Lonely. Please Help 'cause i have no clue at all

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by mark andrews, Nov 10, 2021.

  1. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    Wassup guys... i'm on the road to recovery but i'm so down

    My social life is struggling too much, not saying that i need a girlfriend but am so clueless when it comes to getting girls to like me. Many times i've been friendzoned since i didnt know how to transition into intimacy but it's like i never learn.

    Won't blame it on being ugly or anything.... sometimes girls look my way and it's like am anxious and just want to hide from them... don't know what to do when a girl looks my way and even when i try, this overwhelming fear of rejection comes into my mind........
    There's a girl that was sort of like looking my way smiling and when i made a move, she acted like i was bugging her or something, situation was way too awkward that i felt like i wanted the ground to swallow me....
    i'm abit religious but not in any church social groups, have no close friends amd i even fear stepping to a girl because i think i'll give it away and get friendzoned since that's the only thing i get from girls

    feel like am whining here but please help
    give me some honest answers
    1) i don't know where to meet girls
    2) am too afraid even to step up to a girl
    3) i don't know what to say, i have totally no pickup lines
    4) i get friendzoned all the time and i don't like it
    5) don't know how to act when a girl looks my way, maybe am too anxious
    6) my social life is non existent

    am rebooting but i sometimes need someone to talk to, nights are very dark... i have to deal with massive urges and i can even go a week without anybody checking on me or trying to know how am doing... sometimes i lose it.

    i miss the girl i was trying to get, she friendzoned me and she was kinda selfish..... she would never call, and even after i stopped talking to her without any arguement she has never taken time to even checkup on me and yet i was there for her during her stressful times... its like she would take and never give.

    i need some skills guys, i want to improve my social life coz i've been alone so long that am starting to lose hope if i'll get a girl.
    BenSarek and TheLightOne like this.
  2. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    You’ll get a bunch of redpill posts soon. Ignore those.

    But do take action. If you like a girl, ask. Commit to taking action regardless of consequences. There really is very little lost if they aren’t interested.
  3. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    You said ask... the question is what do i ask or how do i even start that conversation if i like the girl, what do i say to give her the idea that i even like her..... i'll be a baby abit 'cause am clueless at this dating thing. it's been a very long time of frustration that i think if i walked up to a girl and she wasn't into it i'd probably get frustrated and rude and walk away from her angrily
  4. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    All am asking for is some skills that have worked for you so that i can also apply them
    FX-05 likes this.
  5. Why not make a change and go for situations where there is no expectation? It doesn't always have to be a binary yes/no answer.

    If you don't have the skills/confidence now then it is difficult to jump in at the deep end, and also you may berate yourself on the lack of results. Don't take that personally, when women reject they aren't rejecting you as a person - how would they even know who you are.

    So seek out places where picking up is out of the question. Evening classes are a good place; there is something to talk about (the subject), you can practice just talking normally. Pick up lines just are cheese, which may get you a quick boost but ultimately what drives success is showing good value to women.

    Also that relates to the other point (in which I have been) about the girl you were trying to get. Power in these interactions always lies with who needs the result the least. She would take and never give, because she could. Neediness is not an attractive trait.
    HitB and mark andrews like this.
  6. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    what can i tell you, I could have written the same post. Please talk with someone real in your life. Not people in NoFap. Go out with real physical friends to social meetings, they can be outdoor so there won't be excuses in current times. But please writing on Nofap won't really help you. Been here 6 years and so what? this forum is really not helpful you hear good stroies and advice from time to tim but so what? pls just go and talk to real people not sad guys on nofap forum
    jun.nav, TheLightOne, S_a_D and 3 others like this.
  7. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    yeah i would like to sort of forget all i've been through and just start again but that's not possible..... sometimes as a grown up u realise you can't run from shit but face it and go through it.... that thing with that girl ended, i should swallow that pill and move on. On the side of social interactions... i think i should maybe stop looking out for a porential mate, maybe just hang out if i get any friends and have fun, then the opportunity will show itself..... i struggle with PMO and tgat gets me very down.. am working on going to church again and going to different social settings 'cause i think its hard to know or get a girl by just hijacking her off the road as she walks, u kinda turn off as creepy and they get defensive....maybe if i join some club or sonething where there's plenty of them i could stnd a chance to talk and improve my social skills
  8. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    well friend i have no friends in the real world that i could talk to about this, you speak ur mind and maybe tell someone what you're going through and since they don't understand it or have better fulfilled lives, they'll start looking at you funny... like ur not serious or maybe ur some weird guy and i don't like that.... the world is ruined that way, that i can't ask a fellow guy how he gets girls 'cause he'll probably be like just talk to them......
    i wouldn't have come here if i could get the answers.....

    just needed help from some people that understand the anxiety, depression, anger, social emptiness that a PMO sufferer goes through.

    just want to improve my chances with girls
  9. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    Guh...me in a nutshell.

