9 Months update

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by GGAn, Sep 22, 2022.

  1. GGAn

    GGAn Fapstronaut

    After 3-4 bad weeks in July came August in which I had 2-3 weeks that were the best since I started recovering in terms of mood and lust for life. After that I slowly got into a very long period of pretty bad to horrible withdrawals depending on the day, which is turning up to be almost 1 month long.

    I thought long periods of very bad withdrawals couldn't happen anymore after so long, but I was wrong.

    But from watching recovery videos I know that withdrawals is the brain healing so I will probably feel much better after this because this is how it has been until now.
    GiraffeMan and Gardenzio like this.
  2. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Were you feeling any relief of mental symptoms during the 9 months or just the 2-3 weeks during that timespan?
  3. GGAn

    GGAn Fapstronaut

    Yes, after the first 3 horrible months I had 3 bad months of mixed symptoms, which was an improvement, but still worse than when fapping. Then 1 worse month then august with the good weeks. Some days were even better than when I was dapping
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  4. Gardenzio

    Gardenzio Fapstronaut

    Yes, bro, keep going. Our life wasn't made to be a P user, even our brain wasn't made to seek those artificial pleasures.

    Depending on the struggles you are facing, it can only be life questions actually, which leads us with natural and healthy up and downs, not saying us life will always be joyful but we will have to face some obstacles to overcome.

    But anyways, if you're feeling a withdrawal sympton, keep going. Try to spend your time with good books, good audios, good physical exercise routine, new good hobbies, and that's a bit how to live our lifes.

    All the best!
    ChangingMyLife2 likes this.
  5. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    This is how it normally goes, lots of dips but the general trend is upwards and each good period is at a higher baseline than the previous one.

    May I ask how long into it until you stopped craving porn? Do the thoughts of it still come up and if so are you easily able to shut them down now?
    ChangingMyLife2 likes this.
  6. GGAn

    GGAn Fapstronaut

    I didn't have strong cravings until at least 90 days or so, and no cravings at all until then. Then I had them randomly but still rarely, less than a few times per month. But they got stronger and harder to deal with with time, not easier.
    OhWhenThe likes this.
  7. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Oh damn, that's not encouraging lol.

    That's how my longest streak of four months went. The first 100 days were fairly straight forward but after that I started craving porn hard again and I found myself fantasising about it constantly. As if staying away from actual porn isn't hard enough you also need to starve the porn in your head as well but it's a constant battle.

    Have you ever felt close to relapsing during this streak or do you think you can overcome any urges now no matter how strong? I guess when you get as far as nine months, the thought of possibly throwing that away is enough to say no?
  8. GGAn

    GGAn Fapstronaut

    Urges to watch porn I have overcome them 100%, but when I get extreme urges it's hard not to check hookup ads/apps or the internet and sex stories, which is not the end of the world but also not good.

    I'm still working on a method to stop that, but they happen very rarely anyway and I just resist as good as I can until they go away.

    For example in order to stop using bad phone apps I use parental control with a random password that will be scheduled sent to me again in 1 month from a new email that I won't be remembering the password either.