Looking for secular, health-oriented friends here

A group for members of all religions, or no religion at all, to talk about religion

  1. TheInnerWilds

    TheInnerWilds Fapstronaut

    Hi there,

    Today's day 50 of my 90 day hard-mode goal. It's been a positive experience overall. A lot of new and wonderful things and people have come into my life since beginning the NoFap practice. I bought a farm and am in the process of starting a Re-Wilding and Equestrian Therapeutic center up there in the mountains of Colorado. I'm also doing further research and education into client-based sexual healing and tantric practices. I'm quite happy with the direction my life is going in. I feel relatively peaceful and calm much of the time. Depression, social anxiety, and irritability have all quieted down. My health, fitness, and ability to focus seem to be increasing almost daily. The effort this practice has taken has been well worth it thus far.

    I'm posting here in search of greater connection within this community. I first joined NoFap under the impression that this is a sex-positive forum. But I see far more highly religious, anti-sexuality, guilt-ridden, and woman-hating posts here than I could have ever anticipated. Men referring to women who are open and adventurous sexually as whores, and speaking hatefully of sex workers, quoting bible verses as they do so. Many of my friends are sex workers. I'm on the fringes of being a sex-worker myself- it's astoundingly powerful therapeutic work, work I'm proud to be doing in the world.
    I would love to connect with more sex-positive, like-minded people on here who are engaging with the NoFap practice as a way to enhance their sex life, who see NoFap as a way to celebrate their sexuality, not as an exercise in guilt, religiosity, or sex/body/woman-shaming.
    If sex and pleasure is something you believe should be celebrated, and that NoFap/brahmacharya is a pathway to honor this aspect of life, please hit me up! I'd love to meet more people with similar values to my own here.

    Peace and strength on your journey, whatever your reasons for it may be! ✌
  2. I will come back to see you at day 90 . Keep it up brother
    HyacinthHellwaters and Happah19 like this.
  3. Adam_714

    Adam_714 Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 53. I'll return to report on my NOFAP journey on this post once I'm done with 90 days.
  4. Congratulations for doing it Ahmed , this is so easy
    Happah19 and ahmed_jimmie like this.
  5. Stay away from lion profile pictures.

    And congrats on 54 days. Holy fuck.
  6. TheInnerWilds

    TheInnerWilds Fapstronaut

    What's the deal with the lion profile pictures? Haven't come across any of those yet. Just seen enough bible-quoting holier-than-thou posts to make me question if this forum is the right place for me or not. I am finding more like-minded people though, which has been good. I see NoFap as a way to undo all the religious programming that led to porn abuse in the first place, not as a way to reaffirm it. Glad there are a handful of others thinking the same way.

    Also, thanks! It's been an amazing journey so far. Just noticed this morning how many porn-watching dreams I've been having the past few weeks. Really shows me how much there is to heal if I'm dreaming of watching porn instead of dreaming about being with actual women. All the same, depression, anxiety, and irritability have all been at their lowest since I was a pretty young kid. Life is good and getting better all the time.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. Thanks for the post, which I related to. This has been surprisingly liberating and sex-positive for me. I began to understand myself with a new clarity. I shed a good amount of shame that I didn’t even realize I was harboring, and my sex life has improved a lot. Good luck with your new business!
  8. TheInnerWilds

    TheInnerWilds Fapstronaut

    Way to go man, 251 days is incredible! I've learned a lot about myself sexually as well. Turns out, women like me a lot more than I realized. I was just carrying so much shame that I was literally cock-blocking and friend-zoning myself and wasn't even aware of it.
    red gyarados and Marshall 5 like this.
  9. It just means they're a Christian, most of the time. I meant it as sort of a jest.

    And yeah, that happens to me too. After about 2-3 weeks I start having dreams where I relapse to porn, and it's usually my last dream before I wake up. Then I'm usually confused because my brain thinks I just relapsed but I actually didn't.
    HyacinthHellwaters likes this.
  10. becomingreat

    becomingreat Fapstronaut

    I can relate to most of what you wrote and as I feel lonely in this stage of my life Id like to have nice friends so if you're interested lets share ids and connect.
    HyacinthHellwaters likes this.
  11. Raven King

    Raven King Fapstronaut

    As someone who is a believer, this made me laugh. You are spot on. Most Christians are very predictable and easy to spot. Not very open to discuss things that don't fit their neat box of beliefs. Many are judgemental too, despite Jesus saying not to judge others.