    So, I don't have a ton of experience, but can comment on what I observe in others or what logically makes sense (I have a hard time letting my logic shine over my emotion):
    1. Anywhere. Start cold approaching people everywhere. Doesn't have to be for a sexual encounter or for developing a long term relationship (romantic, friendship, or otherwise). Simply cold approaching people will give you experience with socializing and help you realize that a) people aren't as scary as you think and may in fact share in the "joy" that is social anxiety and be happy you opened up to them and b) rejection isn't as scary or damning as you think. The world is full of people. You'll find your "tribe" somewhere.
    2. Go for it. Jump in. Anxious thoughts and mentalities can't be challenged unless you make the cognitive decision to actually challenge them. Look up any cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to help you challenge irrational thoughts.
    3. In terms of what to say, you can ask what brought them to the venue you are at. Talk about things in the environment. Take an interest in their life. Be curious. Most people like to talk about themselves. Ask open ended questions that can't be answered by a simple yes or no and requires them to elaborate. The more they elaborate, the more of an opportunity you have to ask a follow up question on what they just said. If you get the feeling that they feel that they are being interrogated by you or just don't want to talk about themselves, start talking about yourself. If you don't feel like you have anything to talk about, go out and do interesting things. Crazy things. Things that will make good stories. Then share them at social gatherings. If she doesn't ask questions about you or anything, she's either just as socially anxious as you or simply not interested. Move along unless you can pry her out of her shell.
    4. Idk, man. The best advice would simply be to be romantic. Woo her. If she doesn't respond to stuff like gifts or even heartfelt letters or romantic pursuits, she most likely isn't interested. However, that being said, there is something to be said about persistence. My parents and my sister and her husband both started their relationships after a period of consistent pursuit of the woman by the man. Idk what to tell you in terms of being too persistent and giving a "rapey" vibe compared to respectful pursuit. There's probably a large gray area there.
    5. Some of the aforementioned suggestions should help.
    6. Go out and do things. Force yourself. Easier said than done, and you have my respect if you act on this.

    Agree wholeheartedly. If they don't know you, you should probably become acquaintances first. People have a tendency to prefer people they see on a regular basis compared to strangers, so just being in their vicinity over a prolonged period can warm them up to you (there's psychological studies that back this, and if I wanted to spend the time I could probably find them...but I trust your google skills). And if you can demonstrate your virtue, that's a plus. Taking care of children or the elderly can show your heart to a woman who is otherwise a stranger. And that can build your attractiveness. Volunteer. Be genuine. Care for people. People, including women, can see this in you if you expose yourself enough to them.

    I'm actually inclined to agree with this. You can only think about socializing so long before it is actually necessary for you to go out and do in order to grow and flourish. I do think there is a self development phase that needs to happen so that you can be a socially acceptable person who can integrate into society, but if you've already achieved this, go do it. Once I've developed a little further and reach 90+ days, I'm outta here. I may come back to provide advice and help others as I have been helped, but I'm not going to set up camp here. Hellz to the no. There's too much life to live.
  10. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    You have to make a choice to do it first and be okay with outcome no matter what. Know the outcome doesn’t determine your worth or value. Tactics and tips only help so much.
    HitB and mark andrews like this.
  11. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    Thanks man... and to all the other guys out here.... feel like there is a needy and emotionally torn part inside of me and most times it's gotten in my way with girls, sometimes i overthink and take stuff too serious and i look back at all my experiences and that doesn't help. For example i could shun talking or smiling at a girl thats walking and looking straight up at me coz am carrying around all this shame, guilt and fear of rejection and yet its not about that moment.... its about making a first inpression..... which i have lacked most times

    today i tested myself, there's this girl that in the past have met many times, made eye contact and just walked off.... cause i was afraid of course to stop her or say something.... so today i saw her working somewhere, talking to a workmate and didnt think through it, just rode in got off my bike and decided that no matter what i'd talk to her and let her know of my presence....
    so i step up, kindly tell the guy(her workmate) that i'd like to talk to her for a few and there it was, we talked... i complimented her and asked for her number to see if i could see her again.... called her shortly after leaving to see if she gave the right contact and it worked. i didnt overthink, i didnt apply the fear of my past rejections, and as i walekd into that door i had this do or die i don't care attitude about how it panned out.

