Day 157 no porn. M/0 last night to just sensation..not so sure about total NOFAP

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by JC8833, Jan 23, 2024.

  1. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    And I feel 100000x better mentally..such a better mood and wayyyy happier and “lighter” feeling. I was feeling just awful super low mood and super irritated with no legit cause..I’m starting to believe I need to bring in M/O obviously without porn that’s not even a question anymore but at this point in my journey like Gary Wilson talked about bringing in masturbation again to just sensation is beneficial..would love to hear opinions on this. I think total celibacy for too long your body just shuts down all sexual feeling and appetite…

    True nofap “hard mode” I believe is good right away for the first couple months to unwire from thinking of porn but I think too long without any stimulation and natural M/O isn’t healthy either long term…more so mentally and mental wellbeing
    CjInterStellar and Keiktsu like this.
  2. runninginadarktunnel

    runninginadarktunnel Fapstronaut

    congrats bro. happy for you. what you achieved sounds impossible for me. I can't even do quarter of that streak.

    about sensation, if you don't have erection issues, sensitivity issues, or something like that I think you can masturbate. some people might be angry with me, but I find some nofappers too extreme. this should be about rebooting. not forever abstaining. but from time to time you need dopamine too. however, maybe I am failing at nofap because of my mindset lol :)
    JC8833 likes this.
  3. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I was always kind of skeptical of true nofap..I knew porn was a real issue and I 100% believe that but I think once porn thoughts and the urge to watch that go away I think natural masturbation and orgasm is a normal healthy human activity that should be done in moderation. I’m sure this will get some people hot
  4. runninginadarktunnel

    runninginadarktunnel Fapstronaut

    I think so too. they were even doing it during wars. however, I know constantly watching porn and constantly seeking dopamine is not healthy. I am not healthy. but forever abstaining from pleasure is also not healthy.

    I am feeling very down by the way. I didn't masturbate. but I am looking at findom accounts. I think this counts as a relapse. I created this account 9 hours ago after my masturbation. I felt like it is enough. and I have penile injury by the way. still I can't quit. pathetic. I am an addict. I don't believe in myself. and there is no "advice". advice is overrated. whatever people tell me, unless I don't believe in myself, I can't do it. which I don't believe in myself.
  5. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Where Gary Wilson said masturbation is ok?
  6. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Eating unhealthy food is a normal human activity as well. Because everyone else does i do it as well, here and there snacking, long sitting and staying up at night. We cannot compare bananas with Clement. Once there was a man who gets paid to bring manipulation into the game. Yes he got paid for making false advertisement. Everyone believed it. ;)
  7. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut


    Attached Files:

  8. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    There was a study done that shows how much masturbation dopamine releases.

    Masturbation gives you a massive dopamine dump of around 50mg. The high end of natural homeostasis, in regards to every day pleasurable feelings, is 10mg of dopamin. A 50mg dopamine hit is far larger and is on par with recreational drug use.

    What you define as abstaining from pleasure is unhealthy is some mainstream media lie.
    Its ensuring to tell yourself masturbation is fine but the glimpse of the idea fires neurons at a massive force.
    I wonder what centenarians do with 0 sexual pleasure things. They still can make me a good miso soup at the age of 100 ;)
  9. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    I assume you dont look at a white wall and fap. You first remember porn scenes and then release. Well maybe i know why fantasizing is dangerous. Even a small urges guides you into the abyss. Well what about fap urges? People relapse after years of succes and suddenly fap. Ah one time no problem its actually good. This is where the damage begins. Next week he thinks to implement masturbation. Then 2x per week then the vicious cycle again. Not so smart.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  10. Keiktsu

    Keiktsu Fapstronaut

    Congratulations!! I'm very happy for you, and I plan to achieve of doing as many days as well.

    I have read YBOP too, and I think it is a magnificent book, I'm currently reading it for the second time. But masturbating again... I will not do it, you might fall into the 'Chaser' effect that Gary described, that being said... Don't you think you have already masturbated enough throughout your entire life? Save your sexual energy only for real sex, masturbation is a waste of energy IMHO. If you were a PMO addict you have already done too much harm to your body, if you plan on having sex If I were you, I will plan to do it very limited, like once a week or once every 2 weeks, remember you have harmed yourself already.

