Ūruz's fitness journal: losing weight and getting in shape

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by Ūruz, Oct 28, 2022.

  1. A 4 day fast is def something to be proud of! Even if you didn't meet your goals of 6 days. Not many people could do that. So hope you don't get too down on yourself. Even being able to consistently complete 4 back to back 4 day fasts will get you to your target weight pretty fast LB feels.

    LB experienced many of the same things during their fast. They felt incredibly bored and unable to focus on anything, especially on day 3! They think for them day 3 was when they switched ketosis and that's why it was so rough. They also gave up exercise almost completely during the fast.

    Could be the porn, could also be maybe that you need to replenish your nutrients because you've been depleting them too much with successive fasts? Dunno, not a doctor and you'd need bloodwork to get done in order to learn whether that's true or not.

    LB thinks for them it was the shock of going from and extremely bad diet on Thanksgiving week with a lot of empty calories and not much nutrients directly into a multiple day fast. LB is going to try to make sure they are eating cleanly before starting a new fast.

    LB thinks this is a very good idea. Weight loss shouldn't be a race. It's important to do it smartly and make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs while you are doing it. LB has also been thinking about easy back on the fasting a bit.

    Congrats on losing 18 pounds in one month!

    Yep. Insulin holds on to water as well as carbs so if you have a lot of them in your system you're gonna hold a lot of water. But this is normal, this is how it is supposed to work. Humans were made to feast and fast, and doing that is gonna naturally make such an up and down graph.

    You say you eat a lot of carbs when your refeed. Have you considered cutting back on the carbs during the refeeding period? The less carbs you eat while you refeed the less glucose in your system and the quicker you will go into ketosis. LB has been trying this: they are finding it hard though because they are addicted to bread :D.

    LB thinks this is true of a calorie restricted diet, not fasting. With calorie restriction the metabolism slows down and doesn't ramp back up even after you resume normal eating. That's why calorie restriction diets have an awful track record when it comes to allowing people to sustainably lose weight. Fasting on the other hand LB believes actually ramps up your metabolism, as your body fires up your system to try to get you out and look for food. At least this is what Dr. Jason Fung says.

    Did you experience weight gain resuming a normal diet after complete fasting, or were you just cutting calories and not completely fasting?

    LB agrees completely about cutting carbs but finds it very very tough because LB likes bread too much.
    Ūruz likes this.
  2. Gabriel Knight

    Gabriel Knight Fapstronaut

    Maybe i havent wrote precisely what i meant to say, but here it goes regarding my own experience. I tried cutting down carbs and it worked really good, but i loose too much weight, since i am training i used my body to higher amount of carbs. Now there is an issue regarding ketogenic diets, and that is that most of us from birth got used to eating carbs and the body first spends carbs then fats. The fats are consumed after carbs in theory, but for different people it is not working like that, if there are no carbs more likely the body will go to fats aswell to muscles, so its not a black and white situtation.
    If you could eat keto diet for a longer periods, you would get used to it and get the stable weight, but from my experience it is not achivable and optimal if you re doing sports.
    So i experience weight and muscle gain after i start eating correctly, and regarding fasting, it is true that increases metabolism.
    I tried metablic blowtorch diet where you on days you are training you bump up the carbs to the max, and the days where you dont practice cut calories to almost a half. In that way in theory, you are tricking organism not to preserve fat, thus continuing to loose weight, but keep and improve muscle. Works fine for me.
    Ūruz likes this.
  3. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Thanks! Yea, I am trying to keep it as structured as possible; my mind is pretty erratic these days, I think I might have developed ADD, so journaling in a methodical manner helps to anchor it all down.
    To be honest I don't really think I have to worry about preserving any muscle, because I don't really have any, it's just skin and bones with thick layer of fat in between.
    I am like one of those packages that you get in the mail, when they ship you a small item, in a cardboard box that's 10 times too big for the item, filled full of packing peanuts—just a random early morning though, I just woke up.

