Bad Beginning

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Omega Instinct, Jul 13, 2022.

  1. Omega Instinct

    Omega Instinct Fapstronaut

    Hello... like many of you, i'm in this fight of trying to kill porn out of my life for many years, trying again now, i'm on day 4 (i know is to early to take any conclusions, but i want to share anyways), this time though i'm under some different circunstances, i dont know if this has something to do with how i feel, so want your opnions.

    I think around 1 month ago, i decided to cut out facebook and instagram of my life (deactivated), stayed only with youtube, the reason for that is i wanted to focus more on studying, strangely enough i feel with didn't help with that, maybe because i already passed the test i wanted even before cutting the SM. So, no more Social Media, i kinda miss it sometimes, but nothing too bad.

    I also returned to the gym last week, i'm very easy to grow, i already have a good physique (i'm 30 yrs btw), i was so motivated. And then i decided to start nofap again, starting this week. So far so good.

    Day 1 and 2 was ok, but already started feeling something diferent, suddenly i've got no more patience for doing things i like, like watching anime on Netflix, playing fallout, among other things, anxiety i guess? You tell me. Also started feeling more lonely and depressed then normal...

    Before continuing, i think i need to give some more background of my life.

    So.. as i said, i'm 30, single for 1.5 year and still having some feelings for my ex, for she was my only girlfriend and we dated 8 years, she is easy 9/10 or even 10/10. I still have contact with her since we live in a small town, we often see each other... she even invites me sometimes for hangout with friends, she is a good person.

    I'm avarage looking, when i'm feeling good i would say 7/10. The worst for me lately is that i'm broke, i have virtually no car, cant afford nice places and other things. I'm in this situation for quite some time now and that is the why i'm studying, i already passed the test to become a police investigator, so my situation will get better but still only next year.

    Currently i'm talking to no girl, dont know what is sex for a good time now, no significant relationships (think that relates to my lack of confidence for being broke) i'm often feeling lonely and depressed, some days worst than others, but i learned to bear, grew accustomed to that.

    But back to nofap, i began to feel much more depressed and lonely on day 3 and 4 (today) than usual, also having trouble sleeping... dont know why, maybe because the cut of so many sources of dopamine like fapping and SM. I'm depressed to the point, i'm not really having heavy urges (i always relapsed at the beginning for i had so strong urges), i simply dont have the mood to fap. I'm starting to feel really really bad, and this is scaring me.

    So, if you got this far sorry for the long text, sorry for my english, not my native language, and thank you for reading, I would appreciate any thoghts and opnions about all the above. Thank you again!
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  2. jamesharris2431

    jamesharris2431 Fapstronaut

    Hey friend, sorry to hear about your troubles. I found that exercising helped me to stay away from relapsing. Now that you’re getting back into working out, that might help you too. Were you financially successful when you were in your last relationship?
    Omega Instinct likes this.
  3. Sorgere

    Sorgere Fapstronaut

    I think I understand where you're coming from. You're already setting yourself up to be successful in the future, putting in the work now, but you're still feeling down because you're not in a good spot right now? Is that a good summary?

    That's fine to feel a bit down, but remember the rewards for all the work you're doing comes later. When you were doing porn all the time, it was instant gratification. Now, you have to wait to see the benefits of all the work you did. And that's hard. It really is. So if you tough it out, you'll see things start to improve in job prospects and income, plus all the benefits of NoFap that people start reporting at the end of the first month through the end of the first few years.

    You're doing very well to put yourself in a better position, it's just going to take a bit of time before you start seeing all that effort pay off.

    Keep going!
    RobbyGo36 and Omega Instinct like this.
  4. Omega Instinct

    Omega Instinct Fapstronaut

    Well i'm in a financial hardship a long time now, even in my dating, knowing it will get better its a little relief. Today i almost did not went to the gym, but i remebered your comment and it gave me strengh to go. Thank you!
  5. Omega Instinct

    Omega Instinct Fapstronaut

    I think you described it very well... i'm starting, slowly, to see the bigger picture, sometimes we narrow our vision and focus only in the pain and forget the process, the Journey. Its the night becoming darker before de dawn, we have to remember this and you helped me. I'm feeling a bit of happyness to see that some people still care, like you, lost your time to read and help a complete stranger, warms my heart. I didnt expect replys.. So Thank very much!
    Sorgere likes this.
  6. I can relate to the Facebook thing, I gave up about a month ago now, and it does feel pretty lonely at times, however my concentration is better and I have more time for things I want to do.

    It sounds like you're in dopamine withdrawal right now. Social media sites and PMO were giving you the quick hits of dopamine you craved, now without it your mind has to adjust to working a bit more for its pleasures. Maybe pull back on the Netflix and video games and try some non-screen hobbies (maybe even some group activities, meeting new people). You'll even out, but it'll take some time and abstinence. Hang in there, you're doing well.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
    NickRivers and Sorgere like this.
  7. jamesharris2431

    jamesharris2431 Fapstronaut

    I’m glad you were able to find the strength to go to the gym. Keep it up, brother! If you were able to be in a relationship with a great woman in the past despite your financial hardships, you can find another great woman even in your current situation. Stay strong, brother!