Addiction to Femdom/Findom, need help.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Vita Vi Reparatio, Apr 25, 2022.

  1. Vita Vi Reparatio

    Vita Vi Reparatio Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, I am a new member, though I have been doing the NoFap challenge for about five or so years now.

    For about the past six-seven years, about 90% of the porn which I have been viewing has been femdom in some way. The other 10% would be a few other genres like lesbian, Blowjob POV etc. that I stumbled across and tried to get into in hopes of replacing this current addiction with a less harmful one.

    In the past, I have had some success with NoFap and have been able to hold streaks for up to two months almost, but recently, I have slipped up greatly and now cannot go more than two weeks without relapsing.

    To get into more detail, I have been into literally every type of category of femdom possible. From the stereotypical woman in a black latex suite with a whip in some sort of BDSM dungeon, to the more internet, POV oriented.

    The latter category is what I have suffered from the most, and I have seen just about every genera in it. JOI, CEI, CBT, SPH, foot worship, verbal humiliation, cuckolding, chastity, sissy, basically anything related to femdom, I am into it.

    Also, with the fairly recent introduction of onlyfans into the mix, I fell into findom as well. I hate to say this, but I find the idea of a bratty girl getting richer of a "good boy" like me kind of hot. I have wasted quite a bit of cash on stuff like this. And feel pretty ashamed of it.

    If anyone could help me, I would appreciate it.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2022
    Nathan Hoover and TimeToQuitNow like this.
  2. Hey there. Your story is no different to anyone else on here. Our tastes may differ but we all have the same in common which is an addictive behaviour. We are being twisted in a vicious cycle and our goal is to break free from this cycle.
    Again, you put in alot of information in your post so you are aware of your issues. You know your triggers.
    Start slow. The damage won't be undone overnight so it will require patience.
    There is no one answer fits all here. Just begin slow. Highlight one area where you want to change first.
    I don't know much about your lifestyle. How active you are. Your diet. Your hobbies if you have any. Basically how you live every day. Do you smoke, drink or take drugs of any kind?

    As you can see, there are many points to consider. When you have the answers we can better understand your life at the current stage. Then you can begin to improve or change things about your life that will help with your reboot.

    Right now the only advice I can give is a very clear one but not surprising. Is basically to stay away from things that trigger you.
    PrioritySystem likes this.
  3. Vita Vi Reparatio

    Vita Vi Reparatio Fapstronaut

    I think to start I might just try and limit use at first like take baby steps. IE start off going five days without it, then maybe 10 and keep on upping it. Diet wise I try and eat healthy and I also try and workout at least three times a week. I currently am struggling with anxiety and mild depression, which probably contributes towards my problem. I do drink socially with friends on weekends, but it is not like I always blackout each time, alot of times I just drink to get a buzz. I do, however, smoke weed. I never had an issue with it and used in moderation, up until one night I decided to watch a clip while high and I guess my brain loved the massive dopamine hit so much that whenever I smoke now, I feel the urge to watch femdom stuff. I plan on breaking this by trying to smoke with my friends so I am unable to watch the stuff.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2022
    regular_man likes this.
  4. Rubzi

    Rubzi Fapstronaut

    Welcome bro!

    I don't have much time for a proper introduction, getting ready for work and all, but i wish you the very best of luck :)

    My advice: sign up for one of the challenges on this forum and stay accountable in it. The first 2 weeks are always the hardest. Concerning your fetish, it looks to me like you are actively searching for that most intense dopamine spike, so the extremer the material, the higher the high.

    Install filters, blockers, anything that might help you put your mind off of it and refrain from it ( I myself use AppBlock). Go on walks, excercise, cold showers etc, the basics :) All this will make you great new healthy habits to replace the bad

    Wish you the best mate :) you will get longer streaks, just never give up
    regular_man likes this.
  5. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Into the same type of stuff. Never goes away, but becomes less prominent when the longer my streaks go if that makes sense. That's just my experience though
    Vita Vi Reparatio likes this.
  6. The fact that you feel ashamed about helping random thots get rich is perhaps the first step to addressing at least part of your problem. Do you also find it hot that those girls couldn't possibly care less about you or anyone else who's gifting them money? I personally have never understood femdom or findom. I find the former completely counter to nature and the latter an utter waste. But if you're bored and well off (in terms of money), I guess I could see how you could get into stuff like that.

    Do you not think you're worthy of a decent woman who you could share your life with? What do you think is at the root of this for you?
  7. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    He probably does. I know cause I find findom attractive and do find that hot. Never actually spent a penny, but masturbated a ton to findom porn. Them not caring is part of the fun.
    kopykat likes this.
  8. Vita Vi Reparatio

    Vita Vi Reparatio Fapstronaut

    Yeah sadly I find that the hot part. Me sending cash to some **** who does not care about me. I do not understand why this is, but it just shows how much porn can screw with your head.
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  9. Vita Vi Reparatio

    Vita Vi Reparatio Fapstronaut

    Yeah I feel that I may just naturally have some submissive tendencies. Some of the first sexual fantasies I recall myself having were of me being submissive, but not in the femdom kinda way.
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  10. Vita Vi Reparatio

    Vita Vi Reparatio Fapstronaut

    I personally do not feel that I am worthy of a decent, pretty, caring woman at all. I do not feel like I have many qualities that would appeal towards a decent woman. I guess this kinda contributes to the femdom fetish, since they often try and enforce this view upon you that you are a "loser" and a "beta." I also am a virgin as well, and as much as I hate to say this, I kinda find it hot when a girl berates me for being a virgin.