    Also doing keto on WFPBD, while definitely possible, would be more expensive and would take more planning too, way beyond just counting calories, and I don't feel like I want to commit to that much of tracking right now.
    Could be anything I suppose, too many variables to be sure; I'm just gonna blame it on Neptune for now. :rolleyes:
    I am also planning to focus on eating as clean as possible at least few days before the fast; the shock from sudden withdrawal of food might have something to do with it, I don't know.
    Thank you!
    I have not considered cutting down carbs, to be honest I don't think it really matters much when doing extended water fasting of multiple days in a row. Because I am in such a big calorie deficit for so long that whatever metabolic benefit I would get from constantly staying, or getting faster in, keto would be negligible in the face of massive calorie deficit of regularly fasting for 4 to 6 days in a row, with 2 to 3 refeed days in between. I think that type of macronutrient manipulation would probably be beneficial for somebody who is already at very low body fat percentage and is trying to get as lean as possible, while maintain as much muscle as possible. But for an obese fatty like me, I am not convinced how useful that is.
    And even if I fill my muscles with glycogen, I will still use these calories when fasting. But if I do get the same amount of calories from protein and fat instead, where do they go? It doesn't go to glycogen, so is it stored in fat probably? Calories consumed would be still the same, and I am sure they don't just go through the body without being absorbed, so you store them either way. It's just where you store them, fat or muscle cells. That's how I look at it anyway, also not a doctor by the way, haha, so my reasoning could be wrong.
    The only benefit I would see of avoiding carbs during refeed would be that it's easy to overeat calories when eating carbs—protein and fat tend to satiate more—hence this might help keep more bodyfat off during refeeds. And of course less bloating too, which could be beneficial for motivation. Also from what I heard when carbs are combined with fat they tend to store as body fat more easily than just eating fat with protein and no carbs, so there probably is some difference in calorie absorption, now that I think about it. Anyhow, you keep doing what works for you, and have some experimenting! I love to experiment myself; maybe I will try low carb sometime in the future, will see.
    Ah yes, the bread! It's the tool of the devil! :D
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2022
    Lady Blåhaj likes this.
  4. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Refeed day 4/4 in progress...
    Eating day 4/11 in progress... (I have decided that I will eat till the December 10th, then start fasting again)
    Daily morning weight in: 261.02 lbs (118.3 kg).
    Calorie counting and OMAD starts tomorrow!
    10k done (had to split in two walks, but I forced my fat ass to move and made it to 10k total).
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2022
  5. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Dieting day 1/7 done!
    Daily morning weight in: 262.57 lbs (119.1 kg).
    Track calories: check.
    Calorie deficit: check.
    OMAD: check.
    WFPBD: fail (~97% WF—had some added oil and sugar—still 100% PBD).
    10k walk done.
  6. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Dieting day 2/7 done!
    Daily morning weight in: 258.16 lbs (117.1 kg).
    Track calories: check.
    Calorie deficit: check.
    OMAD: check.
    WFPBD: check.
    4k walk done.
  7. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    "Dieting" day 3/7 done!
    Daily morning weight in: 253.31 lbs (114.9 kg).
    Track calories: check.
    Calorie deficit: fail.
    OMAD: fail.
    WFPBD: fail.
    Day as a whole: complete fail.
  8. Hope you aren't getting discouraged over one bad day! Weight loss is a journey. There will be bad days and good days. As long as you get back up and get back to your goals, that weight will continue coming off! :)
    Ūruz likes this.
  9. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Dieting day 4/7 done!
    Daily morning weight in: 255.95 lbs (116 kg).
    Track calories: check.
    Calorie deficit: check.
    OMAD: check.
    WFPBD: fail (100% PBD; ~99% WF—had some added oil and salt on my salad).
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2022
    Lady Blåhaj likes this.
  10. Makes sense. The argument I heard is that the sooner you go into ketosis the sooner you start burning fat. That's why I'm kinda experimenting with it. But on the other hand consistently fasting for multiple days at a time is gonna get that weight off you no question. So in the end it doesn't matter much.

    Hmm hadn't thought of that. Yeah that sounds very reasonable. But not sure. Again not a doctor haha. I think though that while you still are burning glucose all the "good" mechanisms of fasting, like autophagy and anti-oxidizing gene expression, are turned off until you hit ketosis? Could be wrong there though. I have some inflammation I want to heal, another reason I'm fasting, so if true this appeals to me. I think I have a lot of unhealthy fat to burn off before I can reach my anti-inflammatory goals.

