When to give up and end it?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by cvicious, May 25, 2016.

  1. cvicious

    cvicious Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone, I'm back on this forum once again. It feels like no matter how good things outwardly seem to be going for my partner, I always come to find out that things aren't what I think.

    Every time I get my hopes up for change, it all gets smashed and ruined...

    I've come to the realization that one of only a few options will happen in my relationship. I will either end up living in denial, trying to ignore his problem or even trying to ignore the fact that it hurts me so much, I will accept that he is addicted to PMO and will continue to choose it over me and we will continue to have no intimacy in our relationship, or I will do the sane thing and move on from this relationship.

    I guess this is more so a question to the partners who have left the relationship; how did you finally come to the decision? What was the final straw that made you realize it was time to leave?

    I feel like for me it's become an issue of my happiness..
  2. lfromcr

    lfromcr Fapstronaut

    Hello @cvicious, I didn't separate from my husband for more than a few nights when we were in the thick of it all, and he and I are now in a much better place, so I can't talk from the perspective of a woman who's left, but I CAN say this...

    What I've gathered from all the women I've talked to over the last 20 years is:
    the biggest change in the guy usually happens when she is ready to leave--not in a game-playing way, but in a real way. It's like it takes her being willing to leave for many guys to finally wake up and be willing to be more engaged and more dedicated to their own sobriety.

    Now, I don't know your story, so this may not work for you if y'all have experienced several rounds of "This is your last chance" and he makes promises only to not fulfill them. In that case, it may be time for a more long-term separation. But again, I don't know your story.

    I am sorry you're going through this, by the way. It's a painful place to be--VERY painful! My heart goes out to you.
  3. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    My guy quit. He put me first before porn. Find a guy who will. If you leave and he doesn't quit and try to woo you back...
    Good riddance I say. Be happy.
    Gamerwife85 likes this.
  4. cvicious

    cvicious Fapstronaut

    @Ifromcr; thank you for replying. This has been going on for a long time, basically we moved in together and almost right away I discovered his addiction.

    We have been through quite a few bouts of me threatening to end it, at one point I started looking at other apartments and everything. He always ends up sucking me back in with fanfare hope...I just start to get confident in him and it always ends up like this again.

    I've been doing some serious soul searching today and I keep coming back to the same answer.

    Deep down, I know that I don't want to leave but I feel like it's the only way for me to be happy...I will just keep getting hurt.. He's choosing PMO over me..
    Dizzy Lotus and about a girl like this.
  5. Deadpool2095

    Deadpool2095 Fapstronaut

    As a guy very well said @ifromcr. Being in multiple relationships, finally in one i hope will last, when the girl is literally walking out the door is when the biggest kick in the face comes your way. If i was a girl and my guy was addicted to porn and i found out i'd try talking to him in a serious manner or something and how much it hurts you and you don't want to have the pain for as long as youre together with him.
    Have you told him about this website?

    If he still chooses PMO after how much you tell him it hurts you then leave him, he will realize that he was just dumped for PMO and hopefully with change his ways. Im on this site because I want to have a healthier relationship with my girlfriend. She knows ive watched porn and what not before but doesn't know my addiction. I feel like i should tell her soon and what im doing. Hopefully she will be supportive.
    about a girl likes this.
  6. cvicious

    cvicious Fapstronaut

    Hi deadpool,

    Yes he is actually a user on this site, his one year anniversary will be soon. I honestly don't think he wants to change.

    I was in an 8 year relationship with an alcoholic, I begged and cried and pleaded many times for him to quit drinking and he never would give it up. Finally I realized he loved that bottle more than he loved me. When I dumped him, he went to rehab and tried to contact me from there.

    I just don't see him changing in the long run, I don't think he wants to,i think in his mind it's not that big of an issue. To me it's a huge issue. I constantly feel rejected when I try to get him interested in sex...I just feel like giving up... I'm broken.
  7. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    I left my fiance of 5 years .. I never knew he had an addiction till I moved in with him .. I tried to accept it and go along with the pornos because he made me feel like I was over reacting he said all guys do it and it's normal for men to look at beautiful naked women and also he said it had nothing to do with me .. ( ha ! My personal favourite) I was only fooling myself :( As we argued so many times over it I realised it stressed him out and he watched it even more .. I was put on ignore and he chose porn over me .. He spent his days and nights with his boxers down in front of the computer tissue boxes at hand :( .. I will always feel like although he was not "technically" cheating on me that he cheated me .. It happened in January I am in my early 20's on my own and sad it had to end like that ( no wedding) I rather it be another woman he left me for but porn ? (smh)
    Dizzy Lotus likes this.
  8. cvicious

    cvicious Fapstronaut

    About a girl, your story sounds exactly like mine. It makes me feel so sad to read this..I know exactly how you feel. It hurts so much when they do this to us, they can't even understand.

