Serious question from a newbie...

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by JJohnson, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fapstronaut

    Hi guys,

    My name is J.Johnson and I have been lurking here for a few weeks and have currently gone 11 days without twirling my lasso. I'm married with two kids and have another on the way. My five year old is currently sleeping in our marital bed due to the night terrors and as you can imagine I have been pretty sexually deprived lately. I had begun to fall down the rabbit hole with an assortment of pornography and have become sick of myself and my depravity. It was time that I pulled the plug (no pun intended) on masturbation.

    My question is this. I'm a little worried right now. I just went to the restroom for my daily 10am bowel movement and I think I pooped some jizz out. Is it possible that the sperm could have backed up enough that one of my testicles has burst? There is some slight discomfort in the area behind my scrotum, but not necessarily a lot of pain. Is it possible that it's not jizz that I pooped out? What else could it be? Should I go to a doctor?
  2. Dailydoer

    Dailydoer Fapstronaut

  3. Dailydoer

    Dailydoer Fapstronaut

    Ok. So, don't worry. I am not a doctor or anything but, no one ever pooped sperm (not that I know of). So relax, it probably is just something you ate. And good going 11 days is good. Keep going! On a side note, if, however, this keeps on going then you should go to the doctor. But, nevertheless, I'm sure it's not sperm. :)
  4. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Is this a serious question? How did you see sperm in the toilet after taking a poop?
  5. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure if this is a serious question, but I'll answer anyway. I felt a warm liquid. I looked in the toilet and it was a white gooey substance that looks like sperm. Believe me, I know what sperm looks like. I've been doing this a long time.
  6. Limeaid

    Limeaid Guest

    Ok I just googled "can sperm come out when you poop" and got lots of forums with the same question so it sounds like some men experience this. You may need to see your dr though.

    Here is a resource:
  7. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fapstronaut

    Mother of God. I'm on my way to the ER. I do not want to lose a testicle.
  8. J.S. Roberts

    J.S. Roberts New Fapstronaut

    Not trying to get too personal but, how do I say this delicately, have you swallowed anything that resembles what came out?
  9. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I don't know why there is so much confusion, this is a well-known situation. When there is excess semen the body wishes to expel, it does so via a nocturnal emission, sometimes by releasing some when we use the toilet or it simply get reabsorbed by he body. All of this is normal and noting to worry about J Johnson. The ache or discomfort you can feel from your testicle is vasocongestion or blue balls. Please do not go rushing off to hospital or you will be truly embarrassed! It is all good buddy.
    JJohnson likes this.
  10. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fapstronaut

    I ate some yogurt yesterday and my wife made me a sandwich yesterday that had mayo on it. Do you think that could be it?
  11. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the reply @IGY . I'm in the waiting room at the clinic now. I decided against the ER. I was due a checkup anyway and I think I'll just casually mention the poopsperm. We'll see how it goes. I believe you and all. I just need to hear it from a doctor.
  12. IGY

    IGY Guest

    You are welcome. I really cannot believe you were freaked out like that from people on the site. :rolleyes: Confirmation is fair enough, but random people on the internet is not the best place for medical advice. Having said that, I have seen it discussed dozens of times in this forum without causing alarm. I am sorry you were mislead like that mate. :oops:
    JJohnson likes this.
  13. J.S. Roberts

    J.S. Roberts New Fapstronaut

    No, was thinking it may have come from a husband. I'm horrible, aren't I?

    Just know I'm sincere and will never judge.

    Sounds like a call to the doctor may be the right course of action.
    JJohnson likes this.
  14. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Come on man, food doesn't get sent to the kidney's and drained out via the bladder! Yoghurt and mayonnaise would be processed in the bowel, you must know that! o_O
  15. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fapstronaut

    Haha! That's funny! There's certainly nothing wrong with that, but that is definitely not the problem.
  16. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fapstronaut

    Good news guys! Nothing serious apparently. The doctor said that what I saw in the toilet was most likely just mucus. It's normal if your stomach is a little irritated. I did eat Taco Bell yesterday. That must've been it.

    She also confirmed the vasocongestion or blue balls possibility for the testicular discomfort. I was doubtful though because my balls weren't blue and there was no bruising. She cleared up my confusion and told me that your balls don't actually turn blue in color. That's just a figurative statement. She then offered to help with the discomfort.

    It's nice to have a little peace of mind. Thanks again for all the replies!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2015
  17. Pfree

    Pfree Fapstronaut

    You can have it in your pee if the sperm went the wrong way during ejaculation.
    I guess there could be a hidden passage to all the way back (or down, or whatever direction it is)

    But I'm still surprised people can actually SEE the sperm in their poop. You probably can only see that if you examine your poop like very closely
    Dailydoer likes this.
  18. IGY

    IGY Guest

    What I was referring to earlier was unused semen being discharged from your penis, which would also end up in the bowl with your poop. There is no way it would come from your bowel. @Pfree, there are no secret passages linking the urinary and excretory systems, lol! :D

    @JJohnson - What do you mean? "She then offered to help with the discomfort"?
  19. JJohnson

    JJohnson Fapstronaut

    She milked my prostate. I thought it was a good idea at the time and it did relieve the blue balls, but I felt bad about it afterwards and reset my counter.
  20. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Your doctor performed a sexual act on you in the consulting room? I don't believe it.
    Dailydoer likes this.