    EDIT: now that I think about it, that sounds wrong. I think low insulin is the trigger for autophagy and all the other stuff, not ketosis.
    Yeah there must be some benefit because a ton of people are really into the whole keto thing! I don't really know much about the science of it though. My knowledge mostly extends to what happens when you fast.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2022
    Ūruz likes this.
  11. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    @Lady Blåhaj I don't know too much about it either, but I have heard that keto is indeed beneficial for managing inflammation. I don't have anything to heal myself of though, at least nothing I know of, haven't done my bloodwork in years. :emoji_grimacing:
  12. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Dieting day 5/7 done!
    Daily morning weight in: 252.64 lbs (114.6 kg).
    Track calories: check.
    Calorie deficit: check.
    OMAD: check.
    WFPBD: fail (100% PBD; ~99% WF—had some pink Himalayan salt and some raw, cold pressed, extra virgin linseed oil on my salad).
  13. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Dieting day 6/7 done!
    Daily morning weight in: 251.98 lbs (114.3 kg).
    Track calories: check.
    Calorie deficit: check.
    OMAD: check.
    WFPBD: fail (100% PBD; ~40% WF—had way too much processed crap).
  14. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Dieting day 7/7 done!
    Daily morning weight in: 251.54 lbs (114.1 kg).
    Track calories: check.
    Calorie deficit: check.
    OMAD: check.
    WFPBD: check.
  15. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    One week of dieting and calorie counting done!
    So originally I committed to 7 days of this, before planning to go back into extended water fasting, so I guess I am gonna do a little recap now...

    Original plan was to stop with extended fasting because I relapsed and felt I needed to build a decent streak before I keep going, cos when my energy is drained the discipline is low. Well, that idea failed, cos I relapsed again recently. And it can be clearly seen on which day, cos I pretty much failed all my checkboxes and binged on food pretty hard due to feeling like shit mentally; lots of my old, addictive comfort foods, mainly various types of meat.
    I also got some bad cold, peculiarly enough on the day of my relapse/binge (if I would be more superstitious about semen retention I might just thing it had something to do with it), with fever, headache, chest congestion and everything else. As far as I looked into it, water fasting can apparently help with healing cold faster, but I don't know whether I will be able to water fast while feeling like shit, especially while not having a good sexual retention streak, cos when stuff hurts and I feel sick it does drain my discipline a lot, so I have decided to push back my return to extended water fasts for about another week or so at least, until I get better. That should also let me accumulate more retention days for that energy too.
    I did stick to OMAD for the last week, cos I made commitment to, but I will probably take a brake from that now, at least for couple days, cos I take a lot of medications for this cold now and some of them needs to be taken multiple times a day with food, and others straight up have a lot of sugar in them, so would brake the fast anyways. So far I have been just taking them either on empty stomach or during my one hour eating window once a day and that's all, but I don't think it's the most optimal way to do it. When I get better and can slow down on drugs then I will go back to OMAD, and then back to fasting. Also probably gonna stop calorie counting too for now, until I start to feel better, cos when I feel sick I am struggling to give a fuck about weight loss to be honest.

    And by the way, a little quick recap of all the acronyms I am using here:

