I think I just need pantyhose in my life

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Nov 3, 2022.


    When I relapsed the day before NNN, I did it by chatting on the FapDeciders subreddit (basically people tell you how and to what to jerk off) with a Femboy, who was willing to give me tasks on how to jerk off. He send me a pic of him in stockings. He then deleted his account after a minute, post nut clarity must've set in. I also deleted my reddit account later.

    But the fact that I was willing to fap to a pic of a (feminine) guy in stockings is basically telling me, that my sexuality revolves literally only around tight feminine clothes (pantyhose, stockings, leggings), and that I'm willing to fap to a guy wearing it although I'm hetero actually.

    So I feel as if my fetish is escalating, especially when I'm not surrounded by women who wear pantyhose.

    Talking to and hanging out with female colleagues my age who also happen to wear pantyhose is, for me personally, very comforting. Just for the very fact that they are wearing pantyhose, I'm happier, more at peace and definitely not interested in Femboys wearing pantyhose anymore.

    So, I don't know why exactly, but it's just comforting, and because it's psychologically comforting me, I project it onto myself (as I don't have a gf and don't plan to have one) by desiring to cross dress. Or I get so desperate that I get aroused by something I am usually not aroused to, namely Femboys and sissies.

    My question is: How should I deal with it in a healthy manner? Pantyhoses and such are a literal source of happiness for me, especially if a woman is wearing them. Everything is just so comforting about it: How it feels like, even how it smells like after a long day.

    I don't know if simply starting to cross dress would solve anything, I fear it could lead to escalation. But NoFap also leads me to escalation (I only was willing to sexchat with a Femboy in stockings as I was horny as fuck)

    I must somehow find this kind of happiness outside of the world of tight clothes
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  2. I think I just need to accept that I will never get to feel the pleasures of pantyhose and nylon

    I won't cross dress as I'm too paranoid and shaving makes my whole body itch for 2 weeks at least

    I won't get a girlfriend because I have fear of commitment and I'm too busy in life right now

    Escort and such is also out of question due to paranoia and it being illegal

    Therefore, I will never get to enjoy pantyhose and nylon

    So if I fantasize about it, I just keep torturing myself, because I know I won't get it, but I'm still imagining it that I got it. It's like telling a starving child to imagine eating Pizza, or to watch Mukbang videos.
  3. I struggle with the feelings that there is nothing better in the world than succumbing to my fetishes, like why should I deny myself something that feels so good. The longer the streak the less I get those feelings, but I've noticed on down days I definitely think about it more. I'd avoid noticing pantyhose on your coworkers, or even thinking about them in general, and try and focus on the positive aspects of your life.
  4. It's impossible to avoid noticing it. I even notice that they are wearing pantyhose if they wear jeans (because the color of their ankles is different and smoother)

    About succumbing to fetishes: Yes, I've got the exact same feeling, and it only vanishes if I experience post nut clarity for 30 minutes afterwards (or if I feel sick, then I'm to exhausted for anything)

    I kind of think that after having watched P for 13 years (and for 8 years if it comes down to regular P, and not soft P which is women showing their feet in pantyhose and nothing more), i just conditioned myself that succumbing to my fetishes is the ultimate way of obtaining happiness, but because I can't live them out IRL, I'm frustrated, and PMO does not satisfy me really.

    If I think about it, I can't really find another thing which would make me happy really. I take life very serious and have little room left for finding happiness.

