My friend thinks I should get a hooker.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by skaterdrew, Sep 19, 2021.

  1. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Because of how long I have been single, not been with a woman etc, my friend more or less thinks I am crazy for not getting a hooker.

    The other day he was going on and on and on to me about it. My friend is actually married, but he has had a few hookers in the past when he was single. He said to me he thinks I am crazy for not getting a hooker, and if he was single he would.

    I told him about issues with PIED, not being able to get it up etc, and that this would worry me if I was with a hooker. He said this wouldn't matter with a hooker, he said they wouldn't care. He said they would still do tons of other stuff with you, kissing, massages, foreplay, blowjobs etc.

    He said the two hookers he was with years ago were like model material, and it was well worth it he says. As I said he thinks I am crazy for not getting a hooker.

    I mean at the very least even if I couldn't maintain an erection good enough for sex because of PIED, I would still get to do other sexual stuff with a really good looking woman, so I am kind of thinking why don't I go ahead with this?

    What do you guys thinks?
  2. 2080Future

    2080Future Fapstronaut

    I don't think you should. What would you gain from it? All this sexual stuff you said you could do with the hooker is nothing special, you are just paying a woman to do that with you, so there is no emotional component,which I think is an important part of a healthy relationship with sex. The choice is yours, but i don't think it's a good idea to go to a hooker if you are trying to recover from PIED or a porn addiction.
    Mr.Conquerer likes this.
  3. I was living in a country where hookers station themselves along certain stretches of road in the city, including the road that passed by the vegetarian restaurant, the bakery, the hospital, and more than one of the superstores in town. As it was always very hot and muggy during the day, I preferred to exercise at night. When the COVID panic hit, borders closed, unfortunately and unexpectedly just at the time my wife and I were opposite sides of it. I lived alone for most of the year, and increasingly went out for exercise as a way to cope. I would walk that busy road at night, passing by all of the "beauties" who were just waiting to catch a little income. I found it interesting to count how many I would see on a given night (those occupied in a back room somewhere would obviously have missed the count, and most were regulars). The count would vary between about 20 and 36.

    While seeing them would tend to remind me of what I was missing with my wife, I was never truly tempted to bed down with one of these prostitutes. I heard one say as I passed one night, in her language (perhaps she didn't know I would understand), "This foreigner always smiles, but never plays." Ha! I guess not. I wouldn't have wanted to risk that for anything.

    Herpes was not uncommon. Hepatitis was easily possible. Some in the area may even have had HIV, but the likes of gonorrhea or syphilis would have been more likely. Had I gotten any of those, any hopes of maintaining my innocence would have been instantly gone--for how else would I have acquired such an affliction in a purely monogamous marriage? And it's not like one can hide the illness, either.

    I'd heard of several young men in the area who had had a one-night stand with a girl, supposedly not even a hooker (but if she's willing to be with one like this, why not others, right?), and one ended up with an STD that put sores all over his privates, causing such pain he was in the hospital. I took his sister to the hospital to see him, and she is the one who confided what the cause of the trouble was. She was distraught, and didn't know how to help him. Poor boy! It was a type of STD that one gets to have for keeps, and which can again flare up at any time.

    Was it worth it for him? But once it was too late, it was no longer within his ability to decide the outcome.

    It's better to live without regrets. The (very) temporary pleasure (usually followed by shame or regret anyhow) can result in a lifetime of harm. It's not worth it. Don't let your mind even linger on such a risky possibility. You are worth more than a hooker. Don't let her bring you down. Keep your head up, and your thoughts clean.

    For the addictions, the tips linked in my signature may be of encouragement to some.
    WilliamJ.F. likes this.
  4. I've had thoughts of getting a hooker, or if they are upscale an escort in the past and glad I did not do it. Even now the thought will sometimes cross my mind. Here are some things I think about before I would call them:
    1. What if I catch an STD? Hopefully be a curable one.
    2. What if it is a sting operation by the police to catch "johns"? How would I explain that to everyone and possibly lose my job?
    3. What if this is a set up and i get robbed of my wallet and car keys? Now they have my car, the keys to my house and can look at the car registration to know where I live. They could easily rob my house and there is not a thing I could do about it.
    4. Sure her pictures are beautiful but how do i know that she will look like that or the pictures were not from 10 years ago?

    I admit some of my thoughts seem a bit extreme but it keeps me from making a call and doing something i would probably regret anyway.
    HelperX and 2080Future like this.
  5. Squiddy

    Squiddy Fapstronaut

    hookers are illegal. it's prostitution.
    HelperX likes this.
  6. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    OP is in the UK, it's legal and quite safe there.
  7. happygilmorescaddy

    happygilmorescaddy Fapstronaut

    take it from someone whos been addicted to hookers for 15 years , dont do it . ive been 10 months free, urges are still there . true connection cant be obtained from hookers . try dating instead
  8. You are playing with your life when using porn.
    Hookers and escorts will make it so much worse!

    Your friend is a dumb ass imo with no wisdom.
  9. Nugget9

    Nugget9 Fapstronaut

  10. Nugget9

    Nugget9 Fapstronaut

    Dumb move man, this type of thing will not motivate or do anything for you positively. Really think about the pros and cons.