    OMAD: Obviously this stands for One Meal A Day, which is a type of intermittent fasting protocol. There seems to be four popular ones: 16/8 (fast for 16 hours, 8 hour eating window), 18/6 (fast for 18 hours, 6 hour eating window), 20/4 (fast for 20 hours, 4 hour eating window) and OMAD (which is usually 23/1—fast for 23 hours, 1 hour eating window). Obviously one could also make up their own variation of anything in between, like 22/2, 19/5, etc.
    The way I do OMAD though is that as long as I consume my calories during that one hour I still consider it one meal, even if I would have two meals during that 1 hour eating window, with like 20 minutes brake between them; I think that's how most people define OMAD, but I have heard some say it is literary one meal, no snacking allowed even if eating window is not yet closed, so figured I would make a note on this.
    WFPBD: This is an acronym which stands for Whole Foods Plant Based Diet. Basically what this means is that this diet is all plant foods—no animal foods whatsoever, not even in small amounts—as well as only whole (unprocessed) foods; no oils, added salt, processed sugar, artificial preservatives, etc. Processing food yourself through home cooking, such as boiling, steaming, baking, etc, is allowed (up to a reasonable extent of course; if you are making homemade sugar from fresh sugar beets it would still not be ok), but no factory processed stuff for sure.
    PBD/PB: Just stands for Plant Based Diet, or simply Plant Based. This one still has no animal foods in it allowed, but no limit on how many processed junk you can eat. Because of this PBD could be just as healthy as WFPBD, if processed foods are kept to absolute minimum, or as unhealthy as it can possibly get, if tons of processed PB (plant based) junk is consumed, or anything in–between.
    WF: Just stands for Whole Foods. The foods that are closest to it's natural form and are not processed. Apart from plants, this might also include animal foods too, such as meat, since it is technically a whole food. But not all whole pieces of meat are whole foods—meats that have been preserved by smoking, salting, curing or adding chemical preservatives are not whole foods, even if they are whole cuts of meat; ham, bacon, deli meat for example are all processed foods.
    WFD: Have not used this acronym for now, at least I don't think so, but I might in the future. It simply means Whole Foods Diet. I might use this when I am referring to a WF diet which is not plant based. Such as when maybe I have managed to avoid processed crap that day but had some meat or something.

    I love my acronyms! :oops:

    Anyways, this dieting week was an interesting experience. I was not sure whether it will actually be easier than straight up fasting for days, but it does seem like it is, albeit not by as much as I expected. The goal was to stick to WFPBD, but that was often a fail, because I did have some processed foods (I also had some animal foods too on the relapse binge day); I did have a realization this week how much processed foods are out there and how big part they actually are of our diet, certainly my diet anyhow! Even something like raw, cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil and some pink Himalayan salt are still considered processed foods! Are they unhealthy though? Some WFPBD advocates say they are, but it's hard for me to imagine that all processed foods are unhealthy, simply cos they are processed—it seems like some variation of appeal to nature fallacy.
    I do like the clear boundaries and idealistic goals that this type of diet sets though. Because if I aim to follow the WFPBD and fail, chances are I will still end up on mostly whole foods that day. But if my only goal is to follow plant based diet, then I might overeat on processed junk way too much—you can not hit a target for which you do not aim!
    This was the first time I attempted to follow a WFPBD, but I have been actually following a normal plant based diet (for the most part—had some slipups here and there) for years, and that is the diet on which I gained all the weight on, cos I would just eat so much processed stuff full of oils, sugar, etc!
    I could try to aim for plant based diet which is mostly made out of whole foods, and processed foods it has in it are the healthy type, like extra virgin olive oil for example, rather than fucking Nutella or some shit. And in fact that was exactly how I originally planned it. But there is some part of my brain that will rationalize that since I am only doing PBD, not WFPBD, then junk food is fair game! And soon enough I find myself eating deep fried stuff and other crap. So I have realized that normal plant based diet does not work for me. But with following WFPBD for the past week I notice that because I set myself a clear boundary of whole foods, that even if I give in to my cravings of processed foods, the end result is not as bad. Obviously it's just one week, so I need to experiment more with this, but so far it seems like it could be a promising diet to stick to long term, after I lose all this weight and am done with extended water fasting.

