Is my sudden desire to cheat due to porn?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by abstinenceluxmea, Jul 25, 2021.

  1. abstinenceluxmea

    abstinenceluxmea New Fapstronaut

    I have been in a long term relationship with a loving girlfriend. However, whenever I try and kick my porn use habit for good, I find myself checking out everybody on the street and fantasising about getting with them. Is this a normal phenomenon during reboot and how long should I expect this to go on for?
  2. 2080Future

    2080Future Fapstronaut

    I can't know since i've never had a girlfriend, but I guess it is normal that once we remove PMO from our lives the subconscious mind wants to find a new way of sexually stimulating the body, creating those thoughts. However, i feel like those thoughts will gradually disappear until you stop having them. Good luck! I hope you find success in your journey.
    NamaClature14 and Abel100% like this.
  3. Abel100%

    Abel100% Fapstronaut

    Creo que durante un reinicio, cada quien experimentará con sus demonios internos, además hay un precio que pagar, si estubimos sobre estimulados por muchos años, eso queda grabado en el cerebro; al quitárselo habrá una lucha interna ( sentimientos de abstinencia ) y varios cosas más ...que el cerebro manifestará y que después , dejaría de combatir si tenemos dominio sobre el .
    NamaClature14 likes this.
  4. The brain is seeking its fix now elsewhere. Keep tempering your desires and your willpower will grow, as it grows so will you overall as a person. Channel that energy into hobbies and productive passions. Your personality will begin to magnetize and others will feel increasingly comfortable being around you. You will see this gradually at first but if you keep at it over time you will be amazed at what begins to unfold.
    TimHar91 likes this.
  5. there are a lot of women in porn and when you stop seeing these women in porn, you look for them on the streets
    +TenPercent, SickSicko and Atticus like this.
  6. SickSicko

    SickSicko Fapstronaut

    Yes, and forever, nah I don't for how long, but I would put my money in forever although to a much lesser level of intensity like, they will just pick your attention without fantasizing etc.
  7. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Keep your gaze moving, man. Never stare and try not to sneak in any glances. This can be very hard as it can be incredibly tempting and incredibly easy to sneak in a glance. Our poor, porn-addled brains have been trained to seek variety and novelty. Try and think about your girlfriend next time you're tempted.
    Abel100% likes this.
  8. I'd say it's normal. Maybe your girlfriend notices, maybe not. But I guarantee one thing: When you can eliminate porn from your life your girlfriend will definitely notice you are paying more attention to her. My wife has noticed small but important changes in me since I started on this journey. I'd kill to be your age, so take it from me: Work your ass off ridding yourself of porn.
  9. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    Pretty much this. Your brain has been conditioned by porn to seek out endless variety and novelty. Now that you've quit porn, your brain is still seeking that variety and novelty. It will eventually pass, but I don't know how long it will take. Everybody's path to recovery is unique because no two addictions are exactly alike.