Just found out my girlfriend has been cheating on me for probably the past 5 years....

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by johndoeplaceholder, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. johndoeplaceholder

    johndoeplaceholder Fapstronaut

    When starting this reboot my initial goal was to completely rid myself of my codependency on pornography and masturbation. During the 1st 30 days it wasn't really difficult but It was more so difficult under stressful situations such as not having any intimacy with my girlfriend. We would have it on and off but not nearly as much as we used to in the past few years. Which made more sense after I found out that she had been cheating on me for the past few years. I found text messages in her phone that implicated her in cheating (that for some reason she never bother to delete). Managed to get into her old phone and find Even more damning evidence for her cheating which has completely broken my heart. We have been together for 5 years and counting but as it stands right now for me this relationship is pretty much over. We are still living together and I plan on moving out within the next 90 days but without telling her.

    Now I'm stressed, upset on most days, and although I'm not feeling any pressure to get back into my old ways it looks Like that may end up being the case if I don't learn to get my emotions under control. Understandably I am heartbroken and the trust I had between her and women is completely shattered. Every relationship I have been in I have been cheated on and I thought this one would be different but I was wrong lol

    Now I'm not quite sure what to do, I'm currently a full stack development boot camp student and I've been putting my focus on work with overtime and doubling down on my classes. Mainly so I don't get distracted and I have something productive to do despite be being incredibly heartbroken/depressed at the moment. Right now I just need some advice and anyone who has been in this same situation I am in on how to handle it and make sure that it doesn't ruin any other potential relationship i may have with a woman in the future. My goal is to settle down and get married to start a family but right now I'm focused on finishing up school so that way I can transition my career fields. I've considered seeing a therapist because right now I'm just extremely upset and depressed. Every word of advice I get is from family and friends in it's obviously going to be bias/sympathetic. I'm not honestly looking for sympathy but I'm looking for some way to overcome this and not let it bother me so much now or affect any future relationship I may have with a woman.

    As it stands I'm just walking around the house pretending like nothing ever happened and I'm over it but deep down inside I'm not over it. Her behavior shows that she honestly isn't quite as sympathetic about what she has done and is pretty much insisting that we move forward and I get over it because it won't happen again. I should have known something like this what happened considering there have been a few instances where this pattern of behavior has existed but I never paid it any attention because I expected her to do better lol I will probably never get over it and we will probably never have a successful relationship in the future. She killed any potential of that happening by cheating on me for God knows how long. The scariest part is that she could have potentially infected me with something that I possibly could not get rid of. I got a full panel STD and STI test done once I found out just to be sure. Although I was experiencing some symptoms it's possible it could have all been in my head considering all the test came back negative. It's also possible she could have unknowingly infected me with HPV but again I'm not sure because a doctor did not diagnose me and it's harder to diagnose in men than women. I still have plans to move out in the next 90 days without telling her because I honestly don't believe she deserves any heads up because of what she has done over the past few years, even beyond cheating but potentially putting my sexual health and general health in danger. I've managed to discuss with my landlord about how to remove my name off the lease and thankfully it is a painless process that will not force any money out of either one of our pockets. Right now I'm just putting in applications for a new place so I can move on with my life, I plan on leaving the state next year and starting over of somewhere else completely new to hit the reset button on my life.

    Thank you all for those who read this and anyone who replies, I really appreciate it. Shit just sucks right now
  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    This sucks. Absolutely sucks that your longtime gf is cheating and for some time now.

    I think making preparations to separate is wide. Therapy is also a good idea.

    you need to confront her about the cheating. Only way to get out in the open, find out why, end the relationship and get closure. Better sooner than later. If it’s your place, kick her out. If it’s her place, crash somewhere till you get a new place.

    waiting to confront her is probably going to slowly eat you up.
    Hros likes this.
  3. johndoeplaceholder

    johndoeplaceholder Fapstronaut

    I confronted her about it the day that I found out, on several different occasion's. She kept giving these lame excuses that kept putting the blame on me instead of a dressing her irresponsibility as a partner. We had our rough patches but my solution was always to sit down, discuss them, and of course work through them. Her plan was to simply either argue about it or tell me to get over it. Having a discussion with her was impossible and that's when I came to the conclusion there's no point in me continuing to waste my time and move forward with my life because I guarantee she will do it again based on her pattern of behavior. When I confronted her about it she claimed she only received oral sex from these people but the text messages and emails suggested otherwise but she would not admit it. I'm covered her profile on at least 6 dating websites including tender. Text messages also show that she was meeting up with these people off tender, Which is why I got a full panel test done to be sure but I still believe she may have contracted HPV and given it to me. Unfortunately it's harder for doctors to diagnose me and even still I'm getting treatment just in case, I had some of the symptoms described for HPV considering my other tests all came back negative. All of the messages I found implicate her and suggested otherwise but again she will not admit it or say it, she will only admit a portion of it so that she doesn't have to worry about confronting or being responsible for the rest. I am a 1000% sure she actually had intercourse with these men on several different occasion's. The messages prove it but again she won't admit it,regardless ik that has happened. ATP i am just ready to move on with my life
  4. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Sounds like she may be an addict as well. Either a sex addict or love addict.
    Roady likes this.
  5. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    I'm not going to be kind or speak like your family did with bias/sympathetic speech's. The only way for you to react is to listen to the plain truth, not matter how cruel and hard to listen it is. I also was cheated once and have a lot of experience in relationship to try and give you some guidance to get your shit together and begin to heal after this f*k up situation. Here we go..

