how many yal American are all the women hot over there?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Onceagain2.0, Jun 29, 2023.

  1. Onceagain2.0

    Onceagain2.0 Fapstronaut

    almost every american based show even the audience the woman are insanely beautiful.

    damn NoFap must be difficult.
  2. What shows are you watching lmao, I've noticed the total opposite in recent years.
  3. Onceagain2.0

    Onceagain2.0 Fapstronaut

    i recently watched many dave chapelle show and stand up literally every women in the front row 10/10 i just always remember American woman being remarkably attractive. white black latino asian
  4. Well I wouldn't say Americans are known for being attractive, nearly half of them are clinically obese for a start. There are attractive women to be found in most places depending on your tastes.
    Prochon and Thor God of Thunder like this.
  5. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    Nah, but if you’re into fat girls then there’s plenty available. All the skinny pretty ones are taken or have a line of simps chasing her already.
    Ghost101 and nfpexperiment like this.
  6. Thor God of Thunder

    Thor God of Thunder Fapstronaut

    Lol. Sad but true. :rolleyes:
  7. Thor God of Thunder

    Thor God of Thunder Fapstronaut

    Real life is definitely not like TV…
    RobbyGo36 likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    That is misleading, in actuality only 20% of the population is officially classified as being clinically obese, the 50% figure is if you include people who are overweight which while high isn’t that significantly different than in Europe.

    The problem is how you determine who is overweight, this rely mainly on BMI which is mostly geared towards men, it is very simple and doesn’t really take into account muscle mass or difference between different groups. According to their standard no less a man than John Cena is actually obese so too are the vast majority of bodybuilders, powerlifters and heavyweight fighters for example.

    So if those things were taken into account, the US which has a higher proportion of non-white would show a lot less prevalence of obesity/overweight rate than in Europe.

    Meanwhile you’ve got women starving themselves to look like models on the media, but thinking it is healthy.
  9. Fair enough.
  10. pete379

    pete379 Fapstronaut

    This is the truth, if a woman here has a reasonable relationship with food, she is an automatic 7-8
    Leanmaxxing likes this.
  11. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I don't know where you get your statistics. The last I read, obese was at 40% and overweight was at 70%. In other words, Americans are fucking huge. OP, if you're into BBW's come to America. There ARE a lot of pretty women in America, especially if you like women of different ethnicities - we've got a little bit of everything here. But like someone else said, all the pretty women are spoken for.
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  12. Nevermind studies, just go to any public event here and scan the audience, and you'll see lots of men, women and children with arm rolls and belly fat. We eat too much fatty, salty, sugary foodstuffs and in large amounts (cause for some reason 'its the American way, to want everything BIGGER-- including heart attacks). Healthy, whole foods like fruit and vegetables are available but even they've been fooled with and poisoned by agro-business and chemical companies. Lastly, we don't get enough exercise because we've innovated ourselves out of getting off the couch or even leaving the house to get things done.

    To the OP, the producers of show with an audience will always stick attractive women in the first few rows. It's a common practice
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2023
    Meshuga likes this.
  13. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

  14. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Even the fatties have simps, that why some stay fat, why loose weight when u have simps also, but smaller army of simps then the skinnies. Some fatties could be hotties if they just loose some weight but they strangely dont want to.
  15. I know one of them...

  16. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    That is promoting obesity, not good imo.
  17. Tell that to The Architect.
  18. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Dunno. All I know is me, I am.
    No. Check this out.
    Think about for a second. Makes sense, right, that the stuff that is professionally produced would be an altered presentation of reality, to appeal to your base desires and sell you more product. Tracking? But then you see so much of the fake stuff, you start to think it's the norm, that it's real, and you get this warped sense of what you can expect. The solution is to unplug from the Entertainment Industrial Complex, that is, all the TV shows, all the films, all the Instagrams and Tubes of You, the Tiks, the Toks, the Tweets, the subReddits, the Chans, even NoFap, GO OUTSIDE. Put your phone down and go outside. Go to the grocery store, go downtown to a coffee shop and people watch, go to the library, go to the hardware store. Look at the women. Look at the men too, while you're at it. Most people, comparative to the people you see in the Entertainment Industrial Complex, are not attractive. In fact, at least here in the States, you start to see a double standard, because there's a lot of double chins. There's either something extremely wrong with our diet and/or exercise habits, or our beauty standards, because you'll quickly learn most people are sub-average in terms of attractiveness and that doesn't make any sense.
    Hint: it's probably a combination.
    Most women I know that are my age... they would probably prefer to lose a few pounds, is the way I'll diplomatically state it. If I look online, social media or porn, I'll be able to see dozens of women my age who look outstanding in seconds, but in real life, out of ten women, maybe one, maybe, looks okay.

    So let's go back to this
    If you have access to the same media we do, NoFap is the exact same difficulty in the US as it is in Columbia, Portugal, Chad, New Zealand, Germany, Georgia, or Mozambique. Which I included because I like to say "Mozambique." I like to say it and I like to spell it. All words should be so interesting.

    But let's return to the original problem, being the attractiveness of people. If you unplug from screens, and as long as you stay away from the beach, pool, and certain gyms, you will avoid 99% of the visual triggers. It'll be awesome.

    And then question the premise. Why do we want people to look attractive, anyway?
    hope4healing likes this.
  19. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Probably because attractiveness is an indicator of health and sexual viability...
    Meshuga likes this.
  20. Meshuga

    Meshuga Fapstronaut

    Agreed, that's where it started. I think another is measuring conformity, which is actually a good thing. A non-conformist is less likely to cooperate on any level, so to our lazy brains, green hair and multiple nose piercings indicates a potentially terrible mother and something deep rejects that. But we seem to have taken it to a different level. A little heft, for example, indicates a surplus of calories and consequently, access to good nutrition, but we don't like to see it. Or at least, we want that fat distributed in very specific proportions.

    Just something to think about.