Cant see the line between P and real life at the moment

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by BrSweat, Jul 13, 2022.

  1. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    Ive posted many times in the last few days but ive hit a massive relapse. Triggering material ahead, id avoid reading if youre easily tipped off.

    Ive been non stop fapping to
    bbc white girl hypno and cuckold
    like ive never before, my dick hurts and theres not even semen coming out of it anymore but im still fapping, its pathetic but I seem to not care and still continuing.

    I just watched this one vid and it really messed my head up, (Trigger ahead, its graphic).
    .a bbc vid with loads of clips, close ups, contrasted, humiliating captions saying, all women mainly white, are designed to be attracted large dicks, with time and enough sex they all become whores who only want pleasure and animalistic sex with giant bl*ck dongs, and more humiliating caps, it rips apart your masculinity and confidence and shit
    Sorry, that was extremely uncomfortable to type but shit reading that was kind of shocking. Are women actually like that? Wtf, Im having a hard time processing this.

    Im having a difficult time hating porn rn too and without the hate and despise I keep going back to it. Even had to cancel my therapy session today bc I was too tired from all the fapping last night. On top I have acute ocd which keep bringing these thoughts and scenarios to my head nonstop.

    Ive seen some people on other website saying how they tried to quit this genre and fetish, even went on months of nofap only to fall back into it harder and eventually accepted that this is who they are.
    it gives me anxiety thinking im a beta male but also arousal watching this type of content
    i fuckin hate that this arouses me. Fuck sakes, now i feel like im just in denial about all this. How is shit like this even legal? Im trying to end this relapse on a vanilla P video but I keep watching the fetish stuff and havent been able to stop

    Can someone give me some clarity and motivation to quit? This is so embarrassing to even post, i even kept watching homosexual scenes in the vids, wtf. Can i ever be normal again? Im worried this is just a part of me now
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.
  2. I’d say you have fallen into a negative energy spiral, sort of like a black hole in space, and it is sucking your energy and mind right now from you.

    you need to rebalance yourself. View your mind and body as a biological system… you aren’t stuck like this forever, you are just stuck right now

    just like someone standing in the swimming pool and yelling “am I going to be wet forever?”
  3. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    I took a shower and resetted myself. You are right, fapping so much in 2 days has sucked all my vital energy and mental capacity.
  4. I fapped thrice yesterday and it is very scary . Making an account in a porn website was the biggest mistake in my life last year. I am actually in the negative spiral of creating new porn accounts daily and feeling elated when getting higher ranks in porn website. I usually watch less video and keep on posting comments in the porn websites to get higher ranks. I once posted more than 500 comments in a day. I had watched only 5 or 6 videos. When I feel it's been a lot of time, I search some erotic joi video to fap
    BrSweat likes this.
  5. Usually no. Some, if you pay them. It's not wise to make assumptions about people based on porn. Porn is made and sold to "entertain" viewers and does not reflect reality much.

    If you observe porn more than reality, then you might lose grasp of reality.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2022
    BrSweat likes this.
  6. BrSweat

    BrSweat Fapstronaut

    Man, having a barely average tool dosent help either, the hypno stuff i watched specifically targeted the Pp size factor to make an average man feel as pathetic as humanly possible. I cant lie though, even before porn Ive held this same view about women to some degree that they want har*core s*x with big Pps or they will leave because of this ive passed up a few chances in the past of getting with a girl due to insecurities about my own size. Perhaps my view was flawed from the beginning, im trying to not let those videos get to my head but jesus christ they are really traumatizing and potent. Wish I had never watched them, cant help but feel they just made me realize im not as manly as i thought.