What to do about todays awful logistics in dating?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Amalenny, Jul 23, 2023.

  1. I never said that I do things with no motivation at all. You don't read my posts, or as I mentioned earlier, you don't understand them. I said that my intention is not to get her number or sleep with her when I approach her, simply because I don't know her. It's very simple, but you make it complicated.

    If you think about getting someone's number the moment you approach them, you're weird. You don't know this woman; you don't even know if you're compatible and if you'll get along, and yet you already have unrealistic and fanciful expectations about the situation. That's actually what I say since the beginning.
    Now, does that mean that I talk to her with absolutely no goal in mind? I approach women to get to know them, simply. When I approach girls I don’t have to think, my mind is empty. I just don't have unrealistic expectations. At this point If you see things clearly without weird fancy thoughts It's just meeting somebody you physically like.
    I don't tell myself "oooh these lips I wanna kiss these lips" (weirdo).

    It seems so logical to me, but I feel like I have to provide you with a detailed analysis for you to understand things, even though it's really clear and simple. Dude.. come on, your emotional and social intelligence. Where it is ??

    It's disturbing, especially since you make me say things I've never said. I never said I had no motivation; I said that I don't expect anything from women. Meeting someone is just about enjoying the moment; it's not about wanting a phone number or sex right from the beginning of the interaction. That thing is begging for affection because your life is miserable, It's not meeting girls.

    I believe this will be the last time I explain this to you. I've said it at least 5 times, and I'm getting tired of repeating myself. Now you don't understand this there's no hope, trully. But don't make me say things I've never said.

    If tomorrow your father calls you and says that if you don't find a job or have a girlfriend within a month, your whole family will die, believe me, you will do whatever it takes to have both, no matter what. And lol these 50% whatever you're talking about will be useless at that time. You won’t care about these things at all.

    if you read my first post, I'm saying that guys don't get what they want because it's ultimately not that important to them. Otherwise, they would make the necessary efforts. Yet, these same guys come to complain and pose societal issues to justify their lack of results, even though they've never even tried.

    You posted this thread to talk about this because I believe you are facing these issues yourself. Well I think it’s not so important to you otherwise you would make more effort. As if you would lose something important if you didn’t Take action.
    You're making excuses, and reading your posts is quite amusing at times, I must admit. However you must rely heavily on what others think of you instead of what you think of yourself to have so many limiting beliefs, and that is sad.

    I will respond very clearly.

    You found a friend on this forum, and he is just like you. Full of convictions on a subject he doesn't master. He talks about cold approach all the time, "Chads," and red pill, spouting theories that are all more illogical than the others. You can say anything, you know he won’t change. He is stuck.
    So yes, tomorrow your life can change, but his will probably remain the same: devoid of meaningful connections.

    Not everyone is ready to act like an adult, step back and explore on their own instead of believing and saying things that are based on everything but experience and practice. Instead, they rely on negative abstract concepts drawn directly from red pill, Andrew Tate, or feminist movements. "Don't approach girls It's harassment" etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2023
  2. Amalenny

    Amalenny Fapstronaut

    All I really wished to get out of you was something like "I learned to stop giving a f*ck and start doing what I want. I'm a man with sexuality and not ashamed of showing it. Why would you I give a rats ass what you think?". Because that's something I really find inspiring in a man. But your a fraud, a roaring kitten. And no, your squirming make no sense and hold less logic cause you don't dare to really say anything. It's just a big disappointment.

    You really have no inner game. Literally you are an empty shell producing nothing of content. Dishonest and people-pleasing, offended and worked up at first setback. It's crazy you would hear this from a lost soul like me, but you really should do something about it. Don't waste your potential like I have.

    When I was just a bit younger than you (and you still was climbing tree and building tree houses) the PUA scenery was blooming and everyone knew "The game", Mystery, The cube and whatever. Several of my friends were into that stuff and yeah we did some cold approach. We would also go out on the streets screaming, stealing peoples beverage, eating from peoples plates, stalking girls, putting strangers in the most uncomfortable situations by for example proposing straight up. It was antisocial and probably criminal in more then one occasion. And I feel embarrassed talking about it. But there was this idea that we had to break all barriers to become fearless.

    Yes, you harass women, take up their time and put them in uncomfortable position. You show a total disrespect for their integrity. And if you ask women of this forum or some other place, they probably say they don't like it at all. I get that you want to romanticize it, but I don't care. I've never said you should not approach girls. I really don't care. Only you care. Putting so much sweat and effort into qualifying for some random junkie on the Internet. Why do you feel this urge to justificate everything? Stand for something.

    What I told you was that I don't think your method works on a grand scale. Society holds your action as inappropriate behavior and I can't see it chance any time soon. But let us imagine that it actually gets accepted and wide spread. Do you think it in any way would be different from Tinder today? That is really the only thing in your post that's somehow substantial.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
  3. At least I don't hide behind meaningless numbers. I don't waste my life justifying my misery by blaming society or others. It really shows how twisted your mind is and how empty your life is at 33, lacking meaningful relationships, and how much of a jerk you are that women don't give you any importance. Continue like that, as for me, I'm 25 years old, and I have more life experience than you'll ever have ;)
    blablabla you're a clown but a least you're funny
  4. GrittyRunning

    GrittyRunning Fapstronaut

    Hoeflation is pretty out of control. I feel like something big is on the horizon though that will actually resolve how out of control its gotten.