Is porn natural? the brain of an addict....

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Infidel.48, Nov 25, 2021.

  1. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Have you guys read of Pavlov's dog study?, basically he does some crap , and rewires a dog's brain to automatically salivate when it hears the sound of bell.

    So, how he does it is by combining a natural-stimulus( food), and an artificial stimulus(bell sound) .
    and I was thinking even our porn-addiction is similar to this , we unconsciously combined natural-stimulus(arousal to sex) and an artificial stimulus or response( different genres of porn , multiple-browser tab/typing p start names/peeking , full blown edging).

    Later Parvlov does more insane shit , and makes the dig stop salivating from hearing bell sounds

    So technically like Parvlov reconditioned his dog's brain , we could recondition our fucking-addict brains using similar techniques .

    this is what I did to kick my hard-core porn addiction, basically fantasize like crazy about all the "nice porn" while doing a lot of push-ups .Associate the pain with those "nice porn",
    I can barely remember those "nice porn" now anyways .

    I haven't watched hardcore porn in like 7months, but I later switched to soft-core shit,(fooling myself), found on Instagram , YouTube, blaha, blah
    Now I will try this method again to see if it works with soft-core shit too
    Anti porn squad and learning like this.
  2. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    Interesting that push-ups worked for you. There is a treatment used on sex offenders which uses foul odors while watching the type of porn troubling the sex offender. I don't remember what that treatment is called.
  3. Anti porn squad

    Anti porn squad Fapstronaut

    There is another way.
    Change your method of lust. I call it that. It's simple your sexual energy always need an outlet. So here we are avoiding porn and doing dating. That means always through instagram, face book and other dating apps talk to women. This method is very effevtive.
    Wugazi32 likes this.
  4. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Intresting ,I will search about it . I wonder why no else tries this out ,reduces urges somewhat
  5. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Ya you are correct ,but I live in a country where sex before marrige is nil ,plus with this lockdown ,haven't been able to socialize
    Anti porn squad likes this.
  6. svwluke

    svwluke Fapstronaut

    There's definitely some Pavlov dog conditioning going on. Here's an example: I was 11 or so when I started watching porn. That was still before highspeed internet. I didn't have my own computer then and we had one family computer. So of course, the time I could watch porn was limited. I could only do it when nobody was home or everybody was downstairs. So basically every time when my parents and/or sister left the house I ran to the computer to download one or two porn vids (That was back in the days when it took 15 minutes or so to download a 3 minute video). That became a ritual. I was alone with my mother, she left the house, I immediately ran to the computer.

    The crazy thing is, when I visit my parents nowadays (more than 20 years later and I haven't lived there for more than 10 years) and they leave the house for whatever reason I still get that craving to go to their laptop and look for some porn. That's some deep conditioning.

    By the way, what do you mean by "nice porn" @Infidel.48 ?
    Infidel.48 and Wugazi32 like this.
  7. Wugazi32

    Wugazi32 Fapstronaut

    That's my era of p0rn too! Family computer, dial up connection, etc.
    svwluke and Infidel.48 like this.
  8. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing ,so the conclusion is porn isn't natural ,we have all been rewired into thinking it is .

    "Nice porn" was this one studio I was addicted to for like a year , basically ,hardcore porn. My brain was basically addicted to it 100%.

    But now I don't use it ,
    I have been relapsing to non-nude clips,semi nude photos for almost 7months
  9. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    You have to keep in mind that operant conditioning is based in behavioral psychology and doesn't account for cognition. Where yes, you can Pavlov yourself toward or away from a stimulus, there are also cognitive factors occurring in the unconscious that need to be addressed. This is why finding and healing underlying issues is an important aspect of recovery from any addiction.
    When just using the Pavlov way, you can inadvertently rewire yourself toward another addiction. Cognitive factors also played, and continue to play a role in maladaptive coping mechanisms. So where you may eventually be able to get away from porn on a behavioral level, addiction will still remain a part of your cognitive and metacognitive processing.
    WildEntheology likes this.
  10. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yeah you are right ,first I have to deal with p then the addiction aspects.

    However you don't need to have underlying issues to get addicted to porn. It's a supernatural stimulus . To many videos ,too much novelty. Too much pleasure.
    I know a few use it as a coping mechanism.

    I don't see why you can't use this method to recondition the addiction itself.
    Sad -- listen to music
    Lonely -- Call a friend
    Stressed - Do pushups

    I also noted that all my relapses are due to dreams ,only dreams,so this method should work to erase of the connection of porn and sexuality in my brain