Relationship Rescue

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by MaKa, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. MaKa

    MaKa Fapstronaut

    I read this and a light bulb went off. It makes so much sense. Thought I'd share....

    The Porn Healing Paradox:

    He Recognizes His Problem with Porn and Is Getting Better So Why Do I Feel Worse?

    He: Feels a new level of honesty and truthfulness She: Feels the level of his disloyalty and deceit more intensely
    He: Has a new level of appreciation for the marriage bond She: Is saddened to realize how little the marriage has meant to him
    He: Finally has the accountability he was looking for She:Senses the shame and secrecy of being married to an addict
    He: Loves her more than he ever has before She: Has never felt less loved,valued or secure

    Bottom Line: He wants congratulations for something that makes you want to throw up.

    The emotions listed above are true and valid for both the man and woman yet are polar opposite. Why does this happen?
    He has been holding these feelings for a long time and is very familiar with them. It is a welcome relief for him to disclose
    his secrets and come clean. Sharing his burden with you means you now get to grieve over the loss of the relationship as
    you knew it to be. You get to feel some level of the shame he felt. You also have a finely tuned sense of distrust towards
    all of his actions. Welcome to the temporary insanity that healing from a porn addiction brings to a couple.
    Be aware of the porn healing paradox as both of you move forward. Share this with him so he understands and appreciates
    your viewpoint as both of you work on becoming whole again. He needs to continue to earn your trust. And you need to
    continue to work on healing yourself and becoming open to trust again.
  2. Yep, that's pretty right on the money. I came across that web page pretty early on after hubby's PMO disclosure and showed it to him. I can definitely see how the "He" in that scenario would feel some degree of relief in coming clean....carrying around such a heavy burden would weigh anyone down. But in doing so that burden gets passed on to us partners, who (at least in my case) were completely blindsided by it. The pain, betrayal, lack of's enough to make my head spin.
    about a girl, WifeInTheDark and MaKa like this.
  3. MaKa

    MaKa Fapstronaut

    It puts things in perspective, to help stop my head from falling off. :)
    Sunflower80 and Gamerwife85 like this.
  4. I'm glad. It helped give me perspective too...*hugs* Anything that helps give perspective or some brief respite from the emotional rollercoaster is good in my book.
    Sunflower80, WifeInTheDark and MaKa like this.
  5. WifeInTheDark

    WifeInTheDark Fapstronaut

    Yup, this describes the scenario pretty accurately. The only thing it didn't mention are the intense waves of emotion that blindside you....suddenly remembering how you were an unwitting victim to this lifestyle. Realizing how well your SO lied to you for so long and realizing the reality that you may have no idea when and if he lies again in the future.

    We hear again and again that you will never be 100% in control of your own life. That even control freaks have to admit that there is very little in life that they are actually in control of. The moment you loosen the reins and admit that you're on a journey of ups and downs and just try to enjoy the adventure of it all, that is the moment when you stop blaming yourself for not having 20/20 vision (as only someone reflecting on the past can have) and realizing in the moment what was really going down. (Stopping that internal dialogue of "I should have known! How did I not see this?! What is wrong with me that I didn't see this was happening under my nose the whole time?!")

    We can only be responsible for how we react to life. The only thing we're REALLY in control of is our own attitude and the way we respond to life. We can't be responsible for decisions our SO makes. We can't let ourselves feel responsible for choosing someone that treated us like this. For believing their lies in good faith....

    We can only stand up for our own personal truths and decide whether we are up for this journey with discover who they really are without all the toxic sludge permeating their minds. And discovering the kind of couple we could be without the mental disease of PMO infecting everything.

    When I stop blaming, then I can start to empathisize and feel love. But knowing the battle ahead sure helps!
  6. AllanTheCowboy

    AllanTheCowboy Fapstronaut

    This makes all crazy kinds of sense. How do I help?
  7. WeHaveAFuture

    WeHaveAFuture Fapstronaut

    Oh good I'm not going crazy! Now any suggestions on how to stop the crazy?
    AllanTheCowboy likes this.
  8. about a girl

    about a girl Fapstronaut

    For the crazy.. I come on here and realise that I am not alone .. I'm not the only one hurt by this addiction .. Although I am alone.. I am not alone ..
  9. Sunflower80

    Sunflower80 Fapstronaut

    Just WOW!