Is my health issue cause by the porn addiction?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by aliggg, Mar 9, 2021.

  1. aliggg

    aliggg Fapstronaut

    Hello guys, im 31 years old now, been watched porn since 15..
    I found out i start to have some weird health symptoms start around 20, for example:

    fatigue all day for no reason, no morning wood(unless i cum the day b4),
    have early morning wake up, and hard to fall asleep again.
    NO DEEP SLEEP at all, easy to get wake up by sound
    never feel refresh when wake up,and hard to get up,
    insomnia/digestion/ibs,hair loss,premature white hair
    bloat after eating, develop food allergy,
    muscle twitch(especially eye lip,hips,thigh,)
    eye floater/ear tinnitus,
    low immune system/get sick easily and take long time to recover,
    chronic coughing, low libido, sensitive to cold/wind/light/sound
    no motivation/willpower/concentration,low production,brain fog,
    feel drowsy if i dont have 8 hrs full sleep
    feel sleepy after 9pm,
    low patient/stress tolerance, easy to get anger,over thinking,
    wish washy/irritable/anxious/agitated personality
    bad short-term memory/emotion numbness/hard to learn new stuff, etc..
    and all the symptoms are getting worse after ejaculation.

    but doctor said i am very healthy...nothing wrong with my body check.

    so i start to quitting porn in the last 10 years, progress is back and forth.

    I am not completely porn addicted free now, i still watch couple times a week and edging all the time and manage to cum once a week, much less than before, which is cum daily.

    however my health seems not getting any better..

    April 9th 2021 update here:
    After my search, i believe all my health issue is cause by the pmo, because the pmo can have huge damage over your brain, which can dysfunction neurotransmitter, which eventually cause the chronic stress to your body, induce adrenal fatigue,bad sleep/digestion,etc. thats how all the health problem get started.

    So today is my one month pmo free, i want to have some update here:
    I cant say i have huge improvement, but i have to say i can feel my body is healing, I start to have vivid dream 2-3 times a week, meanwhile morning woods is occurring 2 times a week,which have been missing completely in the past 10 years.

    Slightly better energy overall.

    My bowel movement is much better after i take 15g glutamine daily, indigestion and frequent bowel is gone now.

    Start walking daily for aiming 10k steps.
    Start taking L-tyrosin,5htp,glycine,rhodiola to repair my brain.

    Other issue remain the same, but i will update every month here.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  2. Lovelife247

    Lovelife247 Fapstronaut

    This sounds like....I used to snort coke everyday now I just do it once a week. We gotta get rid of it completely to let the brain heal & see how far we went down that rabbit hole. Porn rewired OUR brains, I don’t know how long it takes to fix the wires but I’m have fun in the process while they get better.
  3. Bob8

    Bob8 Fapstronaut

    Whats your diet like? run me through a typical day of eating.
    Christoph108 and NamaClature14 like this.
  4. Let thy medicine be thy food and food thy medicine
  5. aliggg

    aliggg Fapstronaut

    ok, thats a long story. Ive been trying bunch diet include, paleo, vegan, raw food etc. 10 yrs ago.
    But one of my biggest issue is that i always feel hunger and keep eating all day long, so i did my body check and found out i have insulin resistance, and then i start to change to intermittent fasting and keto diet last year, and my hunger go away, but other health issue remain.

    i keep my diet clean, no processed/prepackage food
    12pm: 3 eggs+sausage+bunch veggie+healthy fat
    6pm:eek:ne piece of meat+ bunch veggie+healthy fat
    brahmacarya and PeaceOnEarth108 like this.
  6. Bob8

    Bob8 Fapstronaut

    Okay, if i was you i would try to ditch the meat as that has never been a good source of energy. Maybe worth giving the plant-based (vegan) diet a shot again? on more of a whole-food plan.

    This video helped me get my diet into a great place, and i honestly wish i saw it sooner, its a long watch, but so much great info.

    Christoph108 likes this.
  7. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

  8. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    I'm a doctor and in general occidental medicine doesn't consider fap as a disease or just feeling tired. Unless it is cause by a disease like tyroid problem, an std, inmune disease.

    So if you ejaculate there is not really alot of nutrients that you lose, but if you see the energetic part of your body, which is not describe in regular medicine continuous ejaculation is the worst thing you can do for your health, you exhaust your life force.

    I consider semen the most valuable substance in your body more than blood, your lymphatic system which is your inmune system or any other.

    Semen is the most valuable thing in the world, I would not trade it for anything.
  9. aliggg

    aliggg Fapstronaut

    i know, i used to try the vegan diet, and read the book by dr.mcdougall, dr.colin campbell,..
    but i have to say vegan didnt help me, especially the constant hunger..
    brahmacarya and PeaceOnEarth108 like this.
  10. aliggg

    aliggg Fapstronaut

    i know, thats what ancient chinese medicine said.

    but normal ppl shouldnt feel tired after sex tho..i just dont know if all the health issue is cause by the side effect of porn addiction
    brahmacarya and PeaceOnEarth108 like this.
  11. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Most likely that's alot of years into PMO and If all your medical checks are normal then you are experiencing sexual energetic fatigue, also If you are not someone with natural high levels of energy, which seams like, you can be more sensitive than other people to the loss of seminal energy.

    Why don't you go 3 months monk mode or even a week and see if you start to feel better. Then, if you get better that is the diagnosis, but if you keep getting sick even in monk mode and very few wet dreams, then it is other thing and you should go to the doctor for a more profound check
  12. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Also Men do feel tired after Sex, that's why they feel sleppy after ejaculation also sexual energy is like a Bank account if you PMO alot it's like you spend alot of money and now you have little savings for the real deal. Your energy is not infinite that is why many people have PIED even if they have a couple.
    You have to do some work to regain those savings like tantric sex, karezza non ejaculatory sex for a while or in sessions. Monk mode too.
    Or not having thar much Sex.
    Also make your girl have an orgasm that way you get that energy of her orgasm to yourself. Sex is not just a way to get a std also you share, lose and gain energy when you do it.
  13. Bob8

    Bob8 Fapstronaut

    You weren't eating enough, dude.

    If you're hungry your meal's weren't planned, it takes a week for your body to get used to the diet and ween itself off meat and dairy, and you need to eat enough calories, its easy once you have settled into it, trust me, give it another shot.
    Christoph108 likes this.
  14. Dude it is most likely the P that cause your issues. I have the same problem as you. Your hormones are probably out of whack due to years of bad habits.

    Did you also masturbate and orgasm in your porn session???
  15. aliggg

    aliggg Fapstronaut

    no normally i jerk off once a week, not necessary with porn, but i do watch porn occasionally, however watching porn along can cause damage to your brain and bring up all the issue.

    I did check my hormone, all my hormone is normal except my testosterone is skyrocket high..

    how is your nofap going, any improvement on your health?
  16. aliggg

    aliggg Fapstronaut

    i feel the best thing for me is go hard mode on nofap for 100 days. see how my body change, ive read so many article saying ppl are benefit from it.
    Buddhabro and Christoph108 like this.
  17. Small improvement each month man. Huge brain fog and PIED. Still rebooting after 6 years of nofap.
    clapas, vishop and Christoph108 like this.
  18. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    You've had a streak for 6 years?!
    Christoph108 likes this.
  19. No, short streaks that varie between 10 to 60 days. Longest hardmode streak was 16 months.
    Buddhabro and Christoph108 like this.
  20. aliggg

    aliggg Fapstronaut

    so what kinda of health problem do you have,do you feel better? since you have a 16 months hard mode.i feel all your health problem should be cure within the 16 months hard mode period