PIED PROGRESS - Nofap is life changing/Saving

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by ss1111, Oct 16, 2020.

  1. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    After a failed first time sex experience after I couldn’t keep my erection and hardly penetrated for 10-15 seconds, I immediately started with nofap after doing some research. My libido sharply increased after my first flatline was over. Then I went into a second flatline which lasted a week to 10 days. Once I came out of that, I just can’t believe the erections I’ve been having for the last 3-4 days - Rock hard, lasting longer, don’t need a high level of imagination or fantasy to get it up. Now all I have to do is to get it up with a girl which I am getting more confident about each day since I’m seeing progression signs! I still have quite a way to go!

    Nofap is one of the best things that has happened to me, I can’t believe that how porn and masturbating addiction fucks your brain and body up. I feel free without porn! Stick w this guys, this works wonders!!!
    chrollo616, Mac PC, BeezMeUp and 9 others like this.
  2. Slowlybutsurely

    Slowlybutsurely Fapstronaut

    Well done!

    How long have you been on your nofap streak for?
    I suffer with pied really bad and need to beat it so I can move on with my life as it’s holding me back so much.

    My best streak was 52 days then 13, I’m now back on 5 days and determined to get to 90 and see where I’m at with pied.

    Well done again!
    ss1111 and Tommy34 like this.
  3. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    I am currently at around day 65. I had reached a point where my penis was absolutely desensitised and even during a blowjob I didn’t feel much. And now I can actually feel the sensitivity increasing slowly.
    My genuine advise to you, try and cut pmo from your life, it is so harmful just like any other drug addiction. It might feel good and harmless but it massively damages your brain. Stay strong my man, we are all in this together!
  4. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    Update - I met my girl today and was having a light make out session and was hit by a near full sized boner which stuck around for a while too, guys I am in tears I can’t believe how nofap has saved my life. I owe my life to this.
  5. HardWorkOnly

    HardWorkOnly Fapstronaut

    Woow congratulations my friend,thats amazing keep going and thank you for sharing
    ss1111 likes this.
  6. AnthonyyVibess

    AnthonyyVibess Fapstronaut

    I am so happy for you! It’s damn near bringing me to tears keep the real life experiences coming! Actual female contact is waaaaay better than p and m!
    ss1111 likes this.
  7. Slowlybutsurely

    Slowlybutsurely Fapstronaut

    Great news mate!
    You give me hope!
    ss1111 likes this.
  8. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much guys like I said we are all in this together and will come out of it stronger! Just stick to the process it works!!
    BeezMeUp and Slowlybutsurely like this.
  9. Mrspeaker

    Mrspeaker Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 22. I did experience a sort of flatline first 10 days, in which I wouldn't think of sex at all. All it took was to have a girl coming home to say hi and there he was, he was not fully hard but much better than before, just by having her holding it with her hand.

    Next day, I got another friend coming over and I made it with her for nearly one hour. It fell once but it only took a bj to have it up again.

    Now, about day 19, I had another gf sleeping over and we did it for hours and several times.

    I struggle to remember when was the last time I managed to enjoy and desire sex with a girl. I would always avoid it since it was pretty safe to say I would fail. I don't know if all that theory is right but I can say it does seem to work. I also regret not having quit PMO before: I wouldn't have ruined my last relationship because I would only avoid sex and when it was unavoidable, I wouldn't get it hard.

    Good on you!
    ss1111 likes this.
  10. KostasV

    KostasV Fapstronaut

    Keep the good job, dude. How many times you used to fap per day and for how long?
  11. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    Great job buddy I am really proud of you another soon to be success story! I meet my girl today we make out for 20 minutes I get hard and proper turned on just by seeing her half naked(not even half actually). We almost went to bj but was not feasible at that location so we skip but you see where I am getting at it’s an incredible life changing process. Keep it up and I’m sure you’ll get where you want!
  12. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    So I discovered m by doing it prone and did that with a low frequency for around a year perhaps until I discovered the hand technique. Since then it’s only been hand. And the frequency increased from once in a few days to once every day and then to 1-2 times a day and sometimes even 3,4,5 times a day. During lockdown especially it used to be about 3 times a day everyday. I have been pmo-img for about 7 years now before I quit.
  13. KostasV

    KostasV Fapstronaut

    That's exactly my situation. I am on the 6th day of PMO free and feeling pretty good without any serious urges or relapses. I fantasize a lot less. Im looking forward to having sex after 30 days streak to see how I would go
  14. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    Yes just make sure it’s with a real person. Don’t resort to pmo. It’s the single most destructive thing when it comes to sexuality.
    KostasV likes this.
  15. KostasV

    KostasV Fapstronaut

    It will be with my gf. Luckly for me, she is very supportive and is helping me a lot in this process
    ss1111 likes this.
  16. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    Even better it’s your girlfriend. I haven’t yet told my girlfriend but it’s better to rewire with someone you care about!
  17. omerico2121

    omerico2121 Fapstronaut

    Wow! It's amazing to hear similar stories to mine! When I used to beat my meat 10 times a day, when a girl came to play with my pp and it remained as small as a raisin for the entire time. Now that I've quit this bullshit I averagely bang 10 chicks per day for a straight 2 hours (each) with my 20 inch pole! It's AMAZING!!! Great success indeed! I can whole heartedly say that now my life is fullfiled and I'm fully content with it. I've achieved my purpose in life, and what about you?
    CC887 likes this.
  18. Mrspeaker

    Mrspeaker Fapstronaut

    Yes I know what you mean. It's great to feel again. I touch the girl and I can feel there's a reaction pretty straight away. I get a bj and I can feel her tongue, her mouth. When you don't have to worry about keeping your tool hard, you can then concentrate on kissing your girl, nibbling them, touching them, grabbing them by their hair and everything they might like. It's good. I'm enjoying it and the only thing I'm thinking of resorting to is my ex-gf haha. We really need to make this change.

    ss1111 likes this.
  19. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    Exactly! I remember my first time when I realised my dick wasn’t going anywhere after some foreplay I was more focused on trying to get aroused than concentrate on her. Now after 70+ days of no pmo today also when we was dry humping I could feel it, I was actually feeling good. For the first time I was feeling the natural libido that I was turned on and I wanna do things to her. I always thought nofap was a sort of a scam because it was too good to be true but Jesus, this shit really is real. I’m so glad I stuck by it!
  20. ss1111

    ss1111 Fapstronaut

    I still have a way to go and no pmo is helping me get there!