    Yes it is.
    She fucked up big time, she need to move out of the apartment right now. Be a f*king man, she disrespect you in the worst way she can do and you are still putting up with it and living with her like nothing happened. Ask her to leave, if she refuses take your name off the lease and move out within 1 week. Crash on your parents place.. some friend place.. a hotel.. it doesn't matter get out of there. Don't spend another minute with her, remove her completely from your life. It's the only way to begin to heal, the only way to move on with your life. Living with her for 90 days is going to be an agony for you, don't do that to yourself.
    This is a very understandable feeling in you situation, I've been there but eventually I regained trust in woman and started new relationships.
    There are woman that when their needs are not been met in a relationship they start to align a replacement and when they found one they cheat on you without any remorse. This is normally the behavior of a damaged girl that can't break up with you in a healthy way, take a time to heal and then start again to date.
    They always need to be dating someone, they are not happy been alone.. when their current boy is not enough for her.. they just simply cheat..
    If you have been cheated on every relationship, means that your partners are not respecting you as a partner and they are also cheater. So you need to work on what are you doing in the relationship to make them not respect you (that typically happen to the "nice guys" that let the woman walk all over them on the relationship) and start to choose better woman, read better red flags, etc.
    If you think it's going to help then give it a go.
    Worst thing you can do, you are not standing up for you and you know it is wrong and it's eating you alive. You are suffering in silence.
    That's because she have no respect for you at all, she cheated on you repetitively for years.. it wasn't a drunk kiss in a bar.. it's years of cheating on you with different guys.
    She cheated for years.. she is going to keep doing it. why? she cheated on you, you find out and nothing happens! you are still living together.. you are acting like nothing happens. She make a hugh f*k up and had no punishment for it, she get away with years of cheating and you did nothing. This is going to make her more comfortable about cheating on you, her respect for you as a man at this point is none-existing. She is going to cheat on you even more than before, that's a fact..
    It is your fault to not met her needs, yes it is. It is your fault she cheated on you? of course not! if she is not happy in the relationship she need to break up with you and move on, that's what a healthy woman will do... but a damaged woman is going to just cheat on you and blame you for it. She is not going to take responsibility on it, just it is the way she is.
    This is what people with good communication skills do.
    And every time you just got over it, you just do what she wanted to keep her with you, that's weak and make her not respect you. Maybe if you start to stand up for what you want and don't let woman walk all over you like this, maybe they are going to respect you more and don't cheat on you.
    I totally agree with you in this statement.
    More lies.. she is trying to make it look less bad than what it is... at the end of the day, cheating is cheating. Of course she f*d all that guys up.. you have all the evidence in the word she cheated, she confessed it to you and not only she never apologize for it she had the audacity to tell you to get over it like it was nothing and you are crazy.

    Then do it, kick her out or leave but don't wait. do it rights now, she is a lost cause and is draining your life away every minute you spend living with her.

    Hope you get a little shaken by my words and start making actions for you to get better.
    Good luck!!
  6. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Oh, she only had oral sex? Well that doesn’t count, now does it...

    Her unwillingness to come clean, be honest or refrain from arguing/get over it behavior clearly means she has no intention to work things out.

    as @Psalm27:1my light points out, she may have a problem deeper than just infidelity.

    mat any rate, I think your decision to end it and move on is correct. It sucks, but sometimes it’s the only choice.
    Fat Boy likes this.
  7. BreakingDawn

    BreakingDawn Fapstronaut


    Reading your posts, I see a man who sucks at setting boundaries. Maybe he doesn't value himself highly enough to tell other people - especially his gf - how he wants to he treated.

    I suck(ed) at setting boundaries too. I was afraid it would damage my relationship with my wife. Turns out it's the opposite. Setting boundaries has actually brought out a version of her that I really, really like.

    Your relationship with this woman is probably over. You can't trust her. Do what you gotta do.

    But don't forget that you will take your same codependent, poor-boindaries-setting self into any relationship. Find somewhere to work on that. You can find resources on YouTube. DM me if you'd like some suggestions on what helped me.
    Branchman likes this.
  8. eric9000k

    eric9000k Fapstronaut


    I'll give you some good free advice this morning my friend.

    First off, don't obsess over whether you have HPV? lol. If you do have it - it will never go away. If you don't, you will soon enough. You only live once man. Until you get a full on outbreak of warts all over your d*** just relax about that because (ESPECIALLY) because this virus like all viruses is suppressed by a healthy immune system not overburdened by stress or distress. If you've been brainwashed into thinking you now have to warn every partner in your life that you may have been exposed to HPV you're a total nerd.

