Why do I always think of sex ?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Iwillgetthisright, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. Iwillgetthisright

    Iwillgetthisright Fapstronaut

    Hi guys , I am on my 4th day and completed 20 days earlier but then relapsed for 9 days in a row . I am always thinking about sex . I get up in the morning and lay on my bed for an hour or so thinking about having sex with different girls I see in my college or my apartment complex . I am watching a movie or reading a novel and a romantic or an emotional scene comes and here I am thinking about the exact same scenario in my head with a girl . I cant let this go , I need to stop thinking of sex and daydreaming . How to overcome these guys ??
    WilliamJ.F., Wuugazi32 and silex_jedi like this.
  2. ajstath

    ajstath Fapstronaut

    You're what is known as "a man". Don't panic or punish yourself for being a very normal 21-year-old bloke. Instead, just focus on keeping yourself busy and your thoughts occupied with more beneficial things. The fact that you're thinking about sex (rather than porn) is actually a good thing and perfectly natural.
    Wonkey and Wuugazi32 like this.
  3. Robindale

    Robindale Fapstronaut

    It's natural, especially at your age, but for us men at any age. I would encourage you to not lay around in your bed for an hour or so upon waking up - just leads to thoughts and urges. Encourage you to get out of bed, make it, and do something that is healthy or working toward a goal you have set. i.e. exercise, meditate/prayer, read literature or listen to a podcast recovery-related, if it's too early to contact a friend, send them an email letting them know you're thinking of them and would like to get together, etc. Start your day off on a positive note and hopefully that will help reduce the urges and feelings to act out. Instead of thinking of these girls, ask one of them if they'd like to go grab coffee some morning, not in the expectation that it will lead to sex, but to human interaction and you never know, a relationship may blossom. Best wishes.
    Beachcomber, again, ajstath and 2 others like this.
  4. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Because you've flooded yourself with stimuli. Your brain already is kind of like wired to associate women with pleasure, so it see's it everywhere. Try to get some porn blockers going. If TV has a lot of women on them, just for a temporary time disconnect the service. Create barriers, so it makes it harder to be able to indulge(from Atomic Habits). Sometimes it helps to just MO without porn to kind of get re-adjusted - just to get your mind off of it temporarily. The longer amounts of time you can go without direct interaction with the trigger or stimuli the better overall. Some may point out that there may be some deep psychological issue. Which I am not saying there may not be, but it doesn't help to put an alcoholic in a Bar, and tell him not to drink.
    again likes this.
  5. m9damn

    m9damn Fapstronaut

    Are you a virgin? That's common to virgins, mainly at young age.
    Anyways, It's a natural thing, go find a wife. God bless.
  6. To stop having these thoughts, you need to recognize them as they come into your mind. Once you recognize the thought, you must cut off the thought. This is “mind kung fu”

    As the thought arises, cut it off. Increase your awareness of the thoughts as they arise within you. When they arise within you, immediately stop the thought, and continue with you regular activity. Do not fantasize throughout the day. This will lead to relapse
  7. Iwillgetthisright

    Iwillgetthisright Fapstronaut

    oh , thanks for this . I have decided to go for a run in the mornings . Maybe it will help .
    ajstath likes this.
  8. Iwillgetthisright

    Iwillgetthisright Fapstronaut

    Will do that , thank you
  9. Iwillgetthisright

    Iwillgetthisright Fapstronaut

    Yes I am a virgin . I dont even have any female friends , the only time I have talked with the opposite sex is in group projects only . Dont know whats wrong with me
  10. Iwillgetthisright

    Iwillgetthisright Fapstronaut

    I am not watching any kind of pornography , not even looking to any sexy women pictures at all . Just when I see couples anywhere , people talking about intimacy , it hurts and I always end up thinking what it would feel like if I would have been in place of other man .
  11. Iwillgetthisright

    Iwillgetthisright Fapstronaut

    Yeah so I have decided to go on a run but I keep procrastinating it idk why , tomorrow no matter what I am going on a run and thanks for this
  12. Wuugazi32

    Wuugazi32 Fapstronaut

    It doesn't stop or slow down either! I'm 36 and my sex drive is way higher than my teens & twenties. Sex drive is perfectly natural, it's binging and edging to p0rn that isn't!

    I only get sex a couple of nights a week, but would go 5x a day if my wife could keep up!
  13. Iwillgetthisright

    Iwillgetthisright Fapstronaut

    I started getting up at 6 am and going on a run three days back and I feel great
    Wuugazi32 likes this.
  14. ajstath

    ajstath Fapstronaut

    Getting up early every day really does change your life. I don't even need an alarm clock now. Glad it's helping you!
  15. The fact that you have a bunch of thoughts about sex doesn’t matter. That’s the culmination of a bunch of unconscious processes in your brain that have been exacerbated by PMO.

    What does matter is how you respond to it. When I have a sexual thought or fantasy, I just remind myself that engaging in it will make my reboot shorter. It’s helped at least.
    Wuugazi32 likes this.
  16. It was your response to sex that got you hooked not the fact you did it with a prostitute. If it was with a girlfriend you'll have the same problem.

    It's like saying a friend gave you free ice cream and know you are addicted and hating your friend for it.

    Prostitute was a test, a measurement of how you'll deal with sex. Know you know how it is, sex can be addictive because it's pleasant. You just have to work with it. Don't blame prostitution. Consider it a great gift because know you know you'll have to deal with the same problem if you get a girlfriend

    And if she withholds sex or you break up then you'll be desperate for sex. So learn not to be addicted to it.
    ajstath likes this.
  17. I think I keep thinking about sex because I live in an environment that continually promotes it. But I also hear and read that some men are just sexual and thus might need marriage.
  18. ajstath

    ajstath Fapstronaut

    That only works in a Christian context. Otherwise, the complete opposite is true.

  19. You always think of sex because you're sexually frustrated. You're sexually frustrated because you PMOed. The pleasure you get from PMOing is in fact the fuel for our sexual frustration, as you want "more" and "the real deal".

    Just realize that by thinking about sex, you are just torturing yourself, as you are imagining scenarios which will simply never happen. Why should you actively engage in thoughts which will leave you more frustrated? There is no point

    I know this sounds "easy", but it is actually very easy. If I would be a starving child in Africa, I also wouldn't actively think how billionaires eat wagyu gold plate hamburgers with fries fried in beef lard. It would just make me feel more miserable. It's kind of the same here: You - and others too - will never have sex with all of the women you're fantasizing about.
  20. Beachcomber

    Beachcomber Fapstronaut

    There is nothing wrong with you. You have to work at making friends with people in general and you have to work at making friends with women. That’s the first step. And don’t be focusing on sex, just focus on being a friend because that’s what we all want - someone who wants to be your friend not just find a friend.