    I don't think your body will 'shut down' from total celibacy, specially if you used to be an addict to PMO.
    JC8833 likes this.
  11. Keiktsu

    Keiktsu Fapstronaut

    You know, I know that for moderate NoFappers this might sound "Way too radical", (and I don't consider myself a radical), but you are absolutely right, it's a mainstream media lie.
    Ammar2 and Yin&Yang like this.
  12. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    I felt sooo awful without that orgasm release and I believe there is benefits to orgasm I just know that porn is the real issue and the cause of all the sexual dysfunction that is so prevalent each their own Forsure for me I feel every few weeks I need to release as I am single right now
    Keiktsu likes this.
  13. Keiktsu

    Keiktsu Fapstronaut

    I see... what exactly do you feel when you say 'awful'? Do you really think that masturbating will help you feel better in the *long term*?

    Aren't you just on a flatline?

    If you plan to masturbate again, be careful, masturbation by it self is addictive.

    Wish you luck!
  14. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    We can achieve same happiness or even better in daily life.
    Keiktsu likes this.
  15. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    When you cant see the cards you still lack the knowledge. When you can see the cards you know who disguise himself and who not. Many brothers shared consequenties equal to hell, only with masturbation. Yes masturbation addiction not porn. They shared the same symptoms. Nerveus system wrecking is achieved with masturbation, not porn. Porn causes faster damage until the measuring thermometer is low. This is your brain.

    3.5 months half reboot. I feel the best ever. I can not believe what damage has been done. We ignored our reckless behaviour. All i can say i feel happy without nothing. Im "single" as the foreigners want to call it. Its just to be ashamed of to give yourself such label. The label attach frustration, doubt, guilt. Because im single i have to release, i cant come up with a better reason to let the brain whistle the harmful act of masturbation. When words are not written in blood one will never learn.
    Ammar2 likes this.
  16. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Lack of knowledge. They will not learn until you spill blood, there is no prostate cancer, and there is no need to release semen. The need that you should release is a lie. They will benefit from it. I got various medications to use and never said to the doctors yes. I went my own path. I cured myself. I can breathe better, life now does not feels like a background noise. I hear, smell, and think better.

    I found this ingredient list on longecity and I added some other missing ingredients to this (the ones without amounts):

    Chemical composition of sperm (in mg/100 ml)

    Ammonia = 2
    Ascorbic acid/vitamin C = 12.8
    Calcium = 25
    Carbon dioxide = 54 ml/100 ml
    Chloride = 155
    Cholesterol = 80
    Citric acid = 376
    Copper = 006 to .024
    Nitrogen, nonprotein (total) = 913
    Phosphorus, acid-soluble = 57
    Inorganic = 11
    Lipids = 6
    Total (lipid) = 112
    Phosphorylcholine = 250-380
    Glutathione = 30
    Glycerylphorylcholine = 54-90
    Inositol = 50.57
    Lactic acid = 35
    Magnesium = 14
    Potassium = 89
    Pyruvic acid = 29
    Sodium = 281
    Sorbitol = 10
    Vitamin B12 = 300-600 ppg
    Sulfur = 3% (of ash)
    Urea = 72
    Uric acid = 6
    Zinc = 14
    Sialic acid
    Acid phosphatase
    Prostate specific antigen
    Proteolytic enzymes
    There are probably many substances in semen that we don’t know about. There are almost certainly other ingredients in semen that we don’t know about – perhaps some X factor.
  17. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    yeah just super low mood and irritable..I feel orgasm here and there might “jumpstart” me out of the flatline..bunch of ppl say it can be beneficial to bring M/O obviously without porn and anything visual
  18. Ammar2

    Ammar2 Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't go in the way of MOing without P. It's just going to make you depressed and weak in the long term. I'm addicted to MO and not P, and it really is addictive. Also not good for spirituality or prayer. If you've relapsed avoid MO it really isn't beneficial. When you O, it gives a huge dopamine rush, you feel good for the next 5 minutes but then the depression hits. Guilt comes then you just regret it. Just let wet dreams happen they do less damage (or none).
    Keiktsu likes this.
  19. Keiktsu

    Keiktsu Fapstronaut

    I'm 100% agreed with you. There is no benefit in masturbation, we as MEN, get stronger in every aspect of our life by doing semen retention. Masturbation handicaps everything.
    Yin&Yang and Ammar2 like this.
  20. Keiktsu

    Keiktsu Fapstronaut

    Very agreed, masturbation by itself IT'S addictive. Men weren't made to masturbate, it's so normal in this current society that we feel that some masturbation might be 'healthy' it's just absurd.
    Yin&Yang and Ammar2 like this.