderer and HopeFaith like this.
  18. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    You're right of course, but ultimately we can only do what we can do. I guess one of the positive things about our situation is that having made the mistakes with porn, we now have the opportunity to help others. The nofap community is generally a positive force, and we've started seeing trashy magazines and websites taking cheap shots at this community -- that means we're doing something right.

    Your children will be very lucky to have a father who has seen the damage porn can do, and can impart to them the lessons that you and I never received as children. I wish you all the best.
    HopeFaith and makethatchange like this.
  19. Thank you, such a nice thing to say and yes it's great to see that there is help out there thanks to sites like this but must be drummed in at a young age that living in a fantasy is nothing as good as living in reality, I really hope I can crack it before I have children as it's easier said than done.
    Porn Free Wanderer likes this.