Can i use porn for productivity?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ted_Mozby, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Ted_Mozby

    Ted_Mozby Fapstronaut

    After i posted this and based on the feedback i did finally realize that its just my addiction to porn finding ways to make me watch it back again.Anyway i am all out to delete all sources of the addiction.Thankyou for your feedback.
  2. Ted_Mozby

    Ted_Mozby Fapstronaut

    Thanks a ton William.Honestly that is an amazing feedback.The fact is that i am searching for false avenues in an attempt to get my dopamine levels high when in truth optimal level of dopamine+proper motivation and constructive action is a sure shot way to get better results.Thanks mate.
  3. Ted_Mozby

    Ted_Mozby Fapstronaut

    Yes that sounds as an amazing alternative,creative and beneficial for the mind.Thanks man.
  4. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Yep, you got it, just another excuse ;) See how the 'addictive voice/ego chips away at you like a spoilt child when it doesn't get its own way? And once you've 'kept it alive' it will soon convince you to dabble in the 'wild' stuff again. It's like there's a psychopath pretending to be the real you and doing every sly trick in the book to manipulate you into feeding it so it can not only survive but thrive and it will stop at nothing to get what it wants. So you gotta kill it because it doesn't give a fuck about you and you've got to take your power back. See if this helps :)!!)-Dealing-with-withdrawal
  5. Ted_Mozby

    Ted_Mozby Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, damn now that i look at things there is really a psychopath down there desperate to get its way but thankfully i have got a way to tame the dragon and that is by accepting that it exists and i need stop it.Also dear friend, it is being said that under the influence of sexual stimuli our thoughts manifest quickly.Do you believe in it and if so what is being meant here?Thankyou so much for your insights and your posts are really wonderful and helpful.
  6. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I don't know mate, I guess there's some kind of 'quickening' and extra alertness with the change of blood flow direction, hormones, dopamine etc as I guess nature made us 'super alert' when aroused so that we will want to go there more often and reproduce and/or create etc? That's just a suggestion though :eek:
  7. William

    William Fapstronaut


    Hi Ted, got your message and I'll give you my opinion. First of all, you need to take time to get educated, if you have not already. My post:

    It's my story of how I got clean and have stayed clean for almost 7 months. The first page of the above link contains a few links. The first one is very important. Click on it, watch it, try and understand the science of porn addiction. It's really quite simple about how our brain's reward center cannot tell the difference between sex, sexual thoughts, and porn and thoughts of porn. All are rewarded with a dopamine release. Thing it, that part of our brain tends to reward porn over actual sex because porn is easier, and endless, and provides constant novelty or "new" sexual images. When I talk about porn I am speaking specifically of High Speed Internet Porn; that is what has been shown to be addictive, not Playboy, Penthouse, etc.

    There are stages of porn addiction and stages of quitting. You ask about adult models. What I have experienced is that things that would not trigger me (cause a dopamine release) before I was addicted, do afterward. My theory is that when quitting, our brains try to get a dopamine fix on just about anything, once we deny it the "wild porn" as you say. Consequently, when I turned off the hardcore stuff, I started triggering on softcore stuff. Since I want to get my dopamine levels back to normal, I consciously do not access even very softcore stuff, because, for me, a recovering addict, my brain is looking for any excuse to pump out more dopamine. Not now, so much, but especially in the first days, weeks, and months of quitting. So, to answer your question: Yes, when you tell yourself that not watching hardcore, but watching softcore pics of your favorite hardcore models is OK--that is just your dopamine soaked brain reasoning with you to put an image in your head that will give it more dopamine.

    My opinion, hope it helps.

  8. Ted_Mozby

    Ted_Mozby Fapstronaut

    Thankyou so much friend for responding to my message.Honestly you have an amazing way of explaining things and well really what you said was truly helpful.Porn just has to go.Period.
  9. Ted_Mozby

    Ted_Mozby Fapstronaut

    Haha that is a good way of putting it.Or maybe it is just that our subconscious starts to associate the goal with sex and therefore moves towards it with equal enthusiasm.That is just a thought,The subconscious obviously works in mysterious ways.Thankyou for your response.
  10. hkxyzP3jOlK93

    hkxyzP3jOlK93 Fapstronaut

    Well it's nothing that hasn't already been said in principle, but just for the statistics:

    I had the experience that whenever i wanted to do something productive that needed my full attention and focussing, porn was very distractive. The less the activity in concern was accompanied with a direct reward, the more distracting porn was. It's not that you build up energy by arousal through porn which can be sublimated to do more meaningful things. Quite the contrary: every activity that doesn't lead to such a direct reward like porn seems less attractive to your brain, hence porn lowers your productivity.
  11. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Good point but you CAN build up aroused sexual/creative energy which can subsequently be sublimated and channelled into more constructive activities- it just appears that wasn't your intention and therefore wasn't your experience and both perspectives are equally valid.

    Edit: Actually mate I may have read your post wrong and I agree in your point about how porn lowers your productivity etc. Apologies :eek:
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
  12. Mark

    Mark Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Or both?!!;)
  13. ColeO

    ColeO Fapstronaut

    I understand what you're getting at, despite it's controverysy, but I'm siding with what most people are saying on here.
    The whole point is to quit porn completely, or at least reduce it's use so we're not addicts. Don't let your mind trick you into finding ways to watch it again. If you want your sexual stimulation, if it helps you work, find a woman you want to ask on a date. And when you work, imagine kissing her because if you're dating her you will do that and it's not just a fantasy. So you get the best of both worlds, no porn and real stimulation. :D