    I also counted calories for the past week. It appears to be easier that expected! I simply weight what I eat on a kitchen scale and then enter the amount into my online diary in Cronometer, and it calculates everything for me automatically—boom!
    I also counted calories burned through exercise, well, at least for couple days that I did exercise, cos since I got cold I felt too weak and was not able to do my daily walks.
    I googled for calorie burn calculators and tried a few, all of which gave slightly different results that were sometimes off by up to couple hundreds! I ended up picking the ones that approximated my calorie burn to be the lowest; I think it's better to underestimate how much you are burning than to delude yourself into thinking you are burning more than you are and overeat! I ended up using calculator from the Mayo Clinic website to calculate my maintenance calories and Calories Burned Calculator from Calculator.net to calculate my exercise burned calories.
    The idea for the past week was to still stay at large calorie deficit, to keep losing weight even when not doing extended fasting. I calculated my maintenance calories to be 2450 and during my OMAD I aimed to eat minimum of 1200, but to not go over 1500. That might seem like a drastic calorie deficit, but when comparing it to fasting on only water for almost a week it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. And it was not hard to maintain at all on WFPBD, because whole plant foods are super filling due to high amounts of fiber, and not very calorically dense—there were even a couple days lest week where I was struggling to reach 1200 calories, cos I was just so full!
    I was super tempted to just go the easy way and add some oil, just to get calories up, but obviously that is not a whole food. I did end up finding a way around it: fatty nuts and seeds, cos they are still high in oil while also being whole food.
    Then other times, when I gave in to some processed junk, I had hard time keeping it under 1500; all that processed stuff was just so calorically dense and not satiating at all! So I ended my OMAD of eating while still feeling partially hungry—annoying feeling!
    What helped me was that I ate my OMAD at the evening, so by the time I feel hungry again it's night time and I am asleep. While I tend to not be as hungry in the mornings; hunger starts to come up at around 2 to 4 PM, and then I can easily hold back until about 6 o'clock before eating. But if I would have my OMAD in the morning I would probably be hungry at the end of a day again and that would make me to struggle more with sticking to the eating regimen. Obviously some other people might be the most hungry in the morning, so it might be good idea to eat earlier for them.

    Overall I feel that during this week I realized the importance of eating whole foods, if I want to lose weight and keep it down—it's the processed junk that keeps most of us fat, cos it is extremely calorically dense and at the same time not satiating and filling enough!

    Daily morning weight in: 251.54 lbs (113.7 kg)—I did end up losing weight slowly every day during this week (at the days when I have kept my calories consistent anyways), so I guess calorie deficit does work for weight loss, if you stick to the diet.
    Lets do some calculations! So there is 9 calories per gram of pure fat, such as oil for example. So that would be around 4100 calories per pound of fat. But obviously human fat cells are not pure fat, but also water and protein, so human pound of body fat apparently contains about 3500 calories. So from my intended 1000 calorie deficit a day I should lose about 2 pounds of fat a week! Not sure how accurate that calculation is, since human body is a system with many variables and it's not as simple as calories in vs calories out though, but looking at my limited weight in data it might be close. Either way, I am still gonna stick to extended water fasting though, cos normal weight loss is way too slow; why settle for 8 pounds a month when you could lose 18 pounds a month?! AHAHA!

    Not sure whether I am gonna post an update every day now, seems pointless, cos I am not on any commitment for now. Just gonna go get rid of cold and then make a post when I am ready to jump into the next fast.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2022
    Lady Blåhaj and vitré like this.
  16. Oh no, I hope you feel better soon!
    Yeah that's a tough one. I think fasting does help when you are sick but it does take some willpower to stick to a fast when you are not feeling well and just want something to distract yourself from feeling bad. Maybe you could focus on light foods while you are sick instead of just straight out fasting? Foods like broths and soup and things like that.

    I have similar thoughts. Not all processed foods are bad. Processed foods tend to be bad because the body didn't evolve to consume food in a purified form like that and so eating such foods tends to throw the body's hormone balance out of wack. But minimally processed foods can be healthy. Depends on how they are processed. Cold press, which is a form of mechanical oil extraction for things like olives and avocados, is healthy. Any extraction methods that uses chemical solvents, such as most seed oils (canola, corn, cottonseed, grapeseed, generic "vegetable" oil, etc) are not healthy. They create unhealthy and unstable polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) which create inflammation in the body when consumed. They also throw your omega-6/ omega-3 ratio out of wack, which also promotes inflammation.

    Sugar, I've read, is universally bad for you in it's processed form. Doesn't matter if it's white or brown. It promotes fatty liver disease (just like alcohol, in fact it's chemically related to alcohol so that's no surprise), insulin resistant leading to diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and arteriosclerosis in the veins. So yeah it's altogether extremely bad for your health. Only safe way to consume it is in fruit where the fiber slows down and flattens out the insulin spike the body creates when you consume sugar.

