The START 2021 STRONGER Challenge [CLOSED]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. Brahmacharya_UK

    Brahmacharya_UK Fapstronaut

    Hey man don't beat yourself up about your lapse. It can happen to any one of us. You had noticed that these lapses start with a feeling, or a seemingly innocent action.

    You haven't failed, just as long as you learn from the lapse if you have a rlapse prevention plan, then update it accordingly.

    And by the beginning of January you will have a good amount of recovery, so long as you GET BACK ON THIS NOW.

    There is no reason January will not be good for you, because you are staying this process now. Forget NEW YEARS RESOLUTION, this is a resolution for the HERE AND NOW.

    You will be successful, I have faith in you.

    Peace ✌
    ☸ Brahmacharya ☸

  2. I added you to the PLATINUM tier based on your 5 day counter. Good luck on this challenge.
    TudoBem23 likes this.
  3. The_Director

    The_Director Fapstronaut

    Day 12. Still feeling uneasy and "on edge" sometimes, although I have not looked at anything bad. I guess it is urges that are coming in. I know from experience that if I continue to deal with them appropriately, they will go away. I am just relaxing when they come by.
  4. New Focus

    New Focus Fapstronaut

    Yes, I realized that after I wrote that. Its still good though, 90 days on Jan. 1.
  5. Here's a good lesson for us all. You've likely heard of the slippery slope as it applies in life. Making small poor choices that have little consequences leading to slightly larger but still inconsequential poor choices leading still to larger and possibly consequential poor choices which ultimately lead to an absolutely consequential poor choice that one regrets.

    Don't turn in an assignment because you wanted to play xbox.
    Skip school for a day to hang out with a friend.
    Fake an illness to skip multiple days.
    Get a class. Consequences.

    Reading the 3 comments I've chosen to highlight here I want to bring to light the common thread...the slippery slope.

    Staring off looking at or thinking about sex or women in a way that we think is just outside if our trigger zone. What is that safe zone, really? How many of us "know ourselves".

    For me in my journal I've described moments where I'm totally fine, and walking through my house and as if someone literally whispers "porn" in my ear, I turn into the bathroom, click on a p site, and just start to MO. Unconsciously almost. Then my brain catches up...I say "No" don't do it. Too late... the ritual has begun.

    Have I stopped myself? Yes. But my batting average is way low here. I strike out 80-90%.

    So I've been at this for 9 months. I'm starting to know myself. Yet..just 20 days ago I relapsed. Why is that? The answer is the slippery slope.

    Some of the folks on here mention being tempted and looking at stuff they're not sure if it's okay. Some look but don't touch. That's MAY work for you. But it doesn't for me. And from my hours spent reading people's stories in their didn't work for lots of others.

    My suggestion here isn't about what to do. What's good or okay. My suggestion is GET TO KNOW YOURSELF. Figure it out.

    Is that random lingerie page in the department store mailer a problem? You say no, but 10 minutes later you're still thinking about it and then you go fishing on instagram for sometimes slightly more interesting. Oh, look, that favorite model has her ___ showing again.

    Then your brain lingers there, you may remember some other things like experiences you've had or other things you've seen in the past. Is it graphic?

    Keeping on the slippery slope. You see a girl. You may know her, you may not. For me... it's probably my own wife. I look at her with the wolf's eye. I'm further down the slippery slope. I want what I see. Maybe you make a move that leads to sex. Maybe it leads to rejection. Or maybe you skip that and go straight to some of your favorite sure thing...PMO. Dopamine rush galore, guaranteed orgasm.

    You relapsed. Why? It was 3 days ago you saw that woman in her underwear in a department store ad.


    This is just an example. This could happen in 20 minutes or over the course of a few days. The point is that your addict brain catches a glimpse of something, doesn't let go, keeps seeking something a little bit better until it is found...and when OUR addict brain finds that thing it's looking for - you're going to relapse.

