Trouble during sex

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by MoonNight, Sep 27, 2022.

  1. MoonNight

    MoonNight Fapstronaut

    Hey guys,

    having a bit of a problem here, and it makes me really sad

    [This story is about sex workers (Legal in my Country (The Netherlands))]

    ive had sex 3 times now, and all 3 times my dick gets limp and im not able to reach orgasm. all 3 times i had to tell the ladies its not gonna happen, im also just really nervous when having sex, no idea if thats the cause?

    When im at home by myself, i can maintain my erection just fine, even when i get excited without touching, early morning erection is just fine and rock hard.

    i feel really sad afterwarts when having sex, i just want to enjoy it.

    ..... but i have to admit i do whats Porn alot, 1 - 2 times a day, mastrubation is also what i do alot 1 - 2 times a day.

    Im a 30 year old male, i do not take any meds anymore (Before i have AD), my health is good.

    Is there something i can do to fix this?

    i have almost lost all hope

    and since this happened im not feeling sexual attracted to females as of now,
    just the tought of failing again is sad

    If you guys have any tips for me that would be great i really need to do something about it, as i want to start a family one day

    stepitup likes this.
  2. MoonNight

    MoonNight Fapstronaut

    alright, i will try to do it :)
    Thinks its really needed to have a break from all of it, i already shut all porn, and i installed a dns blocker into my network (cleanbrowsing)
    Dr.J_76ers, Buddhabro2.0 and stepitup like this.
  3. Porn is poison for human males, walk away from it and never look back. A break from sex or even touching of any kind is what you need.

    And if you need motivation, read some of the stories here, a lot of wreckage and ruines lives. Donblow this off as a small issue, it's a VERY big problem that men are only just starting to talk about.
  4. bradders3300

    bradders3300 Fapstronaut

    I get the same problem when I’m with my wife, because we rarely have sex anyway I spend so much time edging and looking at porn.
    Then on the rare occasions she says she wants sex I can’t get erect, it is in my mind to start with so it only gets worse.
    It is a problem I don’t have with porn.
    It’s a catch 22 , either I don’t edge or masturbate for a month or so and be ok when she wants it, that’s what I should do but natural urges don’t let me wait
    MoonNight likes this.
  5. daddyG1981

    daddyG1981 Fapstronaut

    I can relate to this buddy, as it’s affected me at points during my life when I’ve been using heavily. Especially as a younger guy when I was a student I had a lot of free time with my laptop and used to really binge. So I was screwing up my brain with all this artificially stimulus, and I was also ruining my junk with the old death grip.

    I can remember 3 separate occasions where I ended up with girls and it didn’t happen, nothing, nada. This was during this period.

    I wasn’t able to successfully quit porn, but I did stop binging - not through any particular effort or focus, but just the opportunities weren’t there. I didn’t know them what I know now. I think with that my ability improved, but didn’t completely go away.

    Over the past few years as I’ve learned more and intentionally tried to stop, I’ve had occasions where I’ve managed to avoid PM for over 30 days. On a couple of occasions when I’ve done this my partners have commented that things get different better. My wife even thought I’d secretly taken a stimulant.

    so what I can tell you is that it will get better, but it takes time and discipline and all the tools that everyone on here shares to resist urges day to day.

    my other piece of advice would be to try and quit the escorts, even though it’s legal. I’ve been down that road too for years, and it isn’t gonna help you in the long run. I think physiologically and psychologically having sex with an escort isn’t that different to PMO. It’s doing something that could be viewed as shameful and is definitely artificial and it isn’t healthy sex. Maybe it’s fine for some people (I’d argue not), but it definitely isn’t ok for addicts like us. When I’ve been with paid girls, I definitely know deep down im doing something shameful and wrong, and while I’ve kidded myself on that’s it’s healthy and good and deserved, im just kidding myself.

    you can definitely do this….
  6. s_rv29

    s_rv29 Fapstronaut

    You know that you and your addiction is destroying the sexual life in your marriage?
    bradders3300 likes this.
  7. MoonNight

    MoonNight Fapstronaut

    Thats some great advice you've given there, i also do think why i cant stay hard/orgasm with paid girls is just the fact that theres no love involved and or connection. when i kissed the girl i just felt nothing, altough it was a nice looking lady, the fact that i dont know the girl makes me also Nervous... ive not been watching porn since my first post in this topic, and i have to say im doing pretty okay, i just noticed that my erections have improved. i also dont mastrubate everyday anymore, maybe 3 - 4 times a week now, so thats a big improvement already, now i just have to keep to it, and thats the hard part :)

    i also started to notice that the world is full or sexual suggestive things, bus stopsm posters, bikini commercials, everything must have sexual desire in it :/
    while i do look at it, i just say to myself, "Nice, okay now move on" and that helps alot, but its not making it easy on us haha.
    bradders3300 and daddyG1981 like this.
  8. daddyG1981

    daddyG1981 Fapstronaut

    Yep, you’ve got it. Just keep trying.

