Purgative Way & Venial Sin

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    Lately, I have gotten to a point where I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I've been on the road of recovery for a few years now. And compared to the life that I was previously living, especially in my 20s, my life now is more stable and free. But I still fall into addictive behaviors and thought patterns. I still have a lot of anger. A lot of regret. A lot of shame. A lot of impure memories. A lot of lustful inclinations. A lot of inordinate attachments. A lot of selfish pleasures and comforts and indulgences. And I can feel myself stagnating or plateauing because, on the one hand, I am clean and sober; but on the other hand, I still give in to the dissipations that pave the way to relapse. Someone with my temperament tends toward sadness, negativity, despair, anger, pride, complaining, and all sorts of toxic resentments. But just being in that headspace is the perfect primer for relapsing into p&m. And the point that I'm getting at is that it is the venial sins, the deliberate small things, that really add to significant bruising in the spiritual life. And now that I have a wonderful woman in my life and heading toward new horizons in young adulthood, I really just can't do it anymore. I have to leave those things behind. And it's not because I want to be a perfection-ist, but because why should the Lord share me with lower things, why should the Lord share me with vain things, with idols, why should I continue to sicken myself in shackles of selfishness, curved in on myself, the self is just nauseating sometimes. It's no wonder that God created us to live toward others, to give, to be selfless, and to detach ourselves from ourself. And I'm hoping and praying and practicing that I continue in this way of detachment, and to wait for God to continue to do his good work in me. And that's where I'm at right now. So I guess as far as practical things to do, ... I already go to Mass every day, I am faithful to the daily rosary, I go to confession regularly, I avoid mortal sin, I read the bible and I like to do the Morning and Evening Prayer from the liturgy of the hours. I have a really good spiritual regimen that keeps me grounded, but I need to do better about identifying the root of my sin. And it is time for me to go deeper, and to expose my wound to the painful but healing touch of the divine physician. "Say but the word and my soul shall be healed." I could be better about doing a consistent meditation, or about making small mortifications, and or about making time for a little examen prayer each night. It's just so easy to get into a spirit of routine and to become complacent; but it's true that as good and happy as I am to have a "good spiritual life" by my older standards, to me now, it's not enough, and I'm not content to simply keep living with my old sins. I'm not going to just share a room with my old sins, as "tolerable" as they may be. That's completely asinine and foolish and ...just... why?? Scripture, especially the new testament letters, are rife with plenty of passages and exhortations from the apostles who basically leave no room for excuse, no room for any "rank growth of wickedness", no room for self-deception; the Lord does not care about your excuses, your masks, your bullshit; he wants you healed and restored, all the way down, "what is the height and depth and width and breadth". So let's go there! Only God can do the work, there's no doubt about that, but what can I do to put my sails up for him? What can I do to dispose myself to him? How can I cooperate? And let's do it, he and I, together. May you find it now. I'm sure there are more thoughts I could ramble on but let this suffice. Thanks for reading, if you did. Peace. And merry Christmas.

    One additional thought though because it is vital, how can any of this be done of course without loving one's neighbor? "Not in word and speech but in deed and in truth." Growth in prayer and sanctity is only one side of the coin, inseparable from that all-important command, to love God's children, bearing good fruit; this is how we truly know we are advancing in the ways of God. Not just hearers of the word, but doers of the word.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2023
    born3 and Fulton like this.
  2. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut


    This is a good one too.
    Fulton likes this.
  3. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    More about venial sin though. That's my point. It's the venial sins that are the silent killers. And what is at the root? You can trim the leaves and hack at the branches, but they'll always grow back until you root that sucker out.
  4. I understand you're talking about rooting out venial sin, and that is what prayer does. That is the point behind the levels of prayer and ascending them, so that it is no longer I who live but Christ living through me. That is unity. That is oneness.

    This is also how we love our neighbor. Notice in the Ten Commandments the first three deal with our duty towards the love of God and the rest to the love of our neighbor. We start by fixing our relationship with God, because by doing so, we will then love our neighbor in a rightly ordered way.

    If I speak with the tongues of men, and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. And if I should distribute all my goods to feed the poor, and if I should deliver my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

    Act of Charity:
    O MY GOD, I love Thee above all things, with my whole heart and soul, because Thou art all-good and worthy of all love. I love my neighbor as myself for the love of Thee. I forgive all who have injured me, and ask pardon of all whom I have injured.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2023
    Life_of_Socrates_777 likes this.
  5. Mr Eko

    Mr Eko Fapstronaut

    And this is who we people, believers are. This is our state of mind and will after the first fall (original sin). This fatal mechanism is in us and it will be in us until our last day. The church hasn't got something to destroy the factory of sin in us. We can only weaken its production of venial sins (provided we commit grave sins no more).
    What can we do is not to contemplate the very poor state inside us, those sinful inclinations etc. because it would be a fatal mistake leading to the need of relief that we know as the best working - PMO but not only this. We can run away to overeating, alkohol etc. looking for some escape and relief.
    I personally don't contemplate my sins. I know I have them a lot. It doesn't mean I do nothing to try to get rid of them by prayer, mass, good deeds etc. ( by the grace of God) but I know that this way is never-ending on this earth and that I won't notice a progress or that this progress will be slow, in some aeries very slow. Maybe other people will see more progress in me. So patience.
    The worst thing is to reduce or neglect our means of salvation from the sinful state - sacraments, prayer, mass etc. This would be a pretty victory of our personal devil who's ongoing work is to discourage us and lead to fall.
    And what do you do when you experience these negative thoughts and emotions? If nothing then you are in snares of the devil. We must as fast as possible start praying ubtil they go away and when they come back ( and they will come back for sure) must repeat our prayer. How many times? Maybe hundreds or more until the negativity goes away.

    Another thing could be to switch from the quantity of means of salvation to their quality. I remember one exorcist from India answering the question how long usually lasts an exorcism when he does it. He answered that usually it's enough for him to cross oneself in the presence of the enslaved person. But this crossing oneself was done as a real deep prayer full in faith and hope.

    A personal spiritual guide, confessor (always the same) would be maybe a good choice in your state of now
    Maybe some help to people in need or / and choosing a person in need of repentance and decision to pray for them every day. This would change your flow of thoughts from yourself to another people.
    Life_of_Socrates_777 and CPilot like this.
  6. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Nil illegitimus carborundum

    I heard it said once that the most offensive sin to God is failing to trust in Him. It may take the entirety of my life on earth but I trust that with His grace, I can realize a clean and peaceful heart.
    Life_of_Socrates_777 likes this.