    So I ask again...what is your safe space circle? What is inside and outside of your trigger space? If you read my little story did your circle get bigger (more tolerance to do stuff) or smaller (more restrictions on what is safe)?

    In the early stages.... all of us.......anything, anywhere, anyone, can be the match that ignites the fire of lust, desire, fantasy, fetish, love....etc.

    Stay aware. Wishing you all strength.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2020
  6. New Focus

    New Focus Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the great message of encouragement. I have learned from the reset, but honestly, it is always the same lesson.
    Lesson is always that I can not indulge in psub types of things and I need a better way on how to handle urges when they come along.

    Lastly, I have NEVER edged before. The only reason I did so yesterday was simply I thought it was a loophole to keep my counter going and to remain in the challenge. I realized that is the wrong focus. I hope the next 89 days will be successful, but most of all, I want change in how I think- that will be real success.

    I also realized how important it is to identify just what a relapse is. Actual definition is a return to addictive behavior, which we mostly refer to as PMO. In my own definition, once you approach PMO, it is too late, the line has to be closer if the goal is to become a different person. My definition going forward will be intentional entry of the funnel.

    Day 1...
  7. New Focus

    New Focus Fapstronaut

    Excellent write up BC and something I would have taken better command of. Why did I relapse, it was in fact 3 days ago that I first made that first bad decision, all the while justifying why it was actually acceptable. To me this is the real problem, the justifications because this is all in our minds, it all starts and ends in our minds.

    I can see that we tend to ask the wrong questions of ourselves. The question is not what can I do and still not cross that line into porn, it is what can I do to be as safe as possible.
  8. Nice work! Those urges will become easier to ignore after a while.
  9. Here's another truth. It does get easier to manage..
  10. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry for your relapse, NF, but appreciative of your realizations. You describe a spiral that I'm altogether familiar with myself - and one that I fear, especially with my own dabbling in searches - as it only takes one search, even if a hundred were previously and victoriously resisted. I understand but am somewhat concerned with your "new definition" going forward as "relapse is...intentional entry into the funnel." My only problem with the definition, which I have so very been through myself, is thinking that after such "intentional" (or even unintentional) entry into the funnel, I have already relapsed and therefore I might as well go all the way - which has so often been my behavior in the past. It's like the theology I've misinterpreted, twisted, and taken wrongly that if one lusts in one's heart and thinks of another woman, then one has already committed "adultery" (or fornication, or P, or whatever sin) with her in his heart. And, while this may be true on some level, it isn't equal to throwing one's hands up and just relapsing with PMO to completion or any illicit sexual behavior to completion. It is still, presumably possible, to salvage one's situation before full relapse and not go through with it, as difficult as that may be. I have never succeeded in doing it when I cross a certain line too far. It's also one of my fears. But, I imagine that it would be a true picture of the onset of real recovery if there are actual occasions when one indeed turns around after crossing such lines, especially if one doesn't usually do so. There are no missing links in the "recovery" fossil record; we should be able to find evidence of all the "in-betweens" in a real recovery excavation. It would be an extremely positive sign that one's behavior is turning around in these in-between times, until such crossings are no longer part of our repertoire. Yet, on the other hand, your new definition has some merit, but I would just tweak it a little, which I am going to do for myself; you may decide your own path. Rather than thinking about "crossing the line" as being an intentional embrace of relapse, I'm going to think of it more as an intentional embrace of occasions that can lead to relapse. For me there's a subtle but important difference. I have to know during such moments, should they arise, that I can still pull back, however far I cross the line, and not consider it a relapse. I would consider it a great offence of intentionally putting myself in harm's way and allowing myself to be tempted, which I have no moral right to do, but that's a different confession altogether. Best wishes!