    Processed carbohydrates like flour also promote all the above for the same reason, the dangerous insulin spikes you get when you consume them (they are basically long chains of sugar molecules so the body reacts to them similarly). Whole grain flours are slightly better than white flour, but not by much.

    As for salt- from what I read the jury is still out on whether it is healthy or not. It does raise blood pressure, but it also helps regulate blood sugar levels, so it can be good and bad. There have been studies that show that cultures that consume a lot of salt, like Japan (all the soy sauce), actually have lower rates of cardiovascular disease than countries like the USA. Part of that is because they haven't really adopted the Western diet. Nevertheless, it is an interesting counter point to the theory that salt promotes heart disease.

    I've heard it's best to avoid table salt and stick to sea salt or Himalayan salt which has more minerals.

    When it comes to food processing there are four levels: unprocessed, primary, secondary, and tertiary. The healthiness of food lowers the higher you go in this list.

    Unprocessed food is just the raw food in it's natural form. Some unprocessed foods are edible, like fruit and lettuce, but many foods in their natural forms are not edible, such as meat. Primary processing makes them edible, such as by butchering animals, drying and milling grain, shelling nuts, extracting and filtering oils, etc. It can also be used to preserve food such as canning food. Secondary processing then uses the products of primary processing, which are now ready-made ingredients lying around, and combines them. Baking bread or making wine or beer are good examples. So would be salting meat, making pickles, or fermenting food. Most stuff we call "cooking food" such as baking, frying, boiling, etc is a secondary processing. And the last is tertiary processing. This is what most people think by "processed food", the packaged, ready-to-eat, convenience foods you find at the super market. Full of salt, sugar and preservatives to extend shelf life.

    I think when it comes to avoiding processed foods what most people mean is avoiding tertiary processed foods. These are obviously bad for you and you should not consume them. Secondary processed foods are mostly okay, the exception would be bread or any other flour products, sugar, and seed oils. Primary processed foods are all okay, except for flours. But nobody pours flour down their throat without making it into something first. Also you should watch out for canned foods that were commercially produced as they contain all kinds of unhealthy additives. And of course all unprocessed foods which are edible without being processed are healthy.

    Of course some foods are unsafe if they aren't processed, like meat and some vegetable foods. So like this isn't a universal rule for all foods. I think everyone agrees though that tertiary processed food is bad and you should not consume it at all.

    Yep, the brain is tricky and like to rationalize. I know you like your acronyms :p but I've found it easier to approach this negatively (what I won't eat) instead of positively (what I will eat). That way brain can't play tricks on me (oh chips and cookies and vegan sausages are okay because they are plant-based). I just tell myself: no processed food (I have a looser definition of processed food than you do: it doesn't include minimally processed foods and fermented foods), no flour-based products, no sugar, no PUFAs.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
    Ūruz likes this.
  17. Pauley

    Pauley Fapstronaut

    I must say this all is quite impressive and also concerning to read. I feel like you want to get results very quickly and do this water fasting. I would be careful with that for future health implications.

    I always try to stick to something that I can see myself doing for the rest of my life. Of course I'm sometimes more motivated then other times and quite strict with myself, but still I try to do it in moderation.
    Ūruz likes this.
  18. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Ok, been a while, but I am back and ready to jump into extended water fasting again!
    What I thought was a cold ended up being Covid, so the recovery took longer than expected; I feel that I'm still not completely recovered (have some lingering cough, which is almost gone now, but not fully—maybe a fast can help to finish healing it out), but I am good enough to resume my weight loss journey.
    I will start another water fast tomorrow, the goal is to go for 2 days and then brake it on the 1st. So nothing major, just a short one to end this year on a positive note.
    I have been eating 100% perfect WFPBD for the past 3 days, as well as OMAD and calorie counting with a decent deficit, so I am happy to jump into this fast with a good momentum of eating super clean for the few days prior.
    I want to start the new year of 2023 with a positive momentum behind my back!
  19. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Day 1 of 2 day water fast in progress...
    Daily morning weight in: 251.54 lbs (114.1 kg).
    4k walk done.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  20. Ūruz

    Ūruz Fapstronaut

    Day 2 of 2 day water fast in progress...
    Daily morning weight in: 248.90 lbs (112.9 kg).
    7k walk done.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2022