nofapist cancer survivor positive mindset

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by cresyhorse, Oct 17, 2021.

  1. cresyhorse

    cresyhorse Fapstronaut

    as the title said, I'm a testicular cancer survivor and i've been on this nofap journey for around 2 years.

    in my opinion i've learned so much during this period of self-improvement and i'll try to share some knowledge.

    let's grasp the concept of duality in our thoughts. there are positive thoughts and negative thoughts. pmo are negative thoughts.

    like any muscle the brain gets stronger and better at performing certain tasks the more you do them. many people are used to negative thoughts (pmo, pride, despair, etc.)

    your brain determines the capabilites of your mind, it's like a vehicle but the mind is the driver. we can all be good drivers but some people just naturally get stronger cars.

    anyways, pmo and addiction is your mind and brain doing things it's used to and things it's good at.

    when I found out I have cancer I laughed and told my doctor: 'well doc, this is the worst hangover of my life.' over time I've made positive thoughts my prime, and the battle with cancer was waay waay easier because of that.

    sinilar thing with nofap, by conciously ignoring those pmo thoughts (just think of something else, something positive; for example: pray, gasp in the glory and beauty of the creation, humour, history, astronomy, philosophy, art etc.). with this the pmo indiced thoughts will get weaker and weaker and at one point like I said they will evaporate!

    to sum it up, nofap is awesome, nofap is continuous self-improvement. it's a hard battle not gonna lie but definitely worth it. just be wary of pride, arrogance, despair, melancholy etc. not all sweet roots have sweet grass.
  2. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Awesome to hear man, I'm glad it turned out ok, take care of your health.
    cresyhorse likes this.
  3. I am also a testucular cancer survivor.
    GotCaught likes this.
  4. cresyhorse

    cresyhorse Fapstronaut

    shit happens
    Bodhidharman likes this.
  5. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing and well put, that was very reassuring and uplifting for me!
    Glad you are okay, and despite it being the worst joke, you showed some balls staying positive and mentally strong through all of this ;)
    cresyhorse likes this.
  6. At first i am also very courage, when diagnosed with testicular cancer. But soon after my world fell apart. I always think this pmo is the cause of my cancer. I started at young age and been fapping for 19 years nonstop before cancer. So i believe pmo cause me cancer and yet still i am addicted to it. Bro if i see hell again after my death i will surly laugh and ask the demon " is that all you got, i had seen this all a 1000 times before, "...i am not joking my life is a hell. From young age i am a sex addict ( fap addict) and then shifted to porn. Now i am interested in some weird categories.when i hear people having accident and death i desire let take my life, as i am not interested in suicide.( people will tell ill of me and my family if i do suicide, also i have to give my family some support, ) otherwise i have already done suicide.
  7. cresyhorse

    cresyhorse Fapstronaut

    I also have theories that pmo caused me testicular cancer but who knows.

    Hm bro, as a objective observer and viewing from a distance and also a cancer survivor i'll try to give you the best answer I can. Here goes:

    Forst thing you should do once you find yourself in a hole is stop digging. So stop fapping. That seems like the biggest blunder of your life. There's probably another psychological issue here like depression that causes pmo for you. I used to be a depressed, anxious and low-selfesteem type guy. Orthodox Christianity was my remediator. Through it I stopped fapping, healed depression and numerous other negative thought patterns/compulsions/wrong-doings.

    Life is overall a gift and something you should cherish but accept death and not be afraid of it. Idk if you have kids etc. but still pussying out of life isn't something I'd recommend. You've beat cancer bro and also you realised the harms of pmo. You should put insane effort to stop pmo.

    Healing your brain at this stage will take more effort than someone who fapped for like 6-7 years but it's still definitely possible. You just gotta put in more effort to break that stale thought lattern.

    The fact you realise the harm of nofap is a big plus and that means you know what's the problem.

    Don't despair. Never despair. Falling is a part of human nature. Angels don't fall but we're not angels. Demons fall but they don't get up. What separates us from demons is the fact that we can fall and get up. No matter how much times it takes you can always continue fighting.

    Don't lose hope and find Jesus before it's late. This last sentance might have sounded fanatical but truly I don't think one can beat pmo and the evils of this world without His help. At least a weak person like me can't, I truly find my strenght in Him.

    Get your butt out of the mud and continue on your road of self-improvement. You're not a coward.
    Bodhidharman likes this.
  8. Yes bro. Thank you for the motivation. Let us build a new life.
    cresyhorse likes this.
  9. CharlieWex

    CharlieWex Fapstronaut

    Very cool story! You have inspired me very much! Thank you!
    cresyhorse likes this.
  10. GoldenStarFire53

    GoldenStarFire53 Fapstronaut

    I heard that NoFap can cause testicular cancer and was wondering if you think you got it from doing this? Have you asked your doctor about it?
  11. For me this overfapping give me testr cancer. Nofap.....i don't think so.after all celibacy is a wonderful thing to practice.
  12. cresyhorse

    cresyhorse Fapstronaut

    woah that's a tough question my man.. i'll have to ask my doc about that.

    idk what you think but it just seems morally wrong to masturbate you know? i'm torn over what caused this.

    could it be my body angry at me? some rebellious cells that are just too used to constant pmo. some hormonal disbalances causing havoc inside my body?

    why develop in the part of the body most connected to my struggle against pmo, the battle that's been going on for a couple years?

    am still pondering if cancer is psychosomatic or just a genetic mutation. my uncle had a brain tumour but noone else in my family ever had cancer, especially not testicular cancer.

    it's a very broad subject that I'm equally confused about as you bro.
  13. GoldenStarFire53

    GoldenStarFire53 Fapstronaut

    I know that there were many famous people from the past that have avoided sexual pleasure some even being celibate their entire life to preserve energy and to use that energy to create and to become a better person. Here is a video you can watch about that.