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2020
    BrohkenCompass, tonyk1982 and Teutão like this.
  11. New Focus

    New Focus Fapstronaut

    Joe, this is indeed the very issue that I too have issue with. In fact, it is what happened yesterday. To be clear, what I was viewing was porn, even if I was not an actual porn site, still, once I realized that for my recovery, viewing porn is a relapse, I did make it official with the MO.
    Relapse for me continues to be nakedness of my porn type because once I reach that point, PMO will happen.

    Good to see your post here Joe and you are making very valid points which I will incorporate going forward.
    The_Director and BrohkenCompass like this.
  12. TheManInTheArena

    TheManInTheArena Fapstronaut

    Well, here I am, on Day 5.

    Gonna spend today going to some support meetings, and look for somebody to be my sponsor (I also do the 12-step stuff). My actions define my willingness. If I take no action today, then my recovery is super duper questionable. Keeping it simple with a couple concrete actions today, let's me know I am willing and have a desire to stay on course. It also lets me know that I have given up the reigns, and am turning it over to others that actually are in recovery and are having success. So all I really have to do, is ask, and follow directions.

    Happy Sunday!

  13. Dragydof

    Dragydof Fapstronaut

    Day 2. I was at work today (I work at a coffee place). Last time I relapsed I had a day at work where I couldn't get the pretty women out my head. I'm having a real hard time with seeing so much different women every time I work for 8 hours straight. Gives me a real hard time staying focused. Coming back exhausted from a long day of work and having build up the sexual energy because I saw all the women, it's risky business.

    Today I didn't really obsess about the women that I saw. Today is a good day :).
    Definitely not going to relapse. Tomorrow I got a audition for a band so I'm going to be sharp.
  14. _Just_For_PRJ_

    _Just_For_PRJ_ Fapstronaut

    I watched stupidest thing but Ididn't relapse
    Just a min before I was watching stupidest thing p
    This happened like this .....
    I was surfing on web about nofap benefits.. then there was one line saying that by doing nofap , you become horny*

    My brain was literally vibrating to search that word on web. I knew the meaning of that word, yet l searched on web (subconsciously my mind knew what images would come, maybe thats why it happened)

    Then got stupid by one.....going on....then I guess I lost my control and said to myself that I will watch only images, only 5 images of p:emoji_disappointed:
    Then I was sooo uncontrolled that I clicked on image link and watched that for 12 min. At the end I guess my Good Brain woke up and said "what The hell is going, STOP THIS CRAP!!!"



    I don't wanna go back to those DARK DAYS OF MY LIFE
    tonyk1982 and BrohkenCompass like this.
  15. Sorry to hear that you looked a P. I used to struggle with searching whatever I felt like searching on the internet. That got me into trouble with P many, many times. That was a behavior that I had to give up in order to overcome my addiction to P. You can start off with an innocent word and end up at P very easily. You can find whatever you’re looking for on the internet. My advice to you is to stay off search engines. Before you search, ask yourself this question: “do I really need to know this?” Or “what would happen if I didn’t look this up? Would it really matter?”. More often than not, you’ll decide that you don’t need to look it up. The internet is a minefield. Don’t go snooping around unless you have a specific purpose or you’ll end up getting taken down by PMO.
  16. _Just_For_PRJ_

    _Just_For_PRJ_ Fapstronaut

    Thanks Buddy...
    New decisions

    I won't end my Streak That easy

    Feeling better now...



    Even if you are out of urges or you have controlled heavy urges too
    That's the key


    Actually I made a mistake, thinking that "I am too long from pmo now, I can watch a bit of images " here I lost my discipline
    So people always treat yourself in soldier discipline

    Sorry people,
    Everything occurred all of a sudden
    - Got urges
    - watched stupid things
    - didn't relapse
    - made some good decisions
    - now motivated
    - back on track

    The day was bit confusing


    When you've been fighting for it all your life
    You've been struggling to make things right

    That's how a superhero learns to fly

  17. Nice plan! Stick with it and you shouldn’t have search engine problems anymore. Nice work! :)
  18. Checking In. Still clean. Still Strong. Real relationships.