    To choose the PMO over a physical encounter with the woman they supposedly love... I've honestly lost all hope at this point. I don't even think he really cares anymore.

    I know there are lots of men that use this site and they really want to change, but I think my man sadly does not...
    about a girl likes this.
  9. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    You mentioned your SO is on this site does he post on here ? My SO wouldn't even look at the site .. He would definitely want me if I went back however I would have to accept his porn use .. In his mind no one can get along 100% and his porn use was just something I didn't like about him and then he mentioned things about me that he didn't like .. I seriously tried to make it work sadly it takes two and he didn't see the problem .. He is so obsessed with porn he couldn't wait for VR Porn everything he does in his life has sex involved books, comics, anime, news like kotaku and jezebel and video games with porn , TV shows and movies .. While dating him he was the perfect guy and he is if he could just break up with his hand .. I moved in and the novelty of me wore off .. Also the sex with him could go on for hours after awhile I started counting the cracks on the ceiling .. I always blamed myself .. now I realised my genitalia cannot compete with his hand .. Am I still angry you bet .. This addiction destroys love .. We were planning our wedding .. I hope you can get your SO to post on here .. nofap really truly helps the addict they see it for what it is .. In time many addicts will find real happiness and love but most of all peace of mind .. Get your SO on here asap! :)
  10. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    I read this part about addicts in the deepest stages of addiction. "By stage 3, addicts are often surrounded only by people who stay with them out of a feeling of responsibility or pity, or who feel too guilty to leave, or who are afraid the addict will become seriously hurt if they leave. This becomes emotional blackmail, as addicts often try to promote these feelings in others to get them to stay."

    By this point the person who you once loved and cared for has been taken over by the Addict personality. An addict becomes a shell of himself. Having a healthy relationship with such a person is impossible. The only way to wake up is for him to experience more pain than his addiction is able to medicate. Only when an addict has a rock-bottom emotional moment is there a chance for them to 'wake up'. Even then an addict may not wake up.

    Either way, the SO needs to protect themselves from the addict. They are not looking out for you so you have to take care of yourself. Love and patience can only last so long until it runs out. You have to decide when enough is enough.
  11. Sunflower80

    Sunflower80 Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry you're in this situation. I broke up with my SO of 8 years b/c of his addiction. It's been a roller coaster ride! The first time I broke up with him I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what. After a week a gave in and I contacted him, that's when he admitted to being an addict. I tried to be okay with it, he agreed to get help but it was too much so we broke up again. The 2nd time we broke up I felt better. At that time I knew I couldn't be part of a relationship where I came in second. I felt betrayed, cheated on, broken.

    During this time I did a lot of research and that's how I found this site, YBOP and I even read "Getting Past Your Breakup" by Susan J. Elliot (I highly recommend this book, even if you end up getting back together). Based on what I read, and the posts I have read in this site I decided to bring up the possibility of getting back together if he continued to get help and if he was doing it for himself not because Of me. We haven't had our talk yet.

    Some days I wake up super hopeful for our future (since he is keeping up with therapy, that much I know), other days like today I question why I would even consider putting myself through the pain again? Why do I want to be with a man that cheated on me repeatedly with a screen! A man who constantly rejected me! Who lied to me! Why??? I am glad I have taken a break from him (no contact besides a few texts about us talking) it has done wonders for my mental health! It has given me time to think. I am still processing lol! I am not 100% sure I want to be with him. I still feel broken. So I know I need to heal. Taking it day by day helps! I hope that when we finally have our talk, I can say I'm in less pain and that he has made significant progress.

    I would say take a break. Move out. Take time to heal, to think, to find out if you really want to be with him.

    Read the book I mentioned about dealing with a breakup. By reading the book I found out that all my relationships have a few things in common: me trying to be the the hero, the one who will help them change for the best, the one who saw something in them that no one else saw. I would always put them first. Always took care of them. And so far I'm the one who ends up getting burned!
    Leaving won't be easy. I was not prepared the first time. I did not expect to feel both physical and mental pain. I felt like I was dying! I would have constant anxiety attracts. I would wake up crying. Having someone being a part of your life and suddenly disappear is super painful. But it's true "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger " What has helped me besides this awesome site is writing in my journal daily. (I downloaded an app so that I could have it password protected) It feels better when I write out my feelings. I have looked back at my entries since this nightmare started and I could see progress. At first I was in denial, now I'm stronger, that's why it's been harder for me. I need to figure out why I am willing to give him a chance instead of moving on. 8 years of rejection, lies, broken trust and cheating (I consider this addiction cheating) is something I could possibly put behind us. It's the unknown that I can't seem to wrap my mind around. I don't want to deal with rejection while he relapses, I don't want to always question what he's watching on his phone or computer. So today's diary entry ended with I'm happy we are broken up. We need to take care of ourselves. Sorry for the rant :(
    about a girl likes this.
  12. cvicious