    I have asked a doctor about that and she said that there could be an increased risk of that but again as you said there could be a psychological aspect to that. That is the same thing that I have thought about and is like a placebo or to be more specific nocebo as I heard is called. If you don't know what that is: You believe something to be so true that you start to feel it, people taking sugar pills and were said that they would change something or help them with something and some people felt better and even heald as I heard from just believing in it even though the pills were nothing but fake.

    The same goes for nocebo where you think something bad will happen like a sickness that you actually feel sick and get sick and it happened to me as I believe when I was a big hypogonadal and thought that I had a bad temperature that could be deadly and I started to feel more and more terrible really believing that lie that I ended up in a hospital. They checked me from the bottom up and they found out that I was completely a healthy person. They gave me some medicine for temperature but at the time I didn't know and believed it to be helping me while laying in a hospital bed. And my temperature stopped and didn't come back while before coming I had a temperature for almost 3 days.

    It's a crazy story and it's even crazy for me but shows the power of a human mind and spirit that has an effect on the human body just by thinking. I got scared when two of you commented that maybe nofap caused your cancer and I got really worried and started feeling pain in my testicles but then I need to realize that is because I was afraid and just by thinking about it made me feel something. Well, there are people in this community that have gone over 100,300,600 and some are celibate and died without masturbating or having sex, avoiding any kind of sexual activity and orgasm. Let's think about priests and other people who are in celibacy their entire life and are fully healthy people who live a full life without having any problems with that. And as I mentioned famous people who did it and live an entire and happy life so I need to get myself out of my mind and not be so scared of that when there are not many people who got affected by it.

    Let's be honest maybe I am still a hypohondar and I know few family members that really think that they are sick and even show symptoms of it even being 100% healthy. It could be a learned behavior from them and the thought patterns they created for themselves. One of the examples I have from it is that one of my family members scared me so much when I was little that if I got wet in rain and cold I could get really sick and die and being really young and emotional that it got to me. There was this one time and it really burned into my mind that I can remember it vividly when I went really far from home on my bike in the middle of nowhere when there was a really beautiful sunny day without any could with one of my friends. We went really far into a forest and out of nowhere the heavy rain started pouring and there was loud thunder. I got really wet because the rain was really strong and it was storming really bad, my bike was just about to break down into two pieces but something that got me really scared was that I was wet and cold. I got to the house of my friend that was near the forest and got new clothes there I was waiting for the rain to stop and for the sun to come. I touched my forehead to see if I have a temperature and because I thought I had I started to feel my skin getting warmer and couldn't focus on the things my friends said because I was really focused on "not dying" at that moment. I am even said to my friend that I might be dying which made him look at me in a very funny way thinking about it and maybe even made him feel embarrassed for me. He gave me some orange juice. I started to feel my throat hurt because I was learned that cold could get you sick and I started to feel that by being 10min wet in the rain. There are so many things I could say about this mentality and wonder where it came from. If you wish to know more about the craziness send me a private message.

    I come from a very negative sounding that likes to make doomsday stories and isn't happy with life and is full of a narcissist. Used to lie for a good portion of my life. But I did meet some good influences away from home that I deeply respect and even look up to to this day. Something that few of them told me was to lie to myself to be strong and put my head high and fight. Might sound toxic but it's something that would be useful for me a lot.
  14. cresyhorse

    cresyhorse Fapstronaut

    yeah I know about placebo, first time I hear of nocebo tho.

    thing is it just happened out of the blue, the thought of testicular cancer never crossed my mind.

    monks don't masturbate. many monks and priests I met radiated such a positive energy (it's not just because of nofap) a lot of people on this forum have stopped also and they didn't get testicular cancer.

    i fully understand your view as I was also a hypohonder as a kid. got sick on purpose with my mind a few times to avoid school haha. also last time I had a flu i kind of just decided that I don't and it disappeared.

    don't worry about testicular cancer, I mean maybe go and get checked sometimes why not. but it truly shouldn't be a concern to you. like 1% or less of guys get it, and 95% survive it and can have children later.

    the mind truly is powerful, it's a microcosmos. infinite.
    GoldenStarFire53 likes this.
  15. GoldenStarFire53

    GoldenStarFire53 Fapstronaut

    "a detrimental effect on health produced by psychological or psychosomatic factors such as negative expectations of treatment or prognosis."

    I believe you and understand you, do you think down your thought about it on a subcontinent level? Being scared of maybe incising the risk of getting it or something like that?

    That is what I thought too, they don't do it! And they are fine.

    I never did it on purpose but kinda was a scared kid because I was made to think that the world was much more dangerous than it is and was afraid of anything. Thinking I could easily get sick and die at any moment and I mean you can get sick badly but you shouldn't scare anybody like that if you understand me. I didn't know you can do it on purpose and you use your mind against you without you knowing it. We need to try and be more positive and resilient these days, we need to stay in a fight and not be so negative and even play the victim cards to make ourselves feel like in need of feeling special and to have special care because "nobody has it as we do". There are some things that get me so pissed these days. I get pissed that I see other people do it and I get pissed knowing that I used to do some of these things or that sometimes I might do them. I know we are human but still try to be better, you won't be perfect but at least to be 1% damn better as a person.

    I didn't know it was such a rare chance of getting it and that the survival rate was so high.

    Mind is something crazy really and its interesting to learn more about it.