Pheromones during NoFap?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ubjamin, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Ubjamin

    Ubjamin Fapstronaut

    So I had an interesting conversation with my cab driver last night. She was an older lady, but looked very young for her age. Some how she started talking about pheromones? I have heard about pheromones before but I thought it was just another scam from porn sites. Well, turns out she said it's produced naturally and females pick up on it. She was talking to me the entire time so I knew she was implying that she was picking up on MY pheromones. She said that it was more like an instinct than the actual smell. Idk what exactly pheromones are but I feel like this May be why we are getting more attention from women. NoFap causes us to secret more pheromones, which girls can smell I guess? If someone has any studies or articles about pheromones, please share!
  2. dodoz123

    dodoz123 Fapstronaut

    Hey Ubjamin,

    Talk about coincidences. Whenever I get on nofap for at least 3 weeks I end up having this weird moments where a girl is either flirting with me or trying to make a move. This happen like an hour ago with a girl who was sitting right in front of me in the library. Sadly like always due to my lack of charisma and confidence I ended up pushing her away. I am not a donjuan :p

    Well I've read in a few places that girls sense when a guy is healthier (sexually and physically) through pheromones of some sort as well as body language. I think because our testosterone is balancing out and we're able to give out a sense of masculinity girls get attracted to us when we're healthier. This is just my theory so don't take my word for it. Take it this way, when we were fapping we gave off an aura of being satisfied sexually because of excessive masturbation. As we recover from it through nofap, our pheromonal system probably normalizes along with our hormones. We then end up being more attractive to women because of this.

    What do you guys think?
    arpegius, LaFlame92100 and Jonny1992 like this.
  3. NotAfraid

    NotAfraid Fapstronaut

    I too, don't have articles about it, but I'm sure that when your testosterone goes up, then your attractiveness to women goes up. Testosterone might cause you to send more pheromones or they might cause you to be more energetic/optimistic/confident, which is appealing to women.

    Also, when you abstain from P and M, you are going back to your natural being. You can try to argue about it, but women love cavemen, which means a man who is as natural as possible. Even the foods that you eat have an impact on your body scent aka pheromones, so eating processed foods will give a unhealthier vibe of you.

    Tip: don't shave your armpits. Your bodyhair sends out the pheromones.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2014
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  4. Morrow

    Morrow Fapstronaut

    Man, thats a very interesting idea. I always wondered why I am getting attention from girls AT ALL, since I would consider myself having hardly a chance to ever getting into a relationship. I mean I dont take showers a lot, I dont shave a lot, I dont do any sports, I dont have any trendy clothes, Im shy, I dont go to parties, the only cosmetics I use are shampoo and soap. Nevertheless, Im able to get in contact with girls (or they get in contact with me?), even attractive ones.
    Maybe its just because I produce pheromones because of Nofap? It would make sense I suppose. People who have orgasms a lot would be marked as "taken" by nature. So only people who dont would produce the right pheromones.
  5. N7jq

    N7jq Fapstronaut

    It is possible, but I remember seeing a science show where they put pheremones on a guy and he seems no less attractive to women. Who knows how much that study actually knows. I definitely believe in the pheremones idea, at least to the extent that when you've got a full load the male body sort of goes into a mode where nature takes its course. Jacking off naturally destroys that. There really aren't any benefits to jacking off, for that matter. It's just a habitual activity.
  6. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I think there is probably some credence to this. I have a chronic inability to tell when anyone is hitting on me, so I have no idea honestly if it is true. Plus I've been getting fat lately so I think girls are ignoring me more. Then again I have no clue. LOL!
  7. one32

    one32 Fapstronaut

    Same here. I just assumed that I was a woman repellant, but that was probably due to low self esteem.
  8. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Social cues are not our strong suit I guess. LOL.
  9. Casper400

    Casper400 Fapstronaut

    This is totally real. I'm on day like 79 and I lost a little weight but women everywhere are throwing themselves at me everywhere I go. I go out of my way to shave everyday and look good just in case because I'm getting numbers and flirting with women everywhere I go. Beautiful women too, ones I normally would get a good connection with out of thin air one out five is like five out of five. Women I don't even like from groups I'm in are coming on to me, or just running with it if I say things that are even suggestive of interest but me just being friendly and are being wildly persistent.

    I'm very self aware of what's going on around me all the time and ever since I started abstaining from myself, females are all over me.

    Tonight I was Texas Roadhouse with my friends and I was being flirty but nice to the waitress who was a 10 and had a ring and I called this girl I've been texting by name to tell them I'm going to hang back because she text me was a long one, and the waitress looked really upset. Maybe she thought I was a cheating pig or something but when I said another girls name she went totally unenthusiastic. While I was texting the other girl though the waitress and I had laughs for like 10min (I couldn't even text the girl by the time my friend called- the only reason I ever got around to finishing it) and even said her name in sentence (I came late and just had water so I never got introduced) about how I should tell my friends that *I won't privy her name but fill in the blank* is the bread hookup. So I doubt it was upsetting out of disgust her face when I mentioned another girls name.

