Your porn stash after you die?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by learning, Sep 4, 2021.

  1. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    Sometimes I think about dying and my family members sorting through my belongings after I die. And then there it is - all my porn DVDs with their crude titles and cover art.

    Definitely not how I want to be remembered. :(
  2. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    It's always just been online with me. Never collected porn DVDs, porn files etc.
  3. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    So I’m assuming that’s why you’ve thrown them all out?

    For any of us who haven’t, why are you here? You’re in a forum for recovery. If you haven’t dumped your stash and cleared your drives, you don’t even need to bother logging onto the site.

    I’ll likely catch some flak for being a phony purist, but what the heck. You can’t claim you’ve started a journey to the West if you’re still crawling East.
  4. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    For me, it's like being in quicksand - the more I struggle the deeper I sink. I am almost 55, so I have tried throwing away my stash many times over the years. Typically I start regretting my action as I think of various porn that I had cherished. Then I become angry and resentful. "Why am I doing this?" "I don't want to do this?", etc. Eventually I relapse and rapidly rebuild my stash. It's pointless for me to throw it away.

    What has worked for me is to make my stuff less accessible without actually throwing it away. I did that about 10 years ago and I had a good streak of 2 years.

    I do understand your point of course.
  5. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    See my response #5.

    You make a good point of course.
  6. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    Wise policy.
  7. again

    again Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Excellent point.
    SowiloKanamara likes this.
  8. again

    again Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    THIS answers your question, "Why am I doing this?"
    SowiloKanamara likes this.
  9. Lizards Mousqette

    Lizards Mousqette Fapstronaut

    Sounds kind of like the sunk cost fallacy.
  10. lytnin88

    lytnin88 Fapstronaut

    Isn't that motivation for getting rid of your stash?
    SowiloKanamara, again and learning like this.
  11. Don’t die as a porn addicted cuck; die as a man who had a wonderful life.
  12. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    Interesting idea, but which part sounds like the sunk cost fallacy?
    SowiloKanamara likes this.
  13. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    The fact that its easily replaceable should make it easier to get rid of, surely?
    TGHSXFE437 and SowiloKanamara like this.
  14. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    You need to throw away all of your porn DVD collection, all of it, if you really want to change, otherwise you are stuck in this problem.
    SowiloKanamara, learning and again like this.
  15. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    …and the most recent 8 years? Dude, you’re talking nonsense. What, you’re looking for someone to say: “Hey, that’s cool; you’ll be fine hanging on to all your sh*t.”?

    I’ll readily admit that with decades of failure I may not be the one to listen to. But, as I keep ranting, that does make me an expert at one thing: I know what failure looks like.

    Good luck.
  16. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    Thanks, good luck to you too. :)
    SowiloKanamara likes this.
  17. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    Burn them all mate

    They don't belong to you anymore.
  18. Only in my very earliest youth (14-15) did I have something of a rudimentary stash, which consisted of one copy of a Daily Sport magazine and one DVD which I acquired on clandestine trip to Soho, which used to be considered the red light district of London, now alas, totally gentrified.

    I remember going around my mate's house around the same time period and he showed me the spare room in which his stepfather kept his stash of porn DVDs: there must have been twenty boxes of the shit piled one upon another, of every conceivable genre.

    Now that, lads, is what you call a stash!
    SowiloKanamara, BigBrain and learning like this.
  19. greenmtnboy

    greenmtnboy Fapstronaut

    Flash drives can have huge storage. With 1/3 of the internet porn, I wonder what % of that is porn on flash drives being purchased?
    SowiloKanamara and learning like this.