My Question is why shouldn't we watch porn when it's easily available to us? What's your answer?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by InfinitelyStrong, Sep 4, 2021.

  1. InfinitelyStrong

    InfinitelyStrong Fapstronaut

    Our ancestors had limited sources, but today we have something where we can see thousands of naked women's pic without much effort. So why shouldn't we avail this benifit? Why should we stay away? We aren't immortal and someday we all are going to die for sure. So why shouldn't we see how girls from different region of the earth look unclothed using internet? Since that's almost impossible to do by visiting them.

    I'm talking about nude pics here only. Like if someone sends you nudes or you browse them in internet. Not porn videos.

    Give your opinions.

    Edit: Sometimes this question pops up in my mind and I've my own logics to counter this argument. Let's hear yours.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
    CarP and Melkhiresa like this.
  2. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    Because you need to spend yourself getting rewards that last longer - ideally eternal. Even if there are no eternal rewards we can do better than the immediate and brief reward of porn viewing.
  3. BlueWolf

    BlueWolf Fapstronaut

    How does the fact that it’s easily available makes it a good thing? Its like saying “Drugs are much more available to us now than 100 years ago, shouldn’t we all be doing cocaine?”

    What benefits do you see in looking at these pictures? And what’s the difference between nude pictures only and P videos? Its still P. You’re still triggering your brain and making it release dopamine for something that is fake. Tbh most of the time I watch P that’s what I watch, and it has the same bad effects on the body and brain as anything else.
  4. BAF Speaker

    BAF Speaker Fapstronaut

    Okay, I'll give you five reasons.

    1. Porn addiction creeps up on you quickly and powerfully. You likely will pick up a serious addiction quickly. Like any hard drug porn will leave you facing withdrawal cravings. Read some of the journals here, particularly the 20 & 30 year old's facing the serious withdrawals.

    2. If you give in to the addiction, you build up a tolerance to normal sex, which can lead to kinkier and weirder porn that you'd normally never look at. Eventually, it's possible to only get turned on by that weird kink. This can destroy your relationships.

    3. You'll find it harder to get turned on and hard around real people. Erectile disfunction is common among porn addicts in their mid 20's onward, since it sets a subconscious expectation that you'll be having sex with a supermodel pornstar instead of a normal human being.

    4. It affects your baseline sense of happiness, your hormones. This can affect your confidence with picking up a partner, anxiety levels, depression, lost general contentedness (a restlessness), affecting your personality and confidence. Did I mention your confidence? Because can go down the drain with porn use.

    5. Porn doesn't give you anything, just relief, eventually relief from the strong urge to have more porn. If you stopped for long enough you'd find yourself facing a better mindset.

    It's better to stop now, rather than later. If you don't believe me, read more journals by some of the addicts on this site.

    SREENII Fapstronaut

    the answer is don't get any benefit from watching porn..only momentary pleasure..the ancestors didn't have many facilities that we have they worked hard and research..the outcome of their efforts is what we enjoy today in the name of technology..instead of wasting our small life on useless stuffs, try to invent something new and contribute to the betterment of this universe
    HE^MAN, Meshuga, Ghost79 and 6 others like this.
  6. Here’s my take on it. Let’s suppose you have a gf/wife and proceed to watch nudes of other women or porn. At some point you’ll have a thought: “Crap, my gf/wife is not as hot as (insert porn actress name here). Why couldn’t I get a hotter gf/wife?” This question will bring up the worst in you and you will feel disappointed in yourself. This will make you depressed, which might crash you relationship to bits. The fact is, you don’t even personally know that girl from the pics/porn. She might be dumb, hypocritical, jealous, cheating gossiper, but you wouldn’t know that because you’ve just seen an image of her. Is that a fair trade off? Substituting a real relationship with images and depression? I don’t think so but you can think for yourself.
  7. InfinitelyStrong

    InfinitelyStrong Fapstronaut


    Very strong and valid point. And yes I totally agree with it. Viewing various kinds of porn/pics raises the standard and you no longer get excited with real life normal partner which is devastating.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
    HelperX and Gina3111 like this.
  8. InfinitelyStrong

    InfinitelyStrong Fapstronaut


    Good point. Yes drugs are much more easily available now and I can see the people who abused it, struggling with their own life eventually, just for some momentarily pleasure.

    The summary is just because it's easily available, doesn't mean it's good for your health.
    Ghost79, HelperX and Gina3111 like this.
  9. InfinitelyStrong

    InfinitelyStrong Fapstronaut

    Yes, at the end of the day it's useless. It doesn't contribute towards your overall growth and productivity, rather acts as a obstacle.
    SREENII, HelperX and (deleted member) like this.
  10. modernstore99

    modernstore99 Fapstronaut

    Evolution has not prepared your brain for today’s porn

    Are my sexual problems (ED, DE, low libido) related to my porn use?

    Research confirms enormous rise in youthful ED

    Studies linking porn use or porn addiction to sexual dysfunctions, lower arousal, and lower sexual & relationship satisfaction

    Neuroscience-based studies on porn users and sex addicts

    Why is the idea of sexual variety so enticing?

    How is Internet porn different from porn of the past?


