Do you notice that when you're on NoFap, women are more attracted to you?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by BeachDude1992, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Do you notice that when you're on NoFap, women are more attracted to you? Is this claim true? It's different for everybody. Have you noticed anything yet? Tell me.
    nirav2696 and PotentLife like this.
  2. Jae

    Jae Fapstronaut

    I swear, this exact post has been everywhere lately.

    I just want to say, forget about women for a second. Don't make NoFap a way to get women. Beat this addiction for yourself and nobody else. Once you focus on yourself then the rest comes naturally. Women are attracted to a man who seems comfortable with hisself. Get acquainted with yourself.
  3. Thinking about women does drive me crazy sometimes, I have been single for too long. I don't look at them objectifyingly anymore but I am desperate to have that loving feeling. But I guess this is where the saying goes "patience". I'll put women aside and focus on working on myself. Thanks for your advice.
  4. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    Try some self-compassion meditation if you want to feel love for yourself. Google search for UCLA Mindful Awareness; they have some guided tracks on there.

    Hope this helps.
  5. Thechosenone

    Thechosenone Fapstronaut

    Just went for a walk and noticed some look at me now. My mind is NEW. I've realised something crucial you can see it in my latest post
    PotentLife likes this.
  6. I won't be lying to you. It ain't like you become a magnet from day-1 or turn into Johnny Depp as the days go by, just by not fapping, but the action you take not to fap, works as a catalyst for change of behavior, confidence and attitude for the better. Most don't even notice it, but it is in the details, self-improvement, THAT I think is what women notice. They notice your presence which has become stronger and more attractive. There is biological and physiological benefits from it of course, but that's primarily something that benefits you, being focused, driven, fresh etc...

    I for one has noticed a boost in interest from women. They stare a little longer than before and behave waaay more friendlier than before, making a conversation a whole lot easier and natural. And then of course it makes your chances higher, if this girl is someone you want to know better, now that things are working your way.
    Clerk373, BismaBRJ, Jazir and 5 others like this.
  7. i think part of the effect is due to more social relaxation and just plain old confidence after an extended reboot. confidence is generally acknowledged as being a primary factor in attractiveness, and self-esteem tends to go back up after a long period of successful abstinence
    BismaBRJ and Examined Life like this.
  8. Might be that^
    But it's funny that we somehow notices this by others noticing us. Yeah I know we do feel better and easier stimulated, but the effects extends to other people finding NoFappers interesting.
    nirav2696 and (deleted member) like this.
  9. Well said, I observed this myself. I have an AP that admits this too.
    BismaBRJ, nirav2696 and Sentinel like this.
  10. BushidoWarrior

    BushidoWarrior Fapstronaut

    The Zero Fucks Philosophy. I like it.

    Edit: It's short for *Giving* Zero Fucks. I probably should have led with that.
  11. Yeah, looks are factors of attractiveness. but most of the time, women want men to be confident and you have to approach them.
  12. So true.
    BismaBRJ and nirav2696 like this.
  13. Jreeze2015

    Jreeze2015 Fapstronaut

    I think it is true. I am only 10 days on hardmode, I'm a good looking guy and will get looks from girls but I've noticed much more looks recently. I guess it's because I am full of a more masculine energy. I walk with a purpose more when I haven't drained my seed. I speak with a deeper voice, I don't feel as anxious, I can look at anyone in the eyes. It's a weird thing. I just seem more open and positive to people and I guess they almost subconsciously pick up on that. I was at the bar the other night and I for sure got more looks from girls. I also was surrounded by girls talking to them, I wasn't shy, it could have been because I was drunk but in general I felt much more social
  14. melancholy king

    melancholy king Fapstronaut

    I have had two month long streaks, and I can tell you that women didn't notice me any more than before, what I think really goes on (if anything) is that after you've been on the Nofap trail for so long you become far more interested in women (or men for that matter) and so you give them more attention, and I don't know if anyone knows this or not but women value attention over almost anything else, its the reason why losers get girls when studs are left out.
    BismaBRJ likes this.
  15. Bobs-got-it

    Bobs-got-it Fapstronaut

    Best answer
  16. NterBeastMode

    NterBeastMode New Fapstronaut

    Excellent advice brother. The stable confident "you" is what they are attracted to. Along with the drastic increase in testosterone, which is the chemical attraction. All confidence is, is being comfortable in YOUR SKIN and they can pick that up. My problem initially was being too focused on women. I've been at NoFap about 4 months relapsed about 6 times total, longest streak 31 days and I'm just now realizing all the focus needs to be on you and you only. Start giving yourself more and less to others. Then later... you will have so much more to offer the world. Also, women can sense want them to need you not the other way around
  17. NterBeastMode

    NterBeastMode New Fapstronaut

    Absolutely..the shame cant be hidden haha
    nirav2696 and theory816 like this.
  18. theory816

    theory816 Fapstronaut

    Im very good looking in person and I can tell you first hand, without the right mindset, which NoFap can give, TRUE SUCCESS and ATTRACTION with women and people can never be had no matter how attractive you are because it it depends so much on how you view yourself.
    Clerk373, BismaBRJ, nirav2696 and 4 others like this.
  19. wildwood

    wildwood Fapstronaut

    Or it just might be the fact that you're now more social and approachable now that you aren't spending hours everyday masturbation to internet porn alone and now realizing there is a real world. Simple. It's more of a people thing rather than a man thing but again only a simple observation and opinion.
    BismaBRJ, nirav2696 and NoBrainer like this.