NoSnooze Challenge

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by StoicContemplation, Nov 29, 2020.

  1. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

  2. I am in! The snooze button is my worst enemy and a sign I am getting lazier by the day. Today is a good day to begin the journey of stopping it.
  3. baba_yaga_

    baba_yaga_ Fapstronaut

    Day1: woke up 10 minutes before the alarm, closed it, but stupidly went back to sleep for 1 hr extra, does this count as snooze?
    Mauritius likes this.
  4. Yeah I would because if you set an alarm at a specific time to get up, you have to get up. You woke up at the time for a reason yeah?
  5. Agent 6

    Agent 6 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Day 5:
    No Snooze

    Thoughts become things

  6. Day 1
    did not hit snooze
  7. Getting up, springing out of bed I mean, and immediately going to the shower or sink and washing yourself with cold water for 5-10 MIN helps. After that it is much easier, basically makes you accustomed to less things. One morning I woke up and there was no hot water, I was running late and I couldn't wait for it. I realised the hot water is something I do not need, and it is so simple! .. A light bulb lit up and I just realised, I do not "need" much.
    Reduces your "ego" aswell, y'know, the "poor-poor me" voice in everyone's head, basically telling yourself to not be a b**** every morning! Also no phones in bed after waking up, this eliminated that habit.
  8. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    Day 4: didn't snooze

    I agree. This 'challenge' isn't only about not snoozing, it's mainly about optimizing the sleep pattern so you get the best quality of sleep and will wake up fresh without the need to snooze.

    This can entail making some sacrifices or adjustments in your lifestyle, like cutting back/quitting alcohol or, like you said, closing all the screens a few hours before going to bed.

    If you have trouble falling asleep you can try eating pistachio nuts before going to bed, they contain a high amount of melatonin.
    Mauritius likes this.
  9. Agent 6

    Agent 6 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Day 6:
    No Snooze

    It’s all mental

    Mauritius likes this.
  10. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    10 days NoSnooze. Got off the bed everyday at 5:30 AM.
    HolyTheotokos and Agent 6 like this.
  11. Day 2
    Didnt hit snooze. Woke up five minutes after my alarm clock rang, not sure if that counts but I'll wake up on spot next time
    Mauritius and Agent 6 like this.
  12. StoicContemplation

    StoicContemplation Fapstronaut

    Day 5: didn't snooze

    This is fine. Let's say for the sake of this thread, snoozing is closing your alarm and then going back to sleep, i.e. inciting a new sleep cycle.

    In my eyes it is OK to (although not optimal):

    - wake up before your alarm and then going back to sleep. Sometimes I don't know if it's 5 am or maybe a few minutes before my alarm but I usually give myself the benefit of the doubt. However, sometimes I feel already awake (read: rhythm is adapting) and I feel that the ringing of my alarm is nearby so then I don't bother falling back asleep.
    - go back to bed to rest/contemplate a bit without falling asleep

    I also don't see a problem with the situation you described where you wake up after a certain time after your initial alarm went off but when it's the first time you wake up (so you didn't intentionally snooze).

    The bottom line is to try to only wake up once a day.
    Mauritius and Agent 6 like this.
  13. Agent 6

    Agent 6 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Day 7:
    No Snooze

    Allegiance to self

    Mauritius likes this.
  14. Day 0 back to square one I didn't hit snooze but i shut off alarm clock to go back to sleep for like 3 hours and I MO'd as well. Today sucks but tomorrow will be better.
    Agent 6 and Mauritius like this.
  15. Agent 6

    Agent 6 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Day 8:
    No Snooze


    Hey it’s ok. It is what it is...dust yourself off, and get back in the fight.

    In the Trenches

    Mauritius likes this.
  16. Day 1
    Didnt hit snooze, forced myself after 15 minutes of laying there to get the fuck up
    Mauritius likes this.
  17. Agent 6

    Agent 6 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    FAILED. Starting over.

    Adapt and Overcome

    Mauritius likes this.
  18. Day 2
    No snooze
    always make sure before bed you know what the fuck you will be doing after you wake up
    Mauritius likes this.
  19. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    15 days of NoSnooze. Waking up daily at 5:30.
    Agent 6 likes this.
  20. Day 3
    Did not hit snooze, woke up in time for school student-life meeting
    Mauritius likes this.