Social Anxiety Spikes

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by archerfixme, Aug 28, 2023.

  1. archerfixme

    archerfixme New Fapstronaut

    Need some advice. I was wondering if years of porn and masturbation abuse throughout my puberty phase might be affecting how I socially interact with people. I seem to be better but sometimes when I'm talking to people I'll just feel this hollow, dissociative neurotic feeling where I have to force myself to continuously interact while it not feeling natural.
    SuperiorMan95 and 500 like this.
  2. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Exact same thing happens to me - I could even have said the same words

    Yes, I think PMO is 100% the root cause of this

    Quit PMO like your life depends on it… because in a way, it actually does!
  3. archerfixme

    archerfixme New Fapstronaut

    Have you noticed any improvements throughout you streak. Felt like I was doing better last week cause I was coming out of a flatline just to go back into a flatline again.
    500 likes this.
  4. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    You are not wrong, PMO effects the brain and it zaps us of real connections. In order to PMO we live this secret life of being a pervert while staring at porn. It's hard to then transition into a sharp guy who has it all together when interacting with REAL people.
    PMO is like any addiction, being addicted to anything is going to effect how we interact with people.
    mashedpotatoes and 500 like this.
  5. HealingBodyandMind

    HealingBodyandMind Fapstronaut

    Yes, I am starting to notice some improvements specifically in the past week. I felt overall much better after the first couple weeks without porn, but this past week or so the anxiety is starting to go down.

    I also try to exercise 3 times a week, eat decently healthy, and I've been listening to Gregorian chants on YouTube. So I am combining NoFap with spirituality (Catholocism/Christianity) and also eating well. And I don't drink much caffeine (caffeine can mimick the symptoms of anxiety even if you are not feeling anxious).

    So yes, I think improvements will come as long as you implement good life choices in addition with doing NoFap
    SuperiorMan95 likes this.
  6. My theory, which science probably thinks is wrong, is that after the dopamine receeds
    from a recent use of PMO, the brain goes into shock. It takes the form of any of
    a host of mental illnesses. You don't know it until you've been clear for a long time.

    But you look back and say, PMO caused this problem and that problem and PMO caused
    me to do this also.

    Just like how a domino falls, it reacts to the forces upon it. So is the brain, in and
    out of states of unearned pleasure and fearful micro-withdrawals.

    That is one way the brain heals in the hard mode reboot.
    500 likes this.