    Sent her a first message, kept it simple... she hasnt replied of yet but am not that worried, not going to text her twice before she replies... will call her to set up a casual date coz the goal is to ask her out and if she doesnt reply, it'll be onto the next one.

    My esteem has been quite low, maybe due to PMO and i relapsed already on the nofap November challenge... but am starting again and hoping to put away all that keeps me down
    ANewFocus, 88991s and HitB like this.
  12. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    True man, i've always been that creepy guy that's had dinner or lunch from the same place for quite a while and no one even knows my name or much about me, i don't know if its possible but on the outside i look like a rock, a guy with a bad ass attitude and yet on the inside am craving for social connection..... i once heard that its the fear that fills inside of us that makes one look like a bad ass they're not, we're just scared of being vulnerable and showing our weak sides....

    its not right to also always want to be in a relationship.... so am working on building small talk in random places to build my social skills, use my abilities , amd knowledge among girls so that they could love and care incase i've got something genuine to offer, not just running after and chasing after them(thats needy)

    guess that's why my previous love interest left and has never cared to call or ask how i'm doing.... was maybe too needy that i laid it all at her feet, there's nothing more she'd like to know
    HitB likes this.
  13. Well done man, that is a brilliant result and a great attitude towards it.

    I think you have said something real good that applies to me, I have lacked a lot of social connection because I have not willing to be vulnerable. Getting a partner does not solve that entirely, so keep on working on yourself.
    mark andrews likes this.
  14. Cultivate positive masculinity.
  15. HitB

    HitB Fapstronaut

    WOOHOO!!!! GOOD WORK!!! Honestly, I didn't expect it to work on the first try, but hey, what do I know? And I'm glad that you aren't putting too much stress on whether it works out or not. Keep that attitude. Life's one big experiment. See what works and what doesn't. Take note of the results, readjust, and carry on. You got this :emoji_muscle:
    ANewFocus and mark andrews like this.
  16. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    Goal now is to focus on recovery and understand that a rejection from some girl doesn't mean its the end for me, i was surprised by myself yesterday..... i just walked up to a girl... got her away from her friends... talked to her and got her number... fuck it if she replies...... guess i'll be testing myself a little bit more.....

    Guess after 14, 30 days of nofap, there'll be more to come
  17. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    Right... working on that, working out... pushups mostly... eating right.. sleeping earlier and reading good books as a substitute for PMO, youtube and instagram that have always dragged me down
    ANewFocus and 88991s like this.
  18. You might want to get yourself a copy of The Rational Male. It'll help you better understand what works and what doesn't. You need to remain the center of your own world. As you approach women you are determining if you want them to be a part of your life. You are giving them the opportunity to follow your lead. There is no equity in relationships. There are women that want what you have to offer and there are women not worth talking to. The hardest part for most guys is figuring out how to offer what they have to the women they are interested in. She's not your mom. She is not your therapist. She is not capable of solving whatever your think your problems are. She is one of your girlfriends or she isn't. That's it.

    The desire to be held by and to hold a woman is natural, but achieving that is not the pinnacle of personal success. Find a men's group IRL so you don't have to go it alone. Life is full of challenges. Working out how to relate to women in order to get what you want from them is only one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2021
    Buddhabro2.0 and mark andrews like this.
  19. mark andrews

    mark andrews Fapstronaut

    thanks man, Who's the author of Rational Male so i could look it up....

    had previously read abit of no more mr nice guy but kinda fell off.... going to read again.....
    its a mistake in society, for me its kind of pressure from friends and family.... they always bring up the dreaded ask as to why you have no girlfriend while others are doing just fine in their relationships.....
    but after a life of mistakes, the biggest one would be to give up on personal goals and focus on getting that girl, but then i ask myself what next after you get her, life continues.....

    thought about giving myself 6 months, even a year without looking for any romantic involvement.... just working on myself, focussing on myself and recovery but av always gone back to the status quo...
    but thanks for the advise... i know am needy and have got plenty of emotional holes that need filling, working on reducing that
    Buddhism Is True likes this.
  20. We have much in common. Rollo Tomassi is the author of The Rational Male. He is the god father of the red pill movement you were told to ignore earlier on. Red pill burns away your illusions, but you have to develop your own strategy for living without them.
    Buddhabro2.0 and mark andrews like this.