    Just by typing this out, I have gained a new perspective on this and honestly, if I was just a random person who saw this post, I would genuinely pity this guy.
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  11. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    I've felt that way. The more femdom I watch the more I feel that way. Girls on a screen calling you a loser isn't just fun and games. At some point you start to believe it.

    But know that you are worthy of a decent, pretty, caring woman. You just gotta get through this obstacle first
    Vita Vi Reparatio likes this.
  12. I get curious about guys like you. If you have such low self-worth, how and where are you making the money it takes to be able to be so financially wasteful? You have to be doing something right. I'm not trying to pull you down; I'm genuinely wondering. In any case, re-read your comment again and again if that's what it takes. You have to raise your standards as well. Virgin or not, this is no way to live.

    There's a girl out there for you once you realize that you're not a worthless piece of shit. The good ones are into assertive, confident and smart guys. You can be that.
  13. Vita Vi Reparatio

    Vita Vi Reparatio Fapstronaut

    Yeah man it is good to know that I am not alone in my feelings. I definitely need to overcome this obstacle.
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  14. Vita Vi Reparatio

    Vita Vi Reparatio Fapstronaut

    You make a very good point, the fact that I have the cash to spend on this proves I have some worth, and at least have some value. I have been told that I am a very hard worker.

    I do definitely feel like I have something to offer a girl in a relationship. Looks wise I would say I am good looking, not drop dead handsome but multiple girls have remarked to me that I am a cute guy. I also am very hard working which most girls do genuinely like. Problem is, my addiction to this doesn't exactly help with my self esteem and anxiety issues.
  15. You've got to snap out of it, dude. It's not impossible. Somewhere along the line, you got caught up in this and now, like a drug addict, you're having trouble escaping it. The day you quit this shit is the day you can start to look ahead to a brand new version of yourself. It seems like the setbacks you've suffered aren't totally handicapping you in life and if that's the case, you need to see it as an opportunity. There are many guys here whose health has been adversely affected in all softs of ways. Aside from the anxiety you've mentioned, if you're not dealing with anything else that is mentally, emotionally or physically handicapping you, you should be able to conquer this.

    Real life relationships with women who actually value you and desire your physical presence are much more fulfilling than chats with random hoes online.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2022
    Vita Vi Reparatio likes this.
  16. Vita Vi Reparatio

    Vita Vi Reparatio Fapstronaut

    Thanks man. One thing I kinda realized that it is pretty easy for most guys to fall into this trap. When you think about it, the way alot of guys get into porn, myself included is through stuff like seeing pictures of girls online in bikinis, underwear, or even women in revealing clothing on social media, pictures you stumble across online, on tv in shows and commercials, and in advertisements at malls. If you maybe just have natural submissive tendencies in sex, than maybe you subconsciously put the woman on a pedestal, in which you find her hot enough to control you, which can then lead to developing a femdom issue. Even in vanilla porn this is the case, I have seen very little vanilla porn over the years, but from the small amount I recall and what I generally understand, the focus is usually on the woman with the man being more of a prop. So if a guy who has submissive tendencies views porn, than their brain may do the same subconsciously. Also, POV porn-femdom or not-feels more interactive and stimulates dopamine more for some people.
    TGAguy and TimeToQuitNow like this.
  17. I doubt I'll ever really get it but I can appreciate the position you're in nevertheless. I see the girls you see - the IG models and similar - and I don't think for one second that I'm somehow below them or whatever. They're human, they're flawed... they eat, drink, shit and piss. I think what you're doing is almost exhibiting some kind of form of worship or something. I respect women and I think that's shown in a different way. I admit to having felt powerless before beauty plenty of times but I'm not about to lower myself to some beta status whenever it happens.

    I think you need to reshape your perceptions and work on yourself in a real world way. In other words, consider spending less time on social media and porn sites and more time outside and away from your devices. Put yourself out there. If you think you have anything at all to give to or share with someone, make it known.
  18. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Never thought of it that way but good take. I guess the next question becomes why do some men of submissive tendencies in the first place?
  19. 2nd Chance

    2nd Chance Distinguished Fapstronaut

    hey, it seems like your fetish for femdom and findom comes from the way you perceive yourself. When you start believing yourself as a loser and a girl criticises you, it reinforces your belief that you're a loser.

    Sex seems to be like a power play when typically it's the male who takes charge in the bed, in your case, since you believe you are a loser and submissive when a woman dominates over you, you get high.

    I strongly have a hunch that self improvement, working on yourself , continuing therapy (affirmative training) with time would show some results to begin with.

    for whatever reason, we believe we are like losers but in reality you are just untapped potential yet to realize who you are.

    please dont give up on therapy, no matter what, an honest conversation takes you a long way, from my therapy experience i can say it takes time to trust and open up to your therapist, so remind yourself to have patience

    take care, you will get through this
  20. Vita Vi Reparatio

    Vita Vi Reparatio Fapstronaut

    Thank you, I really appreciate hearing what you have said to me. I do, of course respect women, but I feel that I put them on a pedestal too much. A thing which I am kinda shamed to admit is I used to fantasize about girls I knew in person in femdom scenarios. I hated this since it slowly made me see them as superior to me and that I was below them and had no chance with them.