On the wrong path

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Things aren't looking good for me.
    Seems I'm too superficial in my prayers. I developt a habbit to spend time on the phone way too much and becaouse of that I lack in my prayers ect. That doesn't help me fighting with the sin of PMO. In fact I waste my days my life with phone and PMO. Things was looking good when I was praying rosary everyday but then it starts to be faster and faster until I don't even pray. And other things in life startes to suffer. I developt bad sideefect of excessive M trought my life and that makes me feel bad. Everything that happen in my life no matter is it pain agony luck happy leeds me back to the sin. And my job that I started to do now doesn't bring me money acctualy is opposite I lose.. and I'm in debt.
    So I ask for help and maybe prayers so that I can turn my life round and be consistant in prayers..
    Thanks for reading.
    born3 likes this.
  2. Sorry to hear you're having a tough time :-(

    Try to resume the rosary, start by just a mystery a day but prayed from the heart.
    Say brief prayers (jaculatory or arrow prayers) along all the day, like "Jesus, Son of David, have compassion for me", "God, be merciful to me a sinner", "Save me my God, I take refuge in you"... and invoke Mary
    Remember to pray at the moment of temptations, bad thoughts and bad emotions

    I pray for you
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2024
    born3 and Toni7 like this.
  3. Hi @Toni7, how are you doing?
    Toni7 likes this.
  4. Newman71557

    Newman71557 Fapstronaut

    It feels wrong to preach when I am fallen myself, but it is one small step at a time. Take a deep breath, and lift your heart and soul and mind and body to the Lord. Submit to His yoke. This is always the first small (giant) step in climbing out of the pit-grasping His hand.
    Sancte Michael Archangeli, defende nos in proelio.
    Toni7, born3 and Mara43 like this.
  5. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Don't know what to say. I haven't even prayed for cuple of days. I didn't go to confession yet. At job is same maybe little better. I have been busy.
    @Mara43 @Newman71557 what do you think about being disciplined and staying busy like a form of prayer?
    I have been realy busy this days from the moring to the end so at least I'm not foucused on bad things.
  6. It's great you've been busy, but I think it's very important going to confession to restore "formally" your friendship with God, your state of grace, and so to be able to receive the holy communion!
    It's good. In fact, our whole life should be a prayer. We need to be aware of God's presence at all times during the day and offer to Him each of our activities, efforts, joys and sufferings.
    However, what would you say if a friend spends all day with you, but he doesn't even say you hello? So I think it's necessary at least say "hello God, I'm here, I love you, please help me and be with me this day" ;-)
    It's ideal to have a moment devoted to our personal prayer to talk to God AND listen to Him, say 10, 15 or 20 minutes, but I know it's not easy to find it and keep it when one isn't used to, has too many activities or struggles with organization... Then, it's easier to start with little steps, like
    Do not spend a single day without addressing the Lord, at least briefly, and try to always be aware of His presence :)
    Toni7 and born3 like this.
  7. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    I will. I need some quiet time for examination of conscience.

    I had a time when I was praying rosary everyday but then it was just pressure for me doing it just to be done.

    Roger that.
    Mara43 likes this.
  8. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I think it is helpful to us to think about the question, "Why should I pray?". It's may sound selfish but perhaps it is healthy to ask, What do I get out of it?

    If we love someone, we want to be with them and we want to talk to them. I don't think we can make ourselves love someone by simply saying - it is the right thing to do. I think we have to consider what makes another worth loving. What makes God worth loving? Personally, I'd say the answer to this question is everywhere I look, everywhere I go, every molecule of air that I breath, my very existence.

    Having said that, there is a further level to loving God and others. Despite loving God with all of our hearts, there will be times we don't feel the passion of the father's love in our hearts but God makes these moments for us too. At such times, He is gently teaching us unconditional love. We can reach a level of love where we don't need God to do something special for us, for us to love Him. Doesn't God love us in this way too? When we sin, He doesn't stop loving us and He doesn't forget about us. I believe when we obtain a level where we can pray to God, out of love for Him, even when we don't feel like it, we are coming a step closer to the quality of love He wants us to experience.
    again, Toni7, born3 and 1 other person like this.
  9. lold veidel

    lold veidel Fapstronaut

    My answer to that question is a selfish one: I should pray because I don't want to live like an animal in human body with an additional skill to speak. When I skip praying - let's say many hours or even a whole day (the reason is almost always my lazy bone nature) then I start being nervous, anxious, angry, distracted, I feel temptations, I tend to get more and more mean and impatient etc. I feel distinctly that I'm becoming .... a wild animal with all its instincts.
    Mara43 and Toni7 like this.
  10. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Yes that happens to me. I skip prayer for to long then I feel bad.. maybe it is to much pressure for prayer? Sometimes my prayers where so emotional and I did feel need for them. Sometimes they where just to say them and thats it. I feel like our way of living be fair be disciplined work hard worth more then just one little prayer. Whole mindset is needed. How can i say it. Everyrhing we do is some kind of prayer. Doing things for glory to God for saving our souls. That mindset is maybe more needed then just to say a prayer..but then alos I remeber "story" that Jesus said about some women who always come to one place asking same guy same thing and she was a little bit annoying so becaouse of that she give it to here...
  11. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Great point. "I don't want to live like an animal in a human body". Wise words, thank you for giving me this thought.
    Toni7, born3 and Mara43 like this.
  12. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I love those times when I pray and I am gifted with some new insight into the words I am saying, a new and deeper meaning. I admit, I love the Blessed Virgin deeply. I enjoy spending time in her company and I am forever grateful for the incredible help she has advocated for me. So, my latest consideration - "Hail Mary, full of grace" how amazing to be completely full of grace! What a lovely and pure soul she was on earth. I am sure that she gave the apostles encouragement when they were in fear for their lives. I am sure she espoused nothing but love, even for Christ's torturers. She truly is the mother of our church.

    Anyway. Sorry for rambling, I am just brimming with this new bit of insight that I was given through prayer lately. What about you? Can you recognize any new insights you have been given through prayer?
    Toni7 and Mara43 like this.
  13. Someone said that prayer is the breathing of the soul. Who doesn't breathe, dies...
    Toni7, CPilot and again like this.
  14. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Recently, I heard a priest say that when we pray, the Holy Spirit has prompted us to do so. It is not our own initiative. In the same vein, he also said that when we go to Confession, we generally feel it is us asking God to forgive us for our sins and to give us another chance, but actually it is God calling us saying, give my grace another chance, give my love another chance. What a beautiful and inspirational thought!
    Keli, Mara43, Toni7 and 1 other person like this.
  15. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Sadly no. Things aren't good for me right now.
    I will need to go to confession. I would like to visit one place one friend told me about that help him.
    I feel maybe I need to live somwhere with people where I will be doing something. i'm thinking aloso about army military recruit training that is 8 weeks and it is paid..
  16. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I can't advise you for or against. Its a big decision but if you use the beautiful intellect God gave you to fully consider the pros and cons of the idea while praying for the grace to make the best choice, it will work out for you. However, be patient with the process and with yourself. The positive impact of such big decisions takes time to unfold in our lives but when done under the will of God, they will work out well for you.
    Mara43 and Toni7 like this.
  17. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    That is advice I will follow. Thanks.
    Mara43 likes this.