    Porn FAQs

    Porn, Novelty, and the Coolidge effect (2011)

    Why Shouldn’t Johnny Watch Porn If He Likes? (2011)

    Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction Is A Growing Problem (2011)

    Are Porn Tube Sites Causing Erectile Dysfunction? (2013)

    You Evolved to be Hooked on Porn

    The Effects of Porn on the User

    Relationships and Porn

    I could go on, but I feel like you get the picture.
  11. Because your energy's finite. Monogamy's the rule in most cultures because one person has just about enough energy to be in a lifetime relationship with one other person, give or take anomalies and the odd affair. P might be good for modern-day Ghengiz Khans, but even then, would you rather father a continent or fap your life away in front of a screen that part of you believes is human?
    becomingreat and Gina3111 like this.
  12. Mate, this is the exact realisation I had when I said to myself: "Why restrict your access to porn if it's something you really wanted to see? Isn't it mad to intentionally frustrate yourself in this manner?"

    So I removed all the internet filtering I had set up and gave myself unrestricted access to all the porn on the internet, which is more than all the tea in China.

    To my surprise, something strange was happening, something counter-intuitive, I was freely choosing to not watch pornography. I had therefore come to the realisation that relapse was a choice.

    I believe this is because I have finally unlearned to see viewing pornography as a pleasure, because it ain't.

    If it was such a pleasure, then why does it make you feel so fucking shit?

    If it was such a pleasure, why does it make you incapable of experiencing joy?

    Jeremy Benthem proposed the notion of a calculus of pleasure and pain as a form of moral bookkeeping. If you look at pornography under this aspect, it is quite clear that if you consider the totality of all its effects, it causes us far more pain than pleasure.

    I have to say even though I have always found Gary Wilson's contentions rationally compelling, I nonetheless continued to relapse despite knowing how damaging pornography use is. I feel like beforehand, I knew this truth abstractly in my mind, but now I feel it viscerally in my heart.
  13. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    Well, there’s a tenet some believe in addiction recovery that you ultimately have to “hit bottom before you can start to look up.”

    So here’s a radical proposition: Go ahead and look at all the sh*t you want. Drown in until you can no longer breathe. Then you will no longer have ask the question posed here.
  14. Chokejoke35

    Chokejoke35 Fapstronaut

    because i already know them all :D There is nothing ive not seen^^
    See them in real life, as much as you can get. Look at Pictures is nothing against the real deal.
  15. skaterdrew

    skaterdrew Fapstronaut

    Remember any amount of PMO has the potential to be harmful. But obviously the more you do it and the way you do it increases the harm.

    So not all people who PMO have a problem with it, the same way not all people who drink alcohol have a problem with it. It is when you behave like an addict when you use these things that it is a problem. Constantly wanting more, having to edge and binge after you start etc.

    Another thing though is once you become an addict it is very difficult to try to use moderately. Because those addict pathways are still deep within your brain. Once you use again they're heavily activated and then you end up back to your old behaviour. Even if you stop using the thing completely for a very long time, years, I am not actually sure if those pathways ever truly heal. So even after being clean for a long time if you use again those pathways are still heavily activated, even if you have been clean for a very long time, even years.

    Another thing, don't think because it is not categorised as pornographic content that it is not a problem. The brain can't tell what is porn and what is not porn. All it can tell is it is getting turned on by this, when you keep searching and jacking off to more and more of this, dopamine keeps being released in your brain, causing the dopamine to go higher and higher, and this is why you like edging, masturbating, constantly searching a new pic, video, switching about tabs constantly. It doesn't matter if it is social media images, google images, youtube videos, porn videos, the dopamine keeps going higher and higher when you search more of any of it.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2021
  16. ProminentPosterior

    ProminentPosterior Fapstronaut

    Plain nudity isn’t sexual, otherwise people here would be making threads about relapsing to renaissance paintings. So, for nude images it depends on: the presentation (is the image intended to arouse), and your intention (are you viewing the image to be aroused). Either of these may lead to problematic or unhealthy sexual perceptions and sociability. Assuming neither criteria are met, you’re not going to be affected by seeing naked people. We’ve spent hundreds of thousands of years doing so. Meaning: while we did not evolve for internet porn, we also did evolve seeing people naked.

    That being said, it all comes down to quality of life. Yes, we have short lives, and for many here that comes with a desire to improve quality of life. Knowing the harmful effects of porn is a drive for some to quit so they may improve their lives. Obviously for others this means a hedonistic, bingeing mentality of getting while the getting’s good. The choice is yours.
    becomingreat likes this.
  17. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    If it's no problem for you, then watch all you want? The real question is, then, why are you here if it's not a problem for you?
    Usernameallowed and Keli like this.
  18. Lizards Mousqette

    Lizards Mousqette Fapstronaut

    This is a great post. I wish we had more people like this on here.
  19. InfinitelyStrong

    InfinitelyStrong Fapstronaut

    It's ofcourse a problem for me. And in fact a big one. That's why I'm here. Go to my profile and see my journal.

    If you read my post carefully, you'd notice I've written that I also have my own logics to counter this argument. I want to hear the different versions of WHY PORN IS BAD from the members here. And lots of people have already posted some valuable and wise comments, some of which I've also replied to.

    And this thread is mostly about why you shouldn't watch porn rather than why you should watch porn.
    Chokejoke35 and HelperX like this.
  20. austinzane2

    austinzane2 Fapstronaut

    what you mean wasting our life on useless stuff ? so your saying that we shouldnt do anything even like watch our tv or use our phone or a computer for that matter then ? or watch netflix, hulu, disney plus i dont understand your arguement because wheres the benefit in those things i just said if its just simple entertainment for our boredom not all of us can invent stuff thats already been invented eventually we get bored and run out of ideas so theres nothing wrong with us having our entertainment if we get bored
    InfinitelyStrong likes this.