How hard is it to give up video games for good?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Nov 3, 2019.

  1. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    One really won't know how hard it is until they take the plunge. As others have said, something has to replace it. Line up replacement activities. I'd say the biggest hurdle will be if gaming was used as medication for some sort of trauma in life. Typically gaming, porn, over eating, etc. are not the main issue, only a symptom. Once the core issue is addressed then a person my find they have no real interest in going back.

    I know playing online rpgs for 8+ hours a day has no place in my life any more. Will I be able to play them for maybe an hour a week? Perhaps some day down the road. Today it's not something I can safely do. Healing of other issues needs to come first.
    letter likes this.
  2. letter

    letter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Finding productive ways to spend my time has me away from games for.....I don't know how long now. I think in the past 3 months I've played 10 minutes.
  3. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    You still haven’t listed any benefits videogames provide. Golf and videogames are completely different things. You go outside, get fresh air, meet new people, and move your body around. With videogames you stay indoors, inhale all the dust, sit on your butt and play a false reality, and gain pimples or excess skin oil from the screens. Videogames is sort of like pornography, both are “entertainment” like you mentioned and escape from reality. Videogames screws up your reward system associated with dopamine and serrotonin. That’s why a lot of those gamers are awkward or anxious people with built up stress. What skills will video games increase? Nothing. Go outside, meet people, get fresh air, and get exercise.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  4. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Videogames and porn both give you a dopamine rush, and a serotonin release when you partake in them. When you do something in real life you get a sense of real reward, as opposed to a false reward that you get from video games. Unlock a new level or rare gun? Dopamine and serotonin. You don’t really feel this if you play a lot, since the system is screwed up. If you do good on your exam or pick up a real lady, your reward system releases dopamine and serotonin naturally and makes you feel awesome. I’m still waiting for you to tell me benefits. There aren’t any. It’s just a waste of time, money, and energy from one’s life.
    brilliantidiot likes this.
  5. brilliantidiot

    brilliantidiot Fapstronaut

    Big time video game developers don't care what the game does to your life, as long as they wind up with your money.
  6. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    You’re basically short-circuiting your reward system with video games just like porn. You beat a level or unlock some sort of weaponry that is rare, you get dopamine rushes. This is an unnatural dopamine rush since it is different than one you get in real life. Incremental accomplishments is something folks crave and videogames has that which is easy to accomplish. Recreational drugs, porn, and video games function similarly in that they’re all shortcuts to the production of dopamine. Sorry to burst your bubble, that’s just the reality and not a false reality like video games are. You said you’re a developer, so of course you’ll label my opinion as rubbish since y’all need more money off of innocent victims. That’s similar to what the porn companies say about NoFap.
  7. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    Okay good, we agree on some of my points. Now, if you say that people play “responsibly” tell me, why do so many pornography proponents say the same thing about watching porn? They’re both used as escapes like you agreed on, both short-circuit the brain’s reward system, and both are easy for a person to get addicted to. Both are bad. Could you go 3 weeks without any form of videogames starting tomorrow?
  8. NothingMoreNothingLess

    NothingMoreNothingLess Fapstronaut

    I don’t drink any energy drinks or coffee. Yes, that is also an addiction since caffefine is a drug and people rely on it to wake up or when they don’t need it. I use my own willpower to wake up. Will you prove to us that you can quit videogames all together for 3 weeks starting tomorrow?
  9. DFG
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2020

    WOODROW Fapstronaut

    43 nice to enjoy real living for a change
  11. subway14

    subway14 Fapstronaut

    I just grew up and they stopped interesting me lol... tho I was never a hardcore gamer in the first place
  12. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    I see that e sport is a things nowadays, even tho for me its kinda give middle finger to the actual sport,,,i mean its not that benefit to your body why they called it sport

    Anyways to All video game no mather how good you are at that video game say world league kind of player , it will end soon or latter and it will add so minimun skill on the real life (except ure a game dev or animated artist)

    your time, your money will be wasted

    I was spending so much money and time into one game,, just to see the game disclosed due to lack of players,, (new game appeared)

    so dont waste ur time
  13. Testify

    Testify Fapstronaut

    are you addicted to videogame in general or just to online gaming? did your addiction started with online gaming?
    i'm an 80's/90's kid hearted videogame lover and, since then, buying cartridges was not that affordable so maybe this didn't turn me in a compulsive player? i don't know... but what i do know is that after 50 minuts i detest sitting on the couch playing games, is just uncomfortable for my body, so i play no more then an hour per day, in the days i play... and man, collecting video games is so expensive...

    so, if you are addicted to online gaming, you can consider to play offline. do the story mode and stop. ahhh, old school gaming was "healthier" than now... i have a nephew who could just play fortnite online all day long...
    Strifton likes this.
  14. I will be honest but there is nothing, NOTHING, more addicted of Hearts of Iron, Civilizations, an infinite loop,vyou start play at morning and stop Night, is like a casino roulette. I never had this feeling on online games. anyway i dom't think is exactl an addiction, i stop wit h strategic games easy, now i play other games some times but not like when i was kid...
  15. AJ777

    AJ777 Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    The only video game that I was *truly* addicted to was Blackout on CoD:BO4.
    I became addicted to the feeling of getting kills and wins in that game, played it religiously, and my addiction only grew. I became very good at the game because I played it literally every day, I streamed on twitch, and I actually ended up developing tendonitis in my fingers and thumbs and carpal tunnel of the wrists from playing it so much. I'm not making any of this up.
    I played it almost every single day for nearly a year and a half, and I started to realize that it was a problem. I was also starting to get burned out on the game / getting sick of it and frustrated every time I had a bad game or would lose / etc. - and that helped give me more motivation to make the decision to quit.
    Before I quit, I took about a week off from the game, I had two more gaming sessions on the weekend (sat. and sun.), and after that I just straight up uninstalled the game so I wouldn't be tempted to play it again.
    I'll admit that I was a little burned out and frustrated with the game itself which definitely made my decision to quit playing it easier - but it was still hard adjusting to normal life after I quit. I was so used to getting that "kick" - that "high" sensation from amassing high "kills" in a game, pulling off sick sniper shots, winning games, etc, that I actually went through a depression after I quit for like the first couple of months at least.
    It's been almost a year now since I've played last (January 2020) and I feel great. I went through some periods during "recovery" where I felt the strong desire to play again, and I was obsessing over some of my really good games that I ended up making into youtube videos and watching them over and over again.
    It was pretty rough, but ANYONE can beat video game addiction if they put their minds to it, if they really want to - same with porn addiction.

    On a quick side note, I don't think video games are BAD by any means - I've enjoyed them through out my life in moderation, but Blackout was the video game that really took ahold of me and would not let go. During that year and a half I played it, it was all I could think about. It literally consumed my life. Looking back on it, I regret how much time and energy I wasted on that dumb game, but I also learned some valuable life lessons from that experience.

    I STILL have my tendonitis - though it's not as bad as it was.