    Second. THE STREETS. Do - you - get - what - I - am - saying - bro - ?
    When I was in my mid 20s I went all crusade on my long time gf as I started going through her phones and shit finding more and more older evidence of her unfaithful ways. Don't let it send you into any kind of spiral. Grow up and accept that women / people are like this, for a bit, and that the only thing you can ever do about it is CHOOSE CAREFULLY. Don't buy any crap about "not all ______", EVER, because yes, ALL people have the capacity to be tremendously good and tremendously bad. So just choose carefully.

    Last free advices - you will feel better about yourself if you announce your departure in advance and stick to it as long as you don't put yourself at risk from some kind of petty retaliation. Ghosting a situation is not respectable even if it is common. Kicking her out is also an option but only if she is decent enough to not be petty about it DON'T GET INTO A BATTLE WITH THIS PERSON she already betrayed you and is failing at placating the situation. You could find yourself in a frenzy of cops and lawyers before you even realize it.
    Icouldprobablyhelp likes this.
  9. johndoeplaceholder

    johndoeplaceholder Fapstronaut

    Thanka everyone for your words of wisdom,i am taking all the necessary steps in order to move forward with my life. I am going to take a LONGGGGGGG break from dating and women in order to focus doing shit that i like to do. I am currently finishing up school and then i plan on moving shortly afterwards to a new state and hitting the reset button on my life
  10. fadedfidelity

    fadedfidelity Fapstronaut

    Funny, but this is exactly what the SO's are dealing with from the PA's. Reverse the roles and see that she has a problem too and is gaslighting you like a PA would do to their SO. You are both better off without each other. Focus on healing yourself and let her deal with her issues on her own too. Best of luck to you!
    Fat Boy likes this.
  11. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    of course that's all that happened.
  12. Icouldprobablyhelp

    Icouldprobablyhelp Fapstronaut

    Stay NoFap brother.. you'll get through this.. my advice is to get blowjobs from her and nut on her face as often as you can before you move out.. that's wat I would do.. all while moving on with my life, I hope you never watch porn again or masturbate anymore.. you don't need it, your life will change forsure and you will find that faithful girl one day...
  13. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    That seems like poor advice - both from a "good person" perspective and an addict perspective.
  14. Icouldprobablyhelp

    Icouldprobablyhelp Fapstronaut

    bro when was the last time you flapped?
  15. Icouldprobablyhelp

    Icouldprobablyhelp Fapstronaut

    wrong he"ll feel better.. he needs to honestly all while never jackin it... no telling when he's gonna get over this but don't let these bad apples spoil you and make you depressed and pmo you gotta man up.. ghost her if you want to.. you choice just DON'T JACK OFF.... sex her if you need to but distance yourself because the relationship is over bruh it's never gonna leave your mind what she did
  16. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    He'll feel better in the same way that looking at porn will make him feel better. It would be bad advice to tell a woman who's husband has been looking at porn or paying money via onlyfans - creating betrayal trauma and emotional separation - to write him off and get sexual revenge and ghost him. It's similarly bad advice to tell a man the same advice who is experiencing the same emotions.

    It's not going to help him in the long term - it's not going to help him process things.
    Roady likes this.
  17. Icouldprobablyhelp

    Icouldprobablyhelp Fapstronaut

    it's rude for her to cheat... and it wouldn't create tension if he just used her for sex until he left.. he doesn't even have to argue with her he's already ghosting her it sounds like he's good at hiding his emotion anyways so what's a few parting blowjobs and a facial gonna hurt.. fuck her feelings anyways
  18. HOLY SHIT NOOOOO. You have to talk about this, but try to avoid being confrontational and have a straightforward discussion. Ignoring or suppressing your feelings is a massive no-no. Plus eventually she will probably find out that you know anyway. You don't have to stay in the relationship, but after knowing this person (I'm assuming you like her or possibly love her) for 5 years it would be weird to just walk away and say nothing. At least get an explanation or something.
    unnamed friend and +TenPercent like this.
  19. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Please don’t do like Will Smith.
  20. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I would move as you are planning to get a fresh start and fresh scenery. I'm on the edge as to whether you should give her a heads-up (the mature thing to do) or just last minute notice (seeming all she deserves) - your choice. I would try to spend the remaining time as drama free and especially not inject any hate or guile or venom in the situation, as rightful anger or even revenge, right now. Try to take an upper road so that you won't regret any bad actions later. I also would just focus on your schooling right now and perhaps bettering yourself in any other way, including PMO recovery, if that's an issue for you here. I wouldn't think about another relationship right now or in the near future even - it may prove to be just a rebound or another dysfunctional pattern once again. If you think you could benefit from some therapy, you may consider that, too, after you get established elsewhere.

    Best wishes!
    Roady likes this.