Fast food is poison

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Leanmaxxing, Jun 6, 2023.

  1. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    Fast food is not actually food. It is poison. The reason it is so good is because that shit was created in a lab by evil food scientists with the sole purpose of maximizing addiction.
    I was driving thru my town around dinner time yesterday and the amount of cars lining up at the drive thrus were insane. McDonald’s, chick fil a, Panda Express, Taco Bell, Wendy’s all had lines going into the streets causing a huge traffic jam. I couldn’t believe it.
    No wonder there’s so many obese people. smh.
    Brandon96 likes this.
  2. Assuming you live in the US, it's the corn syrup in everything that makes it so unhealthy. It's bad for you anyway but the combination of lower food standards compared to other first world nations and the end result of all the corn subsidies has led to this.
    Wolves of Wisdom and Leanmaxxing like this.
  3. Leanmaxxing

    Leanmaxxing Fapstronaut

    Yeah anything processed probably has corn syrup in it.
  4. Very true. I seldom purchase fast food unless it's for a friend or family member. For the most part, I make use of my limited culinary skills and make my own food, or I purchase from food establishments that don't take the same kind of shortcuts as fast food joints. It comes with more of a price tag, but it tastes better and is far more healthy
    Leanmaxxing likes this.
  5. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    No, it’s not. Corn syrup isn’t good by any means but there are worse things in food. The canola oil and MSG riddled through not only fast food, but just about any packaged food is a bigger issue. You won’t find corn syrup in everything, but I guarantee you can find both canola oil and MSG in just about everything. “Natural flavours” on the ingredient list is MSG. And that’s not just in the states.
  6. Those things are bad as well for sure, but I was referring more specifically to things that make you fat.
  7. honey00

    honey00 New Fapstronaut

  8. Ordinary_Misfit

    Ordinary_Misfit Fapstronaut

    While this strand of posts are a little heated… just thought I’d share my experience today haha.

    I moved out of my parent’s house a couple months ago and have been working hard to eat healthier. It’s been really good, and I’ve noticed huge changes in energy level and not having to have huge portions and still being really satisfied, etc. But the biggest change has been that I stopped eating out for the most part, and I cut out pop.

    For dinner tonight I grabbed some fast food - a burger and fries. And I feel AWFUL. I feel so beyond full and gross. Plus the burger dripped some grease on my shirt and ruined it. Ugh.

    I’m calling it quits on the fast food.
    nonanino and NewJohnQ like this.
  9. Corn syrup is extremely high in fructose which is worse for you than regular sugar, and contributes to impaired insulin resistance and increased weight gain. Becoming hostile and arrogant right away reeks of insecurity. You really ought to work on handling disagreements without getting upset.
  10. Yes it's best to avoid all that stuff as much as possible. When I eat fast food it's like a cannonball is sitting in my stomach, it's so dense.
  11. onceAgain

    onceAgain Fapstronaut

    its tasty but it will completely destroy your body especially as you get older you should really be trying a healthier balanced diet. because it gets harder to lose weight as you get older and most diseases start in the gut
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
    Leanmaxxing likes this.
  12. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    I think the fact that you still eat fast food based on your other comment “when I eat fast food,” is evidence enough that I have a better grasp on this than you do. I haven’t eaten fast food in 7 years. I do however eat pounds and pounds of fruit per day which is riddled with deadly diabetes causing fructose :emoji_astonished:. Fructose is not worse for you than regular sugar. It all breaks down to glucose regardless. Which is essential for your body. Ever heard of blood sugar? Diabetics die without enough of it. That’s not saying corn syrup is good for you. No corn products are good for you as corn is pretty much guaranteed to be genetically modified. But the whole corn syrup fear comes from sugar fear bullshit which has no basis in reality. What you should fear is all the fat and MSG you eat on a daily basis. Fat which blocks insulin from up taking glucose in your blood and causes diabetes. Not fructose. Fat which makes your blood thick and thus makes transporting nutrients throughout the body including oxygen to your brain much more difficult. MSG which causes brain damage and is in everything you eat unless it’s a whole food. Canola oil which is a fat that comes from GMO canola. I can go on.
  13. For me, it sort of depends. Do I eat fast food? Probably if Chinese and Pizza count as fast food. Pretty much gave up on McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell ECT. I pretty much grill my own burgers, hotdogs, and wings at this point. If I feel like it I'll go to a steakhouse, B-dubs or BBQ place every once in a while, but the majority of fast food these days is Chinese and Pizza. On Fridays, I feel tired, lazy, and can't eat meat either, so I'll just call Domino's or another place, order a cheese pizza with extra tomato sauce. I also don't know how to make pizza either so there's that problem too and even if I do make my own pizza it almost always ends up tasting bad.

    Lately staying in shape has been getting easier as my schedule is starting to calm down quite a bit. But I honestly think that my body is already a disaster even without fast food or sugar. My legs are ridiculously strong because I do a lot of squats every other morning and often can tolerate standing for long periods of time, and then lateral crawl pushups every other day. My sides are quite chunky and my arms wrists are thinner than a woman's. it's honestly a miracle that I can do physically demanding things without killing myself.
  14. NewJohnQ

    NewJohnQ Fapstronaut

    It will mess up your liver as bad as alcohol though.
  15. You have first hand experience of MSG causing brain damage by the sounds of it.
  16. I find it better to cook food at home as well. I don't eat fast food often but I don't think it does much harm as an occasional treat. You could become totally paranoid and live off lettuce leaves but you have to live a little too. Even Usain Bolt ate chicken nuggets.
  17. NewJohnQ

    NewJohnQ Fapstronaut

    It costs less to make your own food too. I bring my lunch every day and make it the night before.
  18. Spiritual Immunity

    Spiritual Immunity Fapstronaut

    Not even close.
    NewJohnQ likes this.
  19. EmperorLaStrang

    EmperorLaStrang Fapstronaut

    Wow I just read that.

    Weight gain and weight loss isn't that complicated.

    If you consume a lot of calories. You gain weight.

    If you consume less calories. You lose weight.

    Caloric surplus.

    Caloric deficit.