    Girls who are taken are keeping in touch with me. Even girls that are 2-5 inches taller than me (I'm only 5'6).

    On a side note, I feel like a better guy and more confident around women by not fappen. I'm sure that's a factor too, but I think there's something in the pheromones. I'm having much more attention and success in person than online- night and day.

    I did this for spiritual reasons and my hearts in the right place and I'm not homewrecking, but this has been a very welcome, easily noticeable side effect.
  10. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    that´s how you revive an undead thread xD but actually an interesting many views in 3 years hahha :D
  11. Downy

    Downy Fapstronaut


    Has this been proven not to work now with recent studies. Just ultra curious as I have just come across this word and what it does in the animal kingdom and so suggest it works in men.
  12. Pheromones were the rage in the 90s. A cologne still produced called Realm claims to put human pheromones in the blend. Science has dispelled the actual power of these hormones. They are important, but you're not going to fill a room with your manliness. It's something subtle, and you wash most of it away in the morning.
  13. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Yes. I have phermones but i have not worn them lately. I dont feel right just yet, like i'm being dishonest in a way. Produced by natural means they are ok, but to wear them as cologne makes me feel like i'm manipulating people.

    The thought crosses my mind that what if there is someone like me out there that comes in contact with me when i'm wearing this stuff and it triggers them?

    I have to be honest they smell pretty good to me and they would give me a confidence boost when i wore them. I have both male and female phermones, some more sexually provacative than others.

    Im on the fence about this. I will abstain for now as i wish to be totally abstinent. I also feel that playing with pheromones will lead me to a place i dont want to be in.
  14. Downy

    Downy Fapstronaut

    I dont get it. So you're both saying you can buy bit and wear it like a deodorant? Or is that what it is when bought.
  15. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    I bought raw phermones. They come in an atomizer spray like a cologne or perfume but do not have a cologne or perfume smell. They smell like the human body odors of either male or female and some mixtures of both.

    Some are stronger than others as they are mixtures of different components of each pheromone molecule. Some smell very clean and bright, others extremely dark and sinister. I have one that is based on female ovulation. Enough said.

    I have to be so careful with these and i'm afraid to wear them now. They do smell amazing though.

    Some mixtures come scented with either cologne or perfume and the cover scents alone can be purchased to be worn separately. These i will try as i do not feel guilty about wearing them. I am allowing myself to wear essential oil now as i am gaining a little more self respect back.

    I must beware of the ones that smell like just after having intercourse.
    Danger! Avoid! They are a trap waiting to spring and catch me when im not looking and i dont feel strong enough to play with these, plus i feel guilty dosing innocent unsuspecting folks, especially if they're like one of us here.
  16. Fenix Rising

    Fenix Rising Fapstronaut

    Buying pheromones in deodorants is a big marketing gimmick. The best way to raise your pheromone levels is to completely stop jerking off and lift heavy weights 3-4 times a week to boost your natural growth hormone and testosterone production. Don't shower often (2-3 times a week will do), and when you do, use shower gel/shampoo only for washing your hair and groin/under arm areas (not using gels would be even better as production of 16-androstenes is concentrated in axillary sweat, but still you don't want to smell like a pig :) ). I shower every third day and it's totally fine hygiene wise. I used to sweat heavily as I did more than an hour of vigorous aerobic exercise 6 times a week and was totally fine odor wise. You do need to change cloths every time after you've sweated though, again you don't want to smell like a homeless person. For some reason women subconsciously love it and really start flirting with you big time. But then again, it could just be because you developed lean athletic looking body in the process.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  17. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this info. I will begin applying today. I still want to use pheromones though but i will abstain from it.
    Fenix Rising likes this.
  18. Downy

    Downy Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the info guys
    Jerky and Fenix Rising like this.
  19. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    I wish to keep this thread active. I will post here often.

    I am wearing essential oil today but i didnt shower before i left the house. I am wearing clean clothes.

    Natural pheromones lie beneath whatever we wear: cologne, perfume or oils. Alcohol based fragrances help to lift the pheromones into the air and reach those in the vicinity of the wearer.

    I am so tempted to experiment with the ones that i have but i will wait until some time passes to even consider this, and then to test them only when i know i will be home alone. This test will be to examine application dosages and dispersion effects, meaning if i can smell them strongly enough then so can others.

    Though i am concerned that this may be a dangerous thing for me to do. I must remain mindful at all times.
  20. ledener

    ledener Fapstronaut

    I've never used pheromones colognes but something says to me that its not really necessary because the molecule that fits more to our personality must be the one that our body produces, not an ordinary industrial sintetized smell
    Jerky likes this.