    your nervous because you don’t know the girls and also you know it’s not real and your doing something shameful. This won’t help you at all.

    great that you are not looking at porn, but try and stop the MO too for a while. I know it won’t be easy, but many on here have used the reboot to help their recovery.
    And you are right about the adverts and images. Unfortunately sex sells and gets attention, and marketing professionals know this very well. I read someone describing trying to stop a porn/sex addiction as like trying to quit smoking but having to carry a pack of cigarettes in your pocket all the time. Its true. And we also have to face the adverts and images and signals happening all around us. It’s a hard road but we can do it!!!
  9. bradders3300

    bradders3300 Fapstronaut

    Yes I do know it is , it doesn’t help though when you rarely have sex, it is only usually once a month,
  10. MoonNight

    MoonNight Fapstronaut

    i think you should only focus on the sex with your wife, Don't mastrubate when its not happening, your body and your senses will adapt to real sex, and you'll be able to reach orgasm after awhile. so just keep it to the real stuff, maybe talk about it with your wife. Mastrubation is totally different then real sex, keep doing it will not improve your sex life... but keeping doing it with your wife will ;)
    s_rv29 and bradders3300 like this.
  11. daddyG1981

    daddyG1981 Fapstronaut

    And here’s the kicker….. the fact that your wife only wants sex once a month, could very well be influenced by the way you are towards her. And if you are using PM heavily, then you maybe won’t realise how it’s affecting the signals you send out. For example a lack of affection, irritability, etc. you may find that through stopping the PMO suddenly she’s a bit more interested in sex with you, because you are being a nicer guy without even realising it.

    obviously I don’t know you man, or your wife. So I’m not judging here, and you can take my advice or leave it. But I’ve read about this from others, and in my own relationships I’ve noticed that pattern. When I truly love and focus on my wife, sex happens more often.

    we have to accept the responsibility for the impact our addiction and the behaviour it causes, and how that affects our families
  12. Peiskos

    Peiskos Fapstronaut

    It sounds like classic PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction) you can get hard and maintain your erection while watching porn but when you're with a real woman you struggle to maintain it because you've desensitized yourself to the real thing. I had the exact same problem when trying to have sex but ever since cutting out porn and masturbating so often I no longer have any issues getting or maintaining erections for sex with my girlfriend.

    Basically a simple 3 step process to cure yourself of this issue.

    1. Stop watching porn, even photos, not even peeking or edging.
    2. Stop touching your dick, only times you should touch it during the day are for urination and bathing.
    3. Be patient, it could take months (it took me 20+ months to fully be cured of this issue) obviously this depends on severity, others don't take this long.
  13. bradders3300

    bradders3300 Fapstronaut

    You make some good points there that I wouldn’t have considered, maybe I am giving off the wrong signals and not being as affectionate.
    daddyG1981 likes this.
  14. daddyG1981

    daddyG1981 Fapstronaut

    Yes possibly. Like I said I don’t know your situation so no judgement. I just do believe that when we are walking around under the grip of that PMO it’s going to impact all our interactions all of the time in ways we don’t even realise. I got some advice from someone on here about being careful not to try and use sex with your partner as a PMO substitute - which sounds nuts. But if you are using their body in order to make yourself feel good, they’re probably going to realise. And if you get angry when they don’t want to, that could be affected your demeanour too.
    stepitup likes this.
  15. Alfarfa90

    Alfarfa90 Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone, so I’m right on track to NPMO, feeling god with the week streak. Also I suffer from PIED, but I’m working on it.
    The question that I have is about the second point on the list (not touching my dick) I want to practice some exercises that are supposed to make my dick bigger, in there the is “jelquig” which is an high-pressure way to squeeze the dick to improve blood flow and quality of the erection, there is also some edging/masturbation (no orgasm ) involve in the process.

    So... Do you think it would be counterproductive to do this kind of exercise while trying to cure PIED through NOFAP?? I'm supposed to do them almost every day.
    I want to recover my ability to enjoy sex, but I also want to make my dick bigger.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2023
  16. 20+ months? How did you make it through all of that?
  17. Peiskos

    Peiskos Fapstronaut

    I should have mentioned there were relapses along the way which likely is why it took longer, but I was also rewiring with my gf so I had a healthy sexual outlet.
  18. Peiskos

    Peiskos Fapstronaut

    Personally I've never heard of "jelquig" and I don't think its a good idea at all. There is really no benefit or reason to do this, edging is one of the main causes of PIED, it just isn't a natural human function to be edging yourself and pulling and squeezing like you're describing, none of that ever happens in real life sex with someone, in my honest opinion it will make things worse.

    Also I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure there is no way you can actually make your dick bigger by any sort of exercise.