    cvicious Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for this response. It really helps to read that I'm not the only one who is going through this. U can totally relate when you said that you don't want to keep getting hurt each time he relapses and don't want to feel like you come in second, I feel exactly the same way.

    I feel like I can't sit by and get hurt anymore, I've done this all before with my previous addict ex and i told myself I never stay with an addict again.

    I completely agree that it feels like cheating, especially because he chooses his PMO over me! So sick and tired if this BS ,I don't have the energy for this anymore!

    You're completely right, I need to move out and find a way to move on
    Sunflower80 likes this.
  13. cvicious

    cvicious Fapstronaut

    You're so right, I to realize that my SO is not even who I thought he was, addicts find ways to seem outwardly OK but inside they are controlled their demons and there's nothing I can do about it.. I've gotten to this point where I realize that now, he's had so many failures, I honestly don't every think he's trying at all. If he is it's not working..
    Sunflower80 likes this.
  14. cvicious

    cvicious Fapstronaut

    Once again, your story mirrors mine! I am here most recently because I found out he even got into that VR porn now! He continues to reject me, how can I even compare with VR porn?! How can a man reject a warm blooded woman with virtual porn?

    I honestly feel like he's cheating on me. To me this is cheating, going and watching porn while he rejects me over and over. Why should i stand for that? I'll sure I can find a man who will choose be over porn. I've had enough!

    That is so wrong that your ex tried to point out things he didn't like about you, my SO tried to deflect blame liked that too,i know how it feels. That is a sign of their addiction, they are completely in denial!!
  15. cvicious

    cvicious Fapstronaut

    My SO used to post on here, reluctantly. I don't see him using the forum anymore and I think he's given up on his ap. I think he's all around just given up on this and if he doesn't care, then for me there's no hope. I need to focus on making myself happy. I can't live like this, we share an apartment and I've just been locking myself in the bedroom and he's sleeping on the couch.
    Sunflower80 likes this.
  16. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    I'm so sorry. It sounds to me that, deep down, you already know what you need to do. May you find the strength and peace you need.
    Sunflower80 and Gamerwife85 like this.
  17. RecoveringScoundrel

    RecoveringScoundrel Fapstronaut

    Speaking as an addict just beginning recovery I can only agree with everything that's been said. He can't commit to recovery and stick at it and make it work unless he's doing it for one person, himself. It sounds as though he was trying the recovery in order to stop you leaving and for no other reason. That won't work. He has to do it for himself. It was only when my SO left me that I could really evaluate everything that was wrong with my own mind and behaviour and get in touch with myself. It will be hard but there's a great community of partners and former partners of PMO addicts who'll be with you all the way. And don't hold out on the hope that he'll get better. If he does and can show it and you want to try, fine. If he doesn't then you'll already be in a better place to move on from him.
    i_wanna_get_better1 likes this.
  18. Dizzy Lotus

    Dizzy Lotus Fapstronaut

    Oh yes he was. Masturbating to porn is definitely cheating, I think. You're having orgasm to different women than your partner... how would that not be adultery?
  19. cvicious

    cvicious Fapstronaut

    You're exactly right and I realized that he was only trying to keep me to stay. I told him that he needs to 100% decide that he wants to do that for himself, not for anyone else. I honestly don't think he wants it enough to stop. Maybe once I'm gonna he will change, but I doubt it. My alcoholic ex didn't..
  20. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    You know the old saying "Love conquers all" ? Well maybe it does .. When an addict learns to love and care about themselves first it is possible for them to eliminate addictions.. Such as drug abuse , porn addiction and alcoholism.. Once they realise the destruction to their brain and and in consequences their lives .. Once they ( the addict ) loves themselves enough to quit to really trust themselves.. We shall be there to understand that this is no walk in the park for them it's tough and in time we can believe in our hearts that they can and will heal from the damage porn does to them if they choose to . If the addict opens their heart to love themselves and to care enough about themselves to stop destroying themselves .. And we the hurt SO's need to love ourselves and find happiness too .. Ahead is a struggle for us as well to get to that" REAL "happy place ♡