I wish porn was banned or restricted

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jul 15, 2021.

  1. learning

    learning Fapstronaut

    There already are real consequences when I view porn. Typically once a week I get trapped into 12 hours of edging to porn. It isn't fun after the first hour, but it goes on hour after hour due to the addiction. Then I feel exhausted and brain dead for another 12 hours or more after I stop. So I spend a day in jail every week already just to indulge in one hour of pleasurable porn viewing LOL.

    But I agree with you that fines, imprisonment, humiliation before my family, friends, coworkers, etc. would probably provide an added disincentive to porn viewing.

    The key issue is enforcement. There is the penalty for breaking the law, but there is also the probability of being caught. As long as the probability of being caught is not too high I would probably be tempted to break the law, and my porn brain would downplay the probability of being caught. So I would probably break the law and be punished.

    Portugal's handling of drug addicts might be a model for handling porn addicts. Portugal has tried to treat their drug addicts and keep them integrated into society rather than punish them and ostracize them.

    But you are certainly correct.
    BoraxKarloff likes this.
  2. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Perhaps they should ban tobacco and alcohol along with porn because they are all fucking evil bullshit and therefore do no good to society.
    And I'm not dramatizing shit. There are people who watch sick stuff in porn and get addicted to porn, that's enough of a reason to ban porn altogether, along with the fact that porn can fuck up the brain.
    Also, you believe in social-darwinism, shaking my head, no wonder you are anti-porn banning. Social darwinism my ass. *huge face palm*...
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
  3. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Yeah, you believe in all-powerful state surveillance and prohibition of everything. Congratulations for your enlightened views and greetings to you from the hundreds of millions of victims of totalitarian regimes.

    Also, I don't really care about the "society", I care about you and me, and primarily about my family members and closest friends. If someone really wants to smoke cigarettes while sniffing dope, jacking off to transgendered person porn and sipping booze all at the same time, then what the hell do I care. The sooner he dies the better for us all.

    I can bet $ 100 000 that if porn in fact had been prohibited, this site would never even have been created - or it would have been created by some state institution and hence have virtually no members.
  4. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    Lmao, totalitarian pff.

    I'm just a common sensed guy who wants world peace but the world is so fucked up that will get no peace in a thousands of years if it keeps going like this.

    Tobacco can cause tumors, alcohol can cause mental problems, addiction and vehicle accidents, porn can fuck the brain and cause addiction, drugs can cause addiction, mental and physical health problems and death. Do you get that in your head? Yes or no? Now, if you understand that, you will realise that all 4 should get the fuck out of society for the sake of humanity.
  5. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    What exactly does world peace have to do with pornography? By prohibiting stuff and further dividing the society (into opponents of porn and advocates of liberal approach) you are hardly contributing to peace. Be the change you want to see in the world; criticise pornography everywhere by all means; laugh people off whenever they reveal their wanking habits; teach your kids chastity; put them in a Christian school or whatever; but don't "prohibit" things, because you will not succeed anyway, and the feedback will only worsen the situation.
    Melkhiresa likes this.
  6. HelperX

    HelperX Fapstronaut

    But I dream of a world where porn is non existent, tobacco and alcohol as well. If porn is not around, porn sex trafficking won't be either and people won't get hooked on people having sex. If alcohol is not around, you won't see vehicles getting smashed or people getting addicted to alcohol. If tobacco is not around, you won't see people having lungs cancer or other health problems related to tobacco smoking.

    I guess all of that will remain a fairytale if everyone thinks like you, eh. Look, it's easy, just ban the heavily harmful things, not hard to understand, is it? You are scared that prohibition will not succed, but how will it not succeed? If people really want to protest for alcohol to be unbanned, then they got issues. They'll rather have their "fun" with alcohol, get drunk and put people in danger of addiction and not give a single fuck, instead of having a world where alcohol is nowhere to be seen. No fucking sense.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
  7. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Man, not sure you realise that (low-quality) alcohol can be relatively easily produced at home. Same goes for porn: these days it can be produed in minutes using a mobile phone and your friendly neighbourhood teen slut that loves sleeping around with half the town. You're just NOT going to be able to control all this, no way. Instead, you will create a forbidden fruit. My personal utopian fairy tale that I want to believe in is that one day we will wake up in a world where everyone has a choice between doing their homework and going to PornHub, they choose the former and PornHub goes bankrupt and its board commits a collective suicide suddenly realising how empty their lives have been.

