Day 75…feel mentally worse then libido/sexual feelings..still the flatline?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by JC8833, Nov 1, 2023.

  1. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    Feel absolutely “low” still been in a flatline since I’d say the 2nd week..I started pron at age 12 and watched it consistently until starting this so until 28 (16 years) do I just gotta push through this knowing it will get better? Man it’s hard right now feel SUPER FLAT. Obviously dopamine withdrawal..and how about matsurbati*n without pron obviously?
    fusion47 likes this.
  2. Nevertoolate23

    Nevertoolate23 Fapstronaut

    Do you exercise any? Weight lifting and cardio? I've never been at it long enough to experience a flatline so I just don't know about that. My energy just keeps building until I feel like I'm going to explode. Did it do that for you and then flatline or was it different?
  3. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    I live my life around exercise lol I’ve felt really low after like 2nd week?? I like went right into the flatline pretty quick is that normal??
  4. Nevertoolate23

    Nevertoolate23 Fapstronaut

    From personal experience idk. From what I've read it can be and varies per individual. I'm really just starting and have only only made it 7 days. Today is the first time really trying to quit for good. One the 7th day my sex drive and energy are so high I about can't sleep. I'm interested to see what happens later... I could get in flatline we'll see.
    fusion47 likes this.
  5. yngmoney

    yngmoney Fapstronaut

    You probably just need longer to recover since you've been doing it so long.

    I was on day 47, my longest streak ever, and I just relapsed hard this weekend fml. Keep going, I'll be right behind you! (75 days behind lol) Don't relapse like me!!
  6. hello brother...

    let's ask a different question... would you want to use porn and masturbate using it if it had no consequence? the chances are your answer is no. just forget about the benefits, forget about the flatline. if the question is porn or no porn and you want no porn, then that's it ! problem solved right ?
  7. SDJR

    SDJR Fapstronaut

    Hey buddy keep in mind NoFap isn't a cure all for everything. There maybe other issues you need to explore.
    I had an orgasm with my partner last night (first one in about 30 days) and tbh I didn't really enjoy it
  8. In The Moment

    In The Moment Fapstronaut

    Man, I'd give anything for a 75-day streak. And to be honest, flatlining sounds pretty good when compared to being in the throes of the addiction. That being said, I feel for you.

    Everything I've been reading has talked about how rough flatlining can be. How it's just this waiting game - being in purgatory with no sexual drive - while your brain resets. And I've seen a LOT of talk about how it can go on for a while. But the long-term success stories people have shared have described this period and how it was all so worth it on the back end.

    Remember that this is just one more step in the progress. Remember that you didn't develop this addiction over the course of a couple of months. It took much longer for that to root itself in as deeply as it did. It took a long time for your brain to slowly wire itself incorrectly. So believe also that it will take a while to put things right.

    You're doing awesome to have caught this so early and are working so hard to rid yourself of it. You've used patience to get where you stand today. Keep using it to reach your next goal.

    Strength and peace today.
    JC8833 likes this.
  9. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    Well said. Yeah exactly 16 years with frequent exposure to pron so yeah definitely makes sense this can take a while to heal. Still super weird to feel ASEXUAL and no sensitvity/feeling down there lol #Trusttheprocess
    Anonymous86 and In The Moment like this.
  10. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    - Your brain produces a neurochemical called dopamine
    - Dopamine is responsible for feeling drive and pleasure
    - Your brain likes to keep dopamine levels at a healthy balance
    - Watching porn produces levels of dopamine way above what is considered natural
    - Over time your brain offsets this by producing less dopamine of its own
    - Eventually your brain will just stop producing it altogether as it has no need as you're getting more than enough of it from porn
    - When you quit, you are taking away your external source of dopamine
    - Meanwhile your brain still isn't producing any
    - Once you "run out" of the leftover dopamine from porn, you now reach a point of dopamine deficit
    - This is when and why the flatline occurs
    - How long it takes to come out of it will depend on how long it takes for your brain to reach homeostasis and start producing it again by itself

    People underestimate and underplay the damage that long-term porn-use can do to a person so they'll insist that it must be due to something else. Don't listen to these people. Just stay the course, stay away from porn and at some point it will pass.
    Freeddom_Taker, Suchy, SDJR and 4 others like this.
  11. JC8833

    JC8833 Fapstronaut

    Mannn i needed a post like this THANK YOU! Lol absolutely makes sense just crazy how “normalized” porn is and accepted it is..yet only now we’re learning the DAMAGE it does to us…Wish I knew to stay away from it like I did the mainstream drugs. THE MORE YOU KNOW!!
    SDJR and fusion47 like this.