    No matter what your beliefs are, keeping an open mind will make you wiser. And it's okay to disagree with someone, just don't be a dick about it.
  12. Overhaul

    Overhaul Fapstronaut

    Yes many of the posters seem to have formed the same addictive unquestioning fervent relationship with religion that they previously had with porn. Are they substituting one for the other?
    HyacinthHellwaters likes this.
  13. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    You might like the SynergyExplorers website.
    HyacinthHellwaters likes this.
  14. Beautiful story! Thank you for speaking your truth and opening the door to many friendships. This place seems to go through waves and we tend to remember the less pleasant ones we encounter, but overall a good place to get started on a path to healing if you’re coming from porn addiction and shame ridden isolation. There are many paths that fork from there and I like the variety of people that this global (can I call it a spiritual crisis/ malady?) bring together for a common goal, even if the approaches are different.

    I am especially grateful for the validation that porn addiction is a true and very detrimental issue for those who are amongst communities or families that simply won’t see it’s such, even if the person suffering wants to change and asks for that acknowledgement for reasons of accountability. That’s crazy to me that denial on this issue is so rampant that somebody in need of help can’t even be acknowledged as such. If somebody came to me claiming that they suffer from a horrible addiction to browsing and buying books at Barnes and noble, I would at least understand that the compulsion is obstructing their quality of life and they are brave enough to admit something of their weakness.

    Anyways, thank you for making a point of respecting and not blanket marginalizing sex workers. I was a cam girl for a few years and while I don’t do that anymore, I feel that some of the talk on here is very negative and full of assumptions and blame for problems nobody can blame for but their own choices. Not every sex worker is a morally challenged money mongering predator. truth is that the practices that are most popular are developed through the patrons by demand. If anything, the industry has exploited most of us to reap maximum profits from the traffic to such sites. The return rate on most cam sites is insulting and encourages the most shameless and desperate models to mass market themselves. I rejected that approach and made mine based on my real values, which made me very little income but brought me some meaningful and lasting friendships (which got me through a really difficult transition when my health failed and I had to leave the public eye). It taught me that true nature of humanity is loving kindness which can be found ANYWHERE you go, if you are receptive and humble.
  15. outkasted

    outkasted Fapstronaut

    I'm trying to break out of the abstinence / binge cycle and so far failing at it, but eventually I want to consistently avoid porn so that I can have a healthy dating and sex life once covid19 stay at home orders end. Seeing this post is refreshing.
  16. Raven King

    Raven King Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear you are amongst the non-judgmental and proudly spreading God's truth to all humans. Just try sounding a little less threatening. God is love, after all ; )
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Okay, I’m sure there were times when I was. Most of the time, I try not to be. What God called his people to do, spread his truth and word throughout the world. I’m not threatening. What I said is true. People will face God almighty for what they have done. Yes God is love, but he hates sin. I’m not saying anything more because I don’t want to be, “judgmental”.
  18. Raven King

    Raven King Fapstronaut

    I don't want to hijack OPs thread and make it a theological debate, but according to the bible, Christ died for the sins of the world. God is not going to judge you based on your works, he already judged you based on what Christ did. That is the gospel and the point of God's grace. God did for us what we cannot do ourselves. If you think you can save yourself by good works then Jesus died for nothing. If we are all being judged based on our works, we would all go to hell, because "none is righteous, not one".
    I'd love to continue this conversation with you in a private message, Grant.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Yeah, I understand. Yes, that is true, he did. Well, he’ll judge on how we lived our lives. We will be rewarded or judge by what we have done. Yes, you are right. That’s the gospel and point of grace. You are also right, we couldn’t save ourselves so Christ took our place and put his life on the line for us. That’s how much God loved us. (John 3:16-17). I don’t believe that and the only way to be saved is by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Again, we will rewarded or punished by what we have done, how we lived our lives. I also understand and agree. You are right, no one is. Yeah, that would be great.
  20. red gyarados

    red gyarados Fapstronaut
