if i dont watch porn i go slightly insane

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by bewildered90, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. bewildered90

    bewildered90 Fapstronaut

    if i go a few days to a week i begin to crawl the walls, i ruminate. i don't particularly feel horny by any means or have urges. but somethings is wrong . when i watch porn i connect and release all my stress

    it helps but at the same time its all part of the problem.

    NoFap makes me very kranky

    At the end of rhe day i wonder what the end result of NoFap is especially since i don't plan on relationships especially not because of not watching porn . not watching porn turns me into a complete mental case can get out if my head rumination annd round and round it goes.

    if the end result of me not watching porn is simply keep cum inside my testicles

    i would at least like to be able to mitigate the amount of porn but im noticing why i have been unable to complete a full week for 4 years because i go out of my mind or at least i am trapped in the worst aspects of it.

    especially since i mostly watch trans porn . screwed up beyond belief

    rhe more i watch the more i find it mentally damaging ive gone from all girls to trans in about 20 years and this society is a million years behind which i can understand because i have my own hang ups as well

    what do you do when you living in extremely homophobic society and have internalised homophobia

    Last edited: Feb 24, 2024
  2. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    It’s excess energy going to your “bad side” that then manifests as rumination.. I have experienced a similar thing and still do to this day actually..

    we gotta just stay calm and use the energy towards more productive things like socializing, the gym, or going to other relaxing places like the jacuzi or something
    im_done likes this.
  3. BardockSaiyan7

    BardockSaiyan7 New Fapstronaut

    Try to go to the nature man, it always helped me to clear my own my mind.

    Maybe a religious approach would help? As a jew i would recomend you to read Psalm 56 3x times a day. It will help you to control the urge to see porn and your yetzer horá (bad inclination in the soul).

    Hope you get better.
  4. Joe1023

    Joe1023 Fapstronaut

    So your post, to me personally, is just more evidence of exactly how this is not just a destructive and unhealthy addiction for us, but an actual drug. We often feel like it literally keeps us healthy or sane, or that we may be less of a human being if we don't engage it. This is what our addiction and the porn industry are banking literally EVERYTHING on. It's what they NEED us to think. But it's all crap. It's all a complete load of horse $h1+!!

    We CAN do this, IF we want sobriety badly enough to work for it! It won't be quick or easy, but it IS possible. To me, the only way to really do it is to join a 12 step SA group, get a sponsor to call daily, and get into some CSAT therapy.
  5. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I can totally relate with you on that struggle during the first week trying to start getting some traction on removing P.

    Here's how I see it now as I look back. My body, being so used to the constant supply p gave me, turned all the alarms on when I removed it. I've realized our body communicates with us in these ways. Anxiety for example can be our bodies trying to tell us something isn't safe. Stress for example can be from working too hard. I think that is exactly what's happening when you feel like you are going to climb a wall. Your body is saying this doesn't feel normal!

    Removing P set my bodies alarm system into overdrive. The worst feelings at first came at 3 to 7 days. But once I started stacking several 14 day streaks together those alarms did start to silence and it became much easier to get back up and regain traction after a relapse.

    It eventually has gotten to the point now where I can go 30 plus days without thinking of p much at all.

    Sorry for your struggles with this, but know that things do get better.
  6. Sad25%

    Sad25% New Fapstronaut

    We are together on that one
  7. Sad25%

    Sad25% New Fapstronaut

    I want to start my 30 days from tomorrow,, sometimes I end up interrupting my days by watching porn again and again
  8. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    We shouldn’t pretend porn does nothing positive for us, because it isn’t true. PMO is an effective self-soothing strategy. You can’t expect to simply cut it out of your life with zero ramifications. However, PMO has side effects. Big ones. Bad ones. And it’s cumulative, like cigarettes. A younger guy hooked on porn at least doesn’t appear to experience the same negative side effects that a middle aged addict does. If you don’t learn to live without porn now, you’ll have a much worse life later.

    The way to quit porn is to understand what you need it for, then find an alternate, sustainable way to meet that need. It helps you calm down and stay out of your own head. For me, regular exercise has been an immense help for this aspect. It’s not intuitive. Most people work out to get in better shape, to make their bodies healthy. For me, regular exercise helps keep my brain healthy. The effects are not immediate, either. I sometimes feel a little better directly after I run, but the big difference is up to a day or two later. I remain calmer, with less anxiety. This is not a correlation I expected or wanted to find, it was one I discovered after extensive journaling. Writing your thoughts in a journal is another good way to express and externalize your thoughts and anxieties. Talking about your day, verbally processing, is something we naturally do when other people are around, and we reinforce or provide levity for one another as needed. It’s difficult to do this alone, so we need to work harder at it and we need to seek relationships where sharing our thoughts, feelings, and ideas is appropriate. This helps us understand ourselves, and resolve where to go, what to do from there, rather than bury our anxieties in a horny fantasy. Some people get a lot out of prayer or meditation as well. Study in the Koran, Tanakh, Bible, Upanishads, or another preferred religious text, or in Stoicism or another philosophy, can help you find insights applicable to your immediate situation, and thinking about those higher things and/or the God who loves you, can go far in alleviating anxieties, without the destructive side effects of porn.

    Try those, and see if you can think of other alternatives to explore. Simply being in nature helps us physically heal, it stands to reason it can help us mentally regenerate as well. When you find good, wholesome replacements for porn, you’ll find you can go indefinitely without crawling the walls.