I feel like obsessing about politics ruined my life.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, May 23, 2021.

  1. When I was in middle school I was left-wing I got miserable, sluggish, lazy, entitled and refused to talk to anyone who disagreed with me. In high school I became more right-wing I started improving my diet, lifting weights, but the problem was that I was becoming obsessed with memes and getting into fights in online chat rooms, I didn't really get into conspiracy theories until Jeffery Epstein died. After Epstein's death I was venturing into many different conspiracy theories, heck I even became an anti-vaxxer! Anyway I started getting to the point where I was constantly started obsessing about things where I fell into a depressive state then I became miserable, sluggish, bitter, lazy, and nihilistic. I became no different than my middle school self. But I gave up on politics after indulging my self into a spiritual awakening and now I just want to convert to Roman-Catholicism. Because the negative effects of the obsession of politics in my life I don't consider myself to be left-wing or right-wing anymore, and I honestly don't care if any of you are left-wing or right-wing. It's honestly none of my business and I have no reason to care. I firmly believe now that both sides are materialistic hypocrites, I just now want the ability to embrace God while I think for myself.
  2. WalkingForward

    WalkingForward Fapstronaut

    I think politics is like the weather, nothing we can control.

    Also, all my political beliefs might be wrong, idk, many disagree with me, I have no idea really if I'm correct or if they are.
    TheDude240 and Dioplleo_547 like this.
  3. Eli6899

    Eli6899 Fapstronaut

    Politics is a rough territory to get into, and in today's political climate, its hard to find any glimpse of truth in any political ideology, especially the more radical ones.

    I think that politics needs to be handled with a lot of caution and skepticism, and actually use reason to discuss it, the problem is that the opposite is occuring. Politics can make people really hostile and toxic cuz of disagreement, thats why I like educating myself about it, but not actually discuss it, unless it is with level headed people who can handle disagreement like mature people.
  4. LetsBeLovely87

    LetsBeLovely87 Fapstronaut

    Ideologies blind us, they are unrealistical answers to the reality problems, who are a way more difficult to solve than with a "100% certain" response that a ideology teach. They disassociate us with the reality of the things and blocks us to the "Discovering of the Other" and the Tenderness. And inproving your life isn't a "right-wing thing" since the left people do this too xD. I recomend you to not participate of groups, especially these kind of groups, because are full of paranoic people, full of mental problems. Left and right are the same in the final, and you proved this in your experience. Great to see that you leaved this and became catholic (im too).
  5. This is even more true considering communism a left-wing ideologue and fascism a right-wing ideologue are both rooted in totalitarianism.
    Hero25 and Eli6899 like this.
  6. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    How about devote to neither and live as an indiviual. Why do you need to be part of or loyal to a group? You are a free individual.

    I personally oppose both sides but I know they outnumber me so I accept that reality. At least i still maintain certain freedoms and am not forced to join either
    Hero25, Eli6899 and Dioplleo_547 like this.
  7. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    Good u r aware of the damage of self righteous ideologies.
    Only God is real.
    And you don't need anything or anyone to connect with him/her.
    88991s and Dioplleo_547 like this.
  8. TheDude240

    TheDude240 Fapstronaut

    fascism is far left, anarchy is far right. Common misconception taught in the public sector. Neo nazis don't really fit anywhere, they hate jews and often those who look different for no apparent reason but can line up with the left or right on the role of government.
    Dioplleo_547 likes this.
  9. Nugget9

    Nugget9 Fapstronaut

    Religion will ruin your life too. Keep an open mind and do it yourself. God's not doing what you are doing,you are doing what you are doing.
  10. SeekingEnergy

    SeekingEnergy Fapstronaut

    Politics is all anyone talks about anymore, and it's incredibly toxic.
  11. LetsBeLovely87

    LetsBeLovely87 Fapstronaut

    the truth is above any ideology
    adevărul este mai presus de orice ideologie
    die Wahrheit steht über jeder Ideologie
    egia edozein ideologiaren gainetik dago
    la verdad esta por encima de cualquier ideologia
    la vero estas super iu ajn ideologio
    la vérité est au dessus de toute idéologie
    η αλήθεια είναι πάνω απ 'όλα ιδεολογία
    de waarheid is boven alle ideologie
    otitọ ga ju gbogbo arojinle lọ
    la verità è soprattutto ideologia
    omni notione veritatis
    gerçek her ideolojinin üzerindedir
    Orbul Găinilor likes this.
  12. I personally avoid politics as well. I have learned that I can’t control what happens in life, I learn to accept what happens and move on.

    Also, if you happen to engage in politics, avoid topics like bioethical freedom, religious freedom, drugs freedom, sexual freedom, and family and gender freedom. These topics get underneath people’s skins more than anything else.
    Nugget9, Hero25 and Dioplleo_547 like this.
  13. HunnishKshatriya505

    HunnishKshatriya505 Fapstronaut

    Politics is mostly theater. It only represents real power for those in power.

    If you're following politics, you're being a follower, not a leader. You're not leading your own life, changing what you can change. You're getting all your opinions force fed to you like a slave. Free men make their own opinions. This is especially true thanks to all the metapolitical content bubbles that exist nowadays, telling you what's right from vaccines to what you can or cannot eat.

    You should only follow yourself. Let the rest follow by example.
  14. SeekingEnergy

    SeekingEnergy Fapstronaut

    Interesting perspective!
    Dioplleo_547 likes this.
  15. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    I can think of political movements in the past that I would have been proud to be a part of. I don't think that we are in a very good place now so I am reluctant to 'pick a side'. I'm not sure that left/right wing is sufficient to describe my (or anyone else's politics), and for this reason a two party state isn't going to reflect any of the nuanced political beliefs or debates of the country.

    But saying things like 'fascism is left wing' is a bit silly. It's right wing virtually by definition. Anarchism is far left, did you mean libertarianism? Although there are leftwing (and even Marxist) forms of libertarianism too, at least historically.
  16. it's good that you found god and improved your life. if you want to stop obsessing over dumb ideologies and politics (communism, e-fascism, etc) then I suggest getting rid of social media apps. Facebook, twitter, Instagram. it's all garbage, unless you're chatting up a girl but you can do that in real life.

    In my experience, 'Lefties' (most of them) are open degenerates who dislike working out and make excuses while consistently engage in stupid internet debates.

    'Right-wingers' most of them anyway, tend to be closet degenerates who make excuses and get absorbed in stupid internet debates. Both have an evil other they obsess over (fascists and Nazis for the the left) and Jews/blacks for the right. Neither make any progress in life. Don't be like those losers. This goes for anyone reading this.
  17. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I drove myself mad thinking about politics. Here in the UK we had a few years in a row that we had major political discussion. First in Scotland we had an independence referendum then we had an election then another referendum about the EU this time and that led to further elections. I was quite passionate about all of these and in 2015 I ended up in hospital due to the stress of all the politics. I've been getting better but the arguments are still going
  18. Exactly. Both sides have more in common with each other than I will have with either of them. The right hates me because I'm merciful towards those who have wronged me and I don't really have any problems with Blacks or Jews. The left hates me because I exercise, I can't/don't relate to gay pride, I don't masturbate anymore (not sure why they're so concerned about it.) and on top of that I follow the teachings of Christ, honor The Virgin Mary, while I also believe in God and understand the role God plays in my life.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2021
    Wendigo Overlord likes this.
  19. I know that, but I believe he is watching over me with great interest.
  20. SeekingEnergy

    SeekingEnergy Fapstronaut

    While obviously not true in every case, there's definitely some truth to this. Go out there and do good things instead of obsessing over politics. Good message!