Why don't our governments ban porn?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by gordonfreeman14603, Sep 26, 2023.

Can it be possible?

  1. It will dramatically cut down porn consumption/production.

    10 vote(s)
  2. Totally futile.

    11 vote(s)
  3. Nobody cares. That's why we don't have any heavy regulation.

    14 vote(s)
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  1. gordonfreeman14603

    gordonfreeman14603 Fapstronaut

    In my country porn is banned but you can still access it via VPN's etc. By banning, I mean punishing legally who shoots these disgusting movies. Why nobody cares about this? I know that eliminating p*rn %100 is not possible. But at least we can cut them down to very low amount of contents.

    EDIT: They even make non-centralized p*rn so you can shoot your own industrial scale porn on some sites starting with O(you know what site is that.). What can we do about it? I want to wage deliberate war against this.
  2. HustleandMotivate

    HustleandMotivate Fapstronaut

    I would be for this 100%. Why make this legal??
  3. Why don't our governments ban porn? Because politicians are in bed with the people who run the industry. That's why.
  4. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    You can make a little research about how much money (let's consider dollars) that industry makes per year. Of course is too much money to say "no" and tbh governments don't care about the life of anyone, only money and power.
  5. Lower level politicians care about "money." Those at the top are more concerned about control and resources.
  6. Kazim.99

    Kazim.99 Fapstronaut

    images (26).jpeg Maybe it's impossible
    Embark39 and VikingThor like this.
  7. MusicIsLife

    MusicIsLife Fapstronaut

    I would argue for the same reasons smoking is not banned as well. .
  8. It's the Cabal and it goes way beyond financial gain. Its technological warfare on human consciousness and a means to dumb us down and lower the frequency of the earth. That and to reduce the human population. Look all over the world, fertility rates are crashing like never seen before and countries populations are beginning to decline.
  9. SoberGuy

    SoberGuy Fapstronaut

    That means, they are not well paid and at the end of the day more prone to develop erectile dysfunction.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2023
    fusion47 likes this.
  10. Also: it's the promotion of degeneracy. Never before in history have women had certain proclivities, thought to be exclusive to males, in and even out of the bedroom. Hookup culture among younger generations is the norm. People are made to feel miserable and alone so they resort to using dating apps to numb the pain; And soon, they get disposed of like they never mattered and vibe to rap songs about how girls are hoes and guys are players to whom "bitchez ain't shit."
    fusion47 and SoBeOne like this.
  11. Red Moon

    Red Moon Fapstronaut

    You don't need to ban porn.

    The problem is lack of knowledge/information about the consequences of porn consumption. Porn should be addressed as a drug, and people should know why that is. In other words, explain to people why porn changes the physical state of your brain. Then you can make informed decisions. In our case, we are paying the sentence of a " crime we didn't commit " .
  12. Newwaters22

    Newwaters22 Fapstronaut

    I agree with Redmon. Education and prevention should be a more present agenda, perhaps is a stretch to expect governments to include this in different educational curriculums but it should definitely addressed by family units.

    Not just hard-core porn but also other "softer" content that is easily accessible through social media has to be addressed. However It's really hard to find consensus on what is bad and what is not. Some will say that video games are bad, social media, internet as a whole etc.

    But going back to what he said we are victims of a crime we didn't commit but we can help the generations to come to understand the dangers of some of this content
    Embark39, flapabstainer and Red Moon like this.
  13. Red Moon

    Red Moon Fapstronaut

    Even sex therapists tell people porn is harmless. And not all urologists are aware of porn induced sexual dysfunction. That tells you something.
  14. The only way is that men should feel that he is true men..
    Kazim.99 likes this.
  15. Considering what they are including in indoctrination curriculums, I'd say that's a good bet. Garbage in, garbage out.
    fusion47 likes this.
  16. Moscrac

    Moscrac Fapstronaut

    It makes money, they didn't banned prostitutes and won't ban porn.
    Nobody cares about people, we are the cheapest resource in the economy.
  17. sohardrn

    sohardrn Fapstronaut

    nah, you're trying to free yourself of responsibility. YOU fucked up watching porn.

    in many countries, the use of recreation drugs is the norm (USA/Austrailia) or drinking with your boss or your co-workers before heading to bed is the norm (Japan/UK) the truth is no matter how bad they shit on drugs, alcohol, or porn. there will be people who get curious and have an urge at some point.

    it's a very innocent mistake. you should forgive yourself for it, improve yourself, and move forward. but you should also acknowledge you made the mistake and.
    PeaceOnEarth108 likes this.
  18. sohardrn

    sohardrn Fapstronaut

    Porn is a choice. Just like drinking with your buds once a week is a choice. You can do it in moderation and be fine, but it's really hard to do something like this in moderation and never get swallowed by it or dependent on it. That's why I decided to spend so long fighting this battle against it, and here I am at day 30. saying porn is evil is like saying a margarita with the boys is evil. it's a slow-killing poison sure. but regardless, the decision to do it, to continue doing it, or to put in the effort to quit - it's all on you.
    PeaceOnEarth108 and fusion47 like this.
  19. Red Moon

    Red Moon Fapstronaut

    Text interpretation is not your speciality, right ? Change the channel , you are watching the wrong movie.
  20. sohardrn

    sohardrn Fapstronaut

    what? this isn't fucking reddit bro. i'm trying to have a meaningful conversation with you. i don't have the willpower to waste dealing with your online snarkiness. just be direct and say what you mean.
    fusion47 likes this.
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