Can't get the dirty thoughts out of my head

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Belching_Booch, Aug 7, 2020.

  1. Belching_Booch

    Belching_Booch Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 3, which is nothing for many of you, but for someone who up until three days ago used to masturbate numerous times a day its quite difficult. First two days weren't bad, but all I can find myself thinking about today is getting a fix. I'm even getting turned on just browsing random anime subreddits (not hentai). I need to quit because I'm dealing with on and off ED for the past 5 years, and I think a lot of it has to do with how frequently I masturbated during this time period. Haven't had sex in nearly three years now, so beating my meat has become quite the addiction. Any tips or help would be appreciated. I think I'll try to work out even though I'm super low energy today.
    BlueBallsOG likes this.
  2. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    Exercise definitely helps, I would also recommend spending time away from devices/internet for a little bit.
    khabastos and BlueBallsOG like this.
  3. r8js

    r8js Fapstronaut

    It's time change ur bad habits And start doing good habits........
    khabastos and BlueBallsOG like this.
  4. The ED will heal itself once you get the hang of going without PMO. I have been free of porn for years. I am literally terrified of porn now since I know what it does to me. And I know my triggers that lead to porn (most likely all of our triggers):

    Cute feet. Yoga pants. Bikini pics. Short-shorts. These can be seen anywhere. And they used to all lead back to the "erotic art" websites eventually (for me).

    Something that really helps me deal with avoiding pornography is that I consider porn to be a narcotic, weaponized, population control medium designed to turn a normal man into a drooling, lethargic canine after it blasts out all of the neural pathways in his brain. I believe this to be fact. Porn is a weapon. After I figured this out I used my sacred gift of anger to power my resistance against it in the spirit of self-defence.

    If seen in this way, porn is a f-cking leash. And ain't nobody getting another leash around my neck. Ever again. Ever.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2020
  5. BlueBallsOG

    BlueBallsOG Fapstronaut

    True, the porn industry is no better than the tabaco industry or pablo escpbars cocain empire
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Quitterrr

    Quitterrr Fapstronaut

    Still, the thoughts are normal at the beginning of rebooting, it's really hard to brush off, but once u do it, itill be a bit easier
  7. This is great. This is exactly what I am talking about. Porn is kept in place on purpose to weed out the weak and/or test their strength of recovery from mistakes with serious consequences.

    Just like tobacco, alcohol, and now cannabis (in Canada): they are all legal, "man-made" Darwinian testing mechanisms to separate the weak from the strong. Of course, people can go back and forth on these being weak one day and strong the next.

    Ironically, for those of us who fall into these traps, we learn to become stronger than we ever could have been had we avoided them for our whole lives.
  8. n7elite30

    n7elite30 Fapstronaut

    In my experience so far, which is still a lot less than many others on here, what has helped me the most is self-reflection and self-improvement. Just dodging triggers and trying not to think about porn isn't enough. With that approach, you're still giving porn power over your life. It's just fear instead of pleasure. Take the time you used to spend PMOing and use it to become the best "you" you can be. If you think you need to get in shape, start building up to a regular exercise routine. If you like to read, buy yourself some books on a topic you think you need to improve in. I don't know you but, in my case, I want to be better at making friends and valuing myself more so I'm reading self-help books about that.

    Working through underlying emotional or psychological factors that may have led to my addiction by talking with a counselor has also helped me a great deal. Getting that unbiased professional opinion can be crucial in noticing things you say or do that you might never have noticed before. Counselors literally get *paid* to help you with the problems you bring to them so you know they don't have any ulterior motives when you speak to them.

    Also, considering you're starting out in much the same position that I did (PMO multiple times a day), I will tell you that it will be VERY hard starting out. When I first got serious about quitting, there were a few months where the best I could do was about three days. It sucked. I hated how weak-willed I was and I hated myself for letting it get so bad. But I stuck with it and eventually I made a week, then two weeks, and now I'm already past the 3-week mark and still going! I don't know about anyone else but I, for one, would be incredibly impressed if someone was able to just decide one day to never watch porn again and succeed on the very first try.

    With that said, there needs to be a balance. Don't use that as an excuse to relapse but do use it as a reason not to beat yourself up and give in to guilt and shame if you do relapse. Just pick yourself up, figure out where you went wrong, and do better the next time!

    Anyway, all that is what has helped me. I don't know about other folks. Hopefully, some of this will help you out too!
    Deleted Account and r8js like this.
  9. Belching_Booch

    Belching_Booch Fapstronaut

    Incredible reply! I also have many triggers similar to yours and more. I actually ended up deactivating and removing Instagram from my phone because to me it was more addicting than porn. I literally collected hundreds of screenshots of these bikini models, and would get off to that more than to traditional porn. Anyway how, do you handle these triggers? They are literally everywhere! I even get turned on watching some anime or TV shows, it sucks. I started doing Squats and Crunches every time I get an urge haha
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Belching_Booch

    Belching_Booch Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the detailed reply. I'm about to go on day four now, so things are looking up again. I work out every day and have been watching lots of motivational videos on YouTube. The crux of my issue is that sex and women have dominated every ounce of my thoughts for the past few years. It's truly a "reboot" in every sense of the word. I'm focusing on myself and my own mental wellbeing for the first time in years.
    n7elite30 likes this.
  11. Thanks for your reply and kinds words and congratulations for focusing on yourself now. This is the best way to begin.

    For me, first and foremost, the main strategy I use to handle triggers is a strong desire to not give in. The desire to succeed must be stronger than the triggers. Use righteous indignation. Get angry. Cry it out. Remember why you're doing this. Straighten up your back when you stand. Stare at the sky when you walk, not the ground.

    Know that these triggers are not accidents, but put there on purpose to turn men into dogs. Know thy enemy.

    Want to handle triggers? Become stronger. There is no other way. Know that the triggers are out there. Expect them. These triggers are designed to make men f-ck their hands instead of women to keep the population growth at bay.

    Lusting after sex all day and night is not normal. Men are programmed to do this from their teenage years. Undo your programming. Nothing helps more than a powerful, genuine desire to succeed and be free. Just like stopping smoking, cannabis and alcohol. You must want success more than failure.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2020
    GloriousBastard likes this.
  12. GloriousBastard

    GloriousBastard Fapstronaut

    Great words Hyperdrive. I am close to 100days soft mode and I'm pushing forward to cure my PIED. I see the light and I will get there!
    thikk and Deleted Account like this.
  13. Excellent work GloriousBastard! The PIED will be cured for sure, 100%. The body and mind will recover when enough time has gone by. I don't think I had PIED back in my PMO days but I was close... really close, at the beginning stages of PIED. I sensed something was happening to me.

    It was then when I began to research porn addiction and its effects on the well-being of a man's brain and body. I am so glad I did.

    Hang in there GloriousBastard. You will make it.
    GloriousBastard likes this.
  14. thikk

    thikk Fapstronaut

    By the way, I just remembered that there was gentleman who said it took him 8 months to heal pied in a post, but it was softmode. He had a wife and they kept trying, so technically the wife would relieve him but no pills or anything. After 6 months with slow improvement on pied he asked the wife to allow him to do a conplete hardmode. He was healed 2 months later. So maybe this could be a suggestion.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. Great post. I would recommend hardmode for faster recovery for sure.