I'm about to lose my mind please help... since i had flashbacks about the incident...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by saddist_adult, Nov 14, 2023.

  1. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    I was just sitting then instantly flashbacks brought me to several months ago... I listened to moaning sound on YouTube... I wasn't excited to listen, cause I don't remember get dopamine kicked but i did intentionally seek... Yesterday i had a presentation i ruined everything due to bad anxiety and scared of reset and relapse from the moaning sound... Here the link to my past posted https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/this-count-as-relapse-im-really-shaking-right-now.345111/

    Now I'm literally can't focus on doing anything... If it was reset or relapse, I'm definitely been wasted all the processes since then not knowing... Was it a relapse or reset?
  2. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    Hey there, I hope you're doing well.

    I'm not sure if I can be much help but I can say that I experience similar episodes of 'flash backs'.

    The best way that I find I deal with them is to not react. It sounds difficult but the more power you give to a flash back the more it will persist and the more defined it will become in your mind.

    First remember to tell yourself, "Dont Panic." When you panic you give the flashback attention and power.
    Second, separate yourself from possible avenues which will allow you to relapse. If you can access the triggering stimulus through a computer or phone then separate yourself from those things immediately. (However I must disclose that if you're experiencing a psychological or medical emergency always call 911.)

    By telling yourself not to panic and separating yourself from the triggering material you are isolating yourself from the potential of relapse by reducing the energy you feed into your addiction and by cutting yourself off by the supply.

    To deal with the flash back you need to find a quiet space where you can regain control of your thoughts. If you are at work then try to find a way you can take a break to allow yourself time to calm down.

    I hope this helps you in the future. Of course I hope that you will be safe and dont be afraid to seek help when you need it.
    (please take into account this coping process works for me and may not work for everyone.)
    saddist_adult and fusion47 like this.
  3. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    Thanks man for the encouragement, also this might be annoying... Would think those incident count as relapse or reset? It wasn't just moaning but also sex audio, i barely remembered or get dopamine kicked...
  4. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    Here is my opinion,

    It sounds like what you were describing to me was a flashback episode which occurred completely within the realm of your own thought.

    If the flashbacks were the only thing that happened then that is not a relapse.

    However if you acted on the flashback such as breaking your abstination from PMO then that would be considered a relapse.

    Don't over think it my friend. Thoughts are yours alone. You can't relapse just by thinking about PMO by itself. You have to physically indulge in PMO to actually relapse.

    If you do think you relapsed then don't distress. Remind yourself of how far you've come. That this is only a minor set back for you. And the next step is to pull yourself up by the boot strings and start again.

    I hope this helps you, keep up the good work friend!
    fusion47 likes this.
  5. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    What scared me is... I'm afraid that i have been lose the processes, didn't realize... I been doing nofap for years... If that one incident suppose to reset then everything until now it's goddamn wasted...

    Also from what I mean is that, i didn't realize i relapse since that incident...
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  6. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    The only thing I can say for certain is that all the time you spent in abstination was not for nothing. It wasn't wasted. Unless YOU decide that it was wasted.
    saddist_adult likes this.
  7. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    Would you think listened to sex audio or moaning sound, count as reset or relapse? My case i didn't even remember which audio i listened since it had been several months long enough... Plus i didn't get excited or crave more of it... As i recall some moments
  8. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    I think it depends on the context and the intent of the listener.

    If I happened to hear sounds that could be construed as sexual from a movie or other piece of media not intended for explicitly pornographic use then I would not consider that a relapse. To me.

    If I accidentally came across sounds of a sexual nature then chose to continue listening to it either out of compulsion or for sexual gratification then I would consider that a relapse. To me.

    If I sought out sounds of a sexual nature with the intention of experiencing sexual pleasure from it then I would consider that a relapse. To me.

    Now here is a tricky one: If I sought out sounds of a sexual nature due to a long standing habitual trend I developed as a result of prolonged exposure to PMO then I would also consider that a relapse. To me.

    I put "to me" at the end of each scenario because I'm only capable of speaking from my perspective. I have laid out very strict rules when it comes to my abstination. For me, seeking out and listening to any sort of sexualized media whether or not I receive sexual satisfaction from it is considered a relapse in my mind.
  9. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's not a very easy answer to give you.

    I cant just say, yes this was a relapse, or, no this wasn't. Because there is so much more to it.
    saddist_adult likes this.
  10. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    I understand... The messed up part is from what i truly remembered... I search moaning sound asmr then i listened to a bit but got absolute no interested, i just stopped since then. As i recalled it probably like early month of 2023... Until now i had a flashback about it plus my anxiety is making things 100 times worsen, If i was relapsed back then... Didn't know it really crazy how sneaky it is... If i count again from that day to now, i lose the previous years i done so far...
  11. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    I believe your frame of mind needs a slight readjustment.

    Let me speak from the heart for a second.

    When I relapsed last weekend I was four months free of PMO, the longest I'd gone so far. I felt crushed that I had given in. And even worse I was riddled with anxiety.

    The only thing I could do about it was take action and take steps to prevent my relapse from happening again.

    Sure I could have agonized over it, chastised myself for breaking my abstinence but to what end? What's the point? It doesn't help me to punish myself. It doesn't help me to believe that the four months I spent being abstinent was wasted (because I did feel like that at first).

    Once it was over with and I had regained control of my anxiety I only had one course of action which was to move forward and try again. I looked at the things I did wrong and took action to make sure I didn't make the same mistakes.

    I looked at the things I did right and I felt proud of myself for abstaining for four months! It was a massive improvement for me and a huge accomplishment.

    So the only thing I could do in the end was try again. Keep going. Because I'm not going to go back to watching pornography or even listening to it. It's not what I want and I'm not the person I want to be.
    saddist_adult likes this.
  12. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    Yes that's what i always been doing! You're truly winning. In my case is just disaster now as i thought back again... I could not believe it was a relapse since ... My anxiety is relapsing too making everything seem meaningless to me now... All the processes lose without notice is insanity...
  13. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    This is starting to sound like it's got more to do with feelings of anxiety than it does actual relapse.

    Whenever I experience relapse it's actually more about my anxiety than it is about the relapse.

    Managing anxiety has been something I've struggled with since I was born practically. If anxiety is truly what's got you so messed up then you should approach the situation as a means of managing your anxiety.

    You might be surprised to learn that fixing anxiety might also help with your abstinence.
    saddist_adult likes this.
  14. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    Exactly anxiety is the one truly make my life hell... As well combination of PMO... Back when i was PMO my anxiety is undeniable huge that i can not go anywhere... After ejaculated i felt my anxiety down my spine... After i have done nofap, all the anxiety is gone 70% which is crazy... That's why reset or relapse in this case mean so much to me... I seriously about to give up since you said it might be relapse....
  15. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    You keep talking a out giving up. But why? Just because you relapsed you'd be willing to go back to porn addiction?

    If you return to porn you will be right back at the beginning, suffering from anxiety and all the other problems porn use to give you.
  16. saddist_adult

    saddist_adult Fapstronaut

    If i'm really relapse... i will feel the anxiety and sense the benefits from nofap is fading .... That's why relapse or reset meant so much to me... if that incident really brought me relapse... i do not have the reasons to battle this severe addiction brain no more...
  17. Fraggernaught

    Fraggernaught Fapstronaut

    At the end of the day your the only one who can decide what this means to you and you decide what you do about it. If you've decided that you've given up then there isn't anything else I can say.

    But if I were in your shoes then I wouldn't give up. In fact I've been in your shoes and I haven't given up, so you shouldn't either.
    saddist_adult likes this.