    The closest thing which feels nearly as good as "succumbing to my fetishes" is eating junk food after a long fast. But besides that? Nothing really

    So, in short, my problem at least is that living out my fetishes is the only known way for me to be happy and "live life". I can do anything else: driving sports cars, playing in the Casino, have literally the best time in my life, but it will never make me as happy and fulfilled as if I'd be living out my fetishes IRL. It's like the only missing thing here, like for a smoker after he finishes eating, that meal will never feel as good as with a cigarette afterwards
  5. I think I do understand how u feel. I have over 25 years of P. I used drugs in high school and even harder stuff in college, but at the end of the day I really only had one true drug of choice. It's a difficult thing that I'm struggling with to give up something I enjoy so much, but I believe/hope that thought process is just dopamine conditioning, that can be undone with a long reboot. Have you tried a reboot and found that it didn't work?
  6. My record is 30 days. It's just that after a while, I get so horny that - due to not having any kind of other way to release my sexual energy - I basically completely escelate and relapse in the worst possible way (like a few days ago I was on that FapDeciders subreddit and a Femboy was sending pics of himself to me)

    I just feel as if I'm accumulating too much sexual energy and I don't know how to release it in a healthy manner
  7. Imo there r healthier ways of releasing that energy, but yeah I know that can be rough. From my perspective escalation doesn't take u anywhere good. I deeply wish I had stopped sooner.
  8. What are the healthier ways to release that energy?
  9. Honestly it's a matter for u to decide. I gather from this website that there's a lot of 'sex positivity' here and they may suggest finding a partner u can engage with these fetishes with in person instead of pixels. I personally think my fetishes r unnatural and am only interested in having a 'vanilla' sex life. Either way if you don't have a partner to release that energy with obv I don't think u should pmo. If u find the energy unbearable I'd try to release with hiit exercise and cold showers.
  10. I know, right? Everyone here is telling me to get a partner. But no one thinks that I maybe don't want a partner in the first place, due to personal reasons.
  11. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Hi @I Hate PMO Let me see if I can help with some of your questions, I struggled with intrusive fetishes for a long time.

    I don't know everything in the universe, but I'm fairly confident that there are some other things in your life that will bring you happiness and fulfillment besides pantyhose and tight clothes. Right now your mind is really just warped by years of PMO and extreme stimulation. A proper reboot and rewire will really help you realign your desires and arousal.

    First off, proper reboots are thought to be much longer than 30 days, the standard being 90, and anywhere from 80 to 120 working for almost anyone.

    Second, yeah, they're hard as fuck. The first 3-4 weeks you're horny af all the time. Then you flatline and feel like a zombie for a month. Then you just feel nothing, and you wonder "is this normal?". If you're looking for outlets, the best is a partner. Someone you can see, cuddle, and pleasure with your hands and mouth. It's a great way to blow off steam without activating the porn-wired areas of your brain. The next best way is probably exercises, primarily running and leg day. Exercise mentally tires you, physically exhausts your pelvic floor, and jostles old blood thats sitting in your dick. Other than that, general health tips like eating right, sleeping enough, having a healthy work-life balance, etc will help you through your reboot.

    Why don't you want to have a partner? I'm not trying to accuse, I just want to understand you.
  12. I don't want a partner because:

    * fear of commitment as all the marriages I've seen ended up being shit for the guy

    * don't want to fall in love and have my feelings hurt (I haven't been in love for at least 6 years and honestly it's awesome)

    * I'm too busy in life, I would be a bad boyfriend as I'd have little time and energy to sacrifice for a partner. Basically I need all the time and energy I have for other things than a partner.

    * I am actually very very happy and thankful being a single, it's just that sometimes my biology kicks in and tells me to ejaculate, and that's my problem here
  13. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    I'm sure that you are being truthful in your observations about marriage, but I will say in the USA, marriages currently tend to heavily favor men. If you come from an area where this is not true, perhaps moving to an area where marriages favor men could help.

    There's a saying "it's better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all", and I think that's true. I'm very grateful for the relationships in my life, and understand that many are temporary, so instead of loathing the day they will end, I will appreciate the time I have now. If I get lucky, some of these social, familial, and romantic relationships will stay with me until I die.

    Additionally, you might want to apply this logic to other relationships and see if your behavior is consistent. One day your mother that you mentioned will die, likely before you do. Are you going to stop seeing her now so that the pain of her death is lessened or negligible? I would guess not. What about with friends you have right now? Do you not make friends in case you might lose them? This low-risk style of life can be comfortable and safe, but you are not going to live a very happy or fulfilling life if you do not take any personal risks. You are like a ship safe in the harbor, but that's not what ships are for.

    What things are you pursuing in your life that make you too busy for a partner? I'm not being accusatory, I'm curious. I too have a very busy life. I go to a very competitive university in America, and have spent my past two summers working full time and playing a sport I am passionate about. I usually have an hour of free time every day and 1 weekend day for rest, and I use that time to either text my girlfriend or hang out with her. She is a scientist and works many hours and is also busy. We spend max one day with each other, but we enjoy it. We both like that we date highly productive individuals, and know it will pay off in the future. Even if we don't end up getting married, we assist each other with difficulties in our lives and share intimate moments. We have both grown so much. I would bet that you can find a woman like that too. In fact, high-value women tend to like men who are hard workers and have lots of motivation and productivity, whether these women are more domestic/traditional or highly productive themselves.

    In the end, you are social, sexual creature that evolved to exist in a paired relationship. Unless you have a partner, your mind is very likely going to push you to either fill that desire (or do harmful things like PMO, compulsive sex, etc.). If you are a really productive and driven man, I'm sure that you can find a woman that would value a relationship with you, even if you can't spend every second with her. Have you considered that before?
  14. Dude, just stop. Let's agree that we don't agree with each other on that subject. Everything you said does not apply to me.

    For me, relationships restrict your freedom. I honestly would rather go to a prison than be in a relationship, let alone marriage.

    Your view on life and relationships is nothing i can apply to myself.

    You say its better to have loved but lost, I don't say so. It's not that I fear the death of my partner, I fear that my partner will abandon me. I was once heart broken and it destroyed me. People literally kill themselves when their partner betrays them. And I know that my friends and parents will not abandon me (as long as I don't do anything stupid at least), and if at all, we only grow apart but still remain friendly with each other.

    I'm not from the US, I'm from Europe, but basically what I meant was that the marriage between my dad and mom (and grandpa and grandma) is like living hell for a guy, I honestly think that living in North Korea is better than these marriages I've witnessed.

    I'm a student and have lots of work to do, that's why I'm busy, I'm trying to keep getting As so I won't lose my scholarship.

    I don't want to have anything to do with relationships and women
  15. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Suit yourself, but the fact of the matter is that you are a biological being. Your two underlying drives are to stay alive and reproduce. If you don't satisfy the reproductive part, your brain, which evolved from animals reproducing for billions of years, is gonna get grumpy and start affecting other areas of your life. There are totally some people out there who have no desire to be with anyone sexually, but if you're not that guy, well you're just out of luck.

    If you don't want to get married or be in a relationship, I wish you luck. It is not the easiest path. Parts of your brain will compel you to act. I don't know where you live in Europe, but one of the great things about Western civilization is that traditional male-female relationships are no longer mandatory, aka you can satiate the animal part of your brain without getting married. Friends with benefits is a super common arrangement out here. Sleeping around can also work. All I'm saying is that there is nothing that can turn off the switch in your brain telling you to find a partner and have sex. It's much easier to live your life and stay away from porn if you satisfy that part of the brain.
  16. Yes, you're kinda right. I can't turn off that switch. I wish I could. I just hope that with time, my libido will decrease and I will finally be free from sexual desires.

    Just like my romantic desires went to zero over the years.
  17. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    If anything, think of which way you'd rather lean: would you rather risk a porn addiction/compulsive fetish, or shitty romantic/sexual relationships. You can't bargain with an addiction or fetish, they are uncontrollable entities that only take whenever they can. They will consume anything you entertain them with.

    Relationships may be ass from your point of view, but you can bargain with women at least. If you just want a living sex doll to jerk off with every two weeks, you may just be able to find a woman who's looking for a meat dildo to get inside her with the same frequency. Could work out. You bring your conditions, and see if there's any takers. At the least, you'll burn some social and sexual energy along the way to stave you away from PMO.

    You've tried one strategy. If you're doing the same thing looking for different results, you're not helping yourself. Switch up your strategy to see if something else works better.