Someone triggered my anxiety...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by 123potatochamp, Feb 26, 2024.

  1. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    I couldn't resist how listen to a song considered relapse... Example like they have ad libs " uhh, ohh " mostly found in rap music resemblance like moaning sound, i wasn't considered as sexual until someone mentioned " did you get hard, dopamine rush released, that's a relapse "

    I was doing just fine... Now I can't even listen to a song? I'm just mental fatigued
  2. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    That person is full of horse-shit.

    Don't listen to people like him/her!
  3. kenshin81

    kenshin81 Fapstronaut

  4. Muha22

    Muha22 Fapstronaut

    What are u on about my man, first of all why are u listening to songs with moaning sounds , u are a porn addict seems to me that you are just looking for porn substitutes
    MerseyPhoenix and again like this.
  5. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    No... I already mentioned mostly Rap songs are there like that.... You don't read what's I'm try to say. Why does it sound like u going around doing this type of things
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2024
  6. I_Am_Strong_54

    I_Am_Strong_54 Fapstronaut

    In my opinion, we all need our own definition of what constitutes a relapse. A relapse is not everything that releases dopamine. Thinking that way will drive you crazy and as you said mentally fatigue you. I like to work out at the gym, and a workout releases dopamine, so I guess I relapse every day when i go to the gym. I guess if you go to a party for a friend, that is a relapse too? Maybe you do a good job at work and get a bonus, that would release dopamine, so I guess that is a relapse too. My point is don't listen to anyone, just figure out what is the best thing for you and follow that path.
    123potatochamp likes this.
  7. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the clarification.... I can't even listen to a fucking song which is crazy, like i have a favorite rap song, there's certains line was " erk ahh erk em til sun rise " mean they were having sex... It's not an actual moaing, it just a resemble of porn. and i did not realize at all, cause im mostly enjoy the music & song, i sing all along, for years... i just realized recently this part is sexual. Now i feel like can't continue doing nofap anymore, everything triggered even the slightly ridiculous things... I was about to go to gym... now after this triggered i just mental exhaustion
  8. Muha22

    Muha22 Fapstronaut

    There is a difference between working out and listening to moaning sounds
  9. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    It's not an actual moaning bro... Quite being a dickhead, it never worth it
  10. Damnit123

    Damnit123 Fapstronaut

    U have to do the separation between things that trigger u. If some songs make u triggered so stop listening to them... If some movies make u triggered so stop watching those movies... It's an individual experience - things that make people triggered not necessarily would trigger others... There is a good dopamine and bad dopamine... Listen to music, eating tasty food, going to the gym all are activities that make u release dopamine... Of course eating a lot of chocolate and sugar for example is bad but if u enjoy from other types of food it's okay... The bottom line is that u need to define for yourself what is good and what is bad. BTW there are activities that probably always going to be good for u like get in shape, sports, eating healthy, socialize (in a good way means meeting new people and develop connections and self confidence).
    123potatochamp likes this.
  11. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    Basically mean i have to avoid every song that have ad libs porn resemble... This going to drive me crazy... I didn't even release until i start analysis it... Like this incident
    I literally was enjoying the line, didn't thought much of it... Also there's another song you can check like Dilemma by nelly, the ad libs is the same " uhhh " like moaning. Technically all these count as relapse?
  12. I_Am_Strong_54

    I_Am_Strong_54 Fapstronaut

    Just my opinion, you are stressing way too much about what a relapse is. You are going to drive yourself insane thinking everything is a relapse. A grunt or a moan in a song is not a relapse. This is of course assuming that you hear the grunt it is not triggering you to watch porn.

    I think part of the problem might be the way people are interpreting what you wrote in a couple of different ways:
    1. I think some people are assuming you hear the grunting or moaning in the song and it's triggering you to go watch porn.
    2. I'm reading your post and thinking you are just enjoying the song, maybe singing along with it, and not having a 2nd thought about the grunt or moan.

    I think you need to define a relapse for yourself and not worry what anyone else tells you. Using myself as an example, i initially defined a relapse as anytime i actively seek out and watch porn or pay for cam sites. Of course I found a loophole and started doing online sex chats, so i had to start including that a relapse. Anything else for me is not a relapse. I go to the gym and look at an attractive girl, not a relapse. I'm watching a movie on Netflix and there is a sex scene, not a relapse. I hear a grunt or a moan in a song, not a relapse. For example right now the song I am listening to a lyric is "you got another thing coming" repeated several times. But "coming" could be a sex term. This is in no way a relapse.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2024
    123potatochamp likes this.
  13. 123potatochamp

    123potatochamp Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much man, for being supportive and understandable. sorry for late response, i was caught up with some works. cause of anxiety it drove me crazy, from time to time, so, it can be illogical and out of control. and thank you so much.