    Besides, the issue isn't really porn - it's our approach towards sexuality as such that needs to be reconsidered. If you just eliminate porn from the picture, teens are still going to be doing it at the parties while wasted, Tinder is still going to be the free prostitution meeting place etc. So what's the point in all this.

    It's not like people were all saints and suddenly someone came up with the vile idea of creating digital porn. It all dates back to the 1960s sexual revolution.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2021
    Melkhiresa likes this.
  8. abouttobehappy

    abouttobehappy Fapstronaut

    Write on Youtube: How To Block Porn On Your Computer For Free (I can't add link cause I'm new here). This super helps me. Try this by yourself. For mobile devides there are also various of apps that can block pornography. MUST TRY!
  9. Veg plot

    Veg plot Fapstronaut

    This is a great debate and it goes to show how polarising this issue is. I'm surprised no-one has linked to NoFap's official stance on this yet, taken from the "About" at the top:

    NoFap does not support legislation to restrict the creation or consumption of pornography. In an interview with Maclean’s Magazine, NoFap’s founder described himself as a bit of “‘an Internet-freedom zealot’ who thinks the dangerous effects of porn are best dealt with in sex-ed class and not through government regulation.” NoFap believes that the solution to porn addiction comes from education rather than legislation. We believe in an individual’s right to make his or her own decisions. We empower those individuals who choose to quit porn with the resources they need to follow through on that choice.

    I'm in agreement, I think education is key. That's gotta be the most awkward conversation to have with your child, but one that parents (especially Dads IMO) need to brace themselves for in this modern high-speed internet age. It's no longer this out-dated notion that you might "accidentally" leave a magazine lying around with this idea that "they'll figure it out". Sex-ed in school has an important role as well, but I think the parental one probably has more impact.
  10. When I was in school, porn was never talked about. Of course, drugs and alcohol were always talked about. It was always this taboo subject that you knew about but was never discussed in like sex ed classes or with parents.

    There would be a warning for having possession of porn by a minor would be subject to a criminal offense. But beyond that, nobody taught how harmful porn was until I did some research and went through the addiction.
    HelperX and Veg plot like this.
  11. Veg plot

    Veg plot Fapstronaut

    And this is further compounded by the pace of technological change. Going from slowly waiting for a picture to download to streaming HD video porn has happened in a generation. To some degree I suspect this has affected those susceptible to gambling addiction as well - being able to access it from the phone in your pocket 24/7.

    I feel like society has got a bit of catching up to do in this regard.
  12. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Whatever your stance on the subject is: PMO is just not an issue and hardly ever will be for probably 90% of users. Hell, these days even therapists recommend porn watching as a healthy sexual release*. To me, it's complete madness, but anyone who doesn't have this level of moral and aesthetic sensitivity to reject and condemn porn is just going to shrug his shoulders and say "sure, what's wrong with porn?". This is year 2021.

    Hell, even my father wouldn't understand me with regard to porn. None of my classmates or other buddies would understand me. This one high school friend I have known for 15 years said recently that he doesn't watch porn anymore. So that's a plus. But other than that, if people are not in a relationship: they watch it, and they most likely don't mind and won't mind anytime soon. They got their "life-porn" balance right and it just doesn't interfere with anything. They don't need no damn superpowers, they're doing just fine. They might be having partners and trying those porn tricks they saw on PornHub with them - why the hell not.

    That's just the way it is, we're a ridiculous minority. The NoFap might seem populous, but it's only because the "source group" (porn users) is HUGE. So even 1-5% of this group is going to be a very significant figure if gathered in one place.

    *I've been to therapy once and mentioned that I have an issue with masturbation and porn. The therapist's reaction was like "how's that an issue?"
  13. Melkhiresa

    Melkhiresa Fapstronaut

    Rain man in da house!!
  14. I haven't watched porn and masturbated for a few days, and I fill my day by reading, biking and playing a bit of playstation.
    